Wendy: "Hey, this chat group seems to be very powerful, and besides, it can even consume points to transfer items, so when I don't have money to drink and get deducted, I can ask the old man for help?" "

Zhongli: "..."Looking for help from yourself? Hehe, I'm afraid you're thinking too much.

And Keqing and Ningguang also have a general understanding of Wendy's character at this time, this guy seems to be a little out of tune!!

Keqing: "Chat groups can transfer items, why don't I know?" "

Madame Ping: "It should have been there just now, I felt that the speed of purifying the abyss filth had accelerated a lot. "

Keqing: "Is that so?" Thank you for your doubts! "

In reality, Ningguang stared at Keqing and said softly: "Keqing, what do you think about this matter?" "

"What do I think? How do I know what to see? Keqing rolled her eyes: "However, for us, this is definitely a good thing, although it costs points, but at a critical moment, this may play a vital role." "

Ning Guanghuan glanced at Keqing meaningfully, she felt that Keqing knew more than herself, but she didn't tell herself.

But it doesn't matter, this should have something to do with Muyang, hum, do you really think that if you don't tell yourself, you won't be able to investigate anything?

On the other side, Wendy also asked Muyang: "It's a magical ability, you can also download knowledge directly, and this basic internal skill, can I popularize it in Mondstadt?" "

Mu Yang also nodded slightly when he heard this: "The disadvantages of the Vision of God, I believe you also know, I plan to gradually replace the system of the Vision of God."

Of course, the premise is that I can bear it, and I hope that you can also purify the power of the abyss on a regular basis, which is also good for you, in addition to eliminating wear and tear, you can also improve your divine power or something. "

"Hey, I got it!

I'm afraid the old man is also trying to earn points now, right?

I didn't expect that the old man and I would one day need to work hard to make money! Wendy scratched the back of her head, and then her expression became serious, "I hope that some people who can join Mondstadt in the future, okay?"

Mondstadt needs a new wind! "

Mu Yang spread his hands, "I don't reject this, but Liyue has a lot of problems right now, but Mondstadt's problems seem to be more, right?"

The main forces of the Knights of Favonius have gone on an expedition, and now Mondstadt is supported by the acting head Jean.

I don't deny that Jean is a qualified knight, but she is not a qualified leader, and she has to deal with such trivial matters as finding a cat and a dog herself...

I doubt that the inhabitants of Mondstadt will be spoiled by her, or that one day, if they lose their harp, Mondstadt will be in turmoil. "

Wendy snorted in embarrassment, "Mondstadt isn't as bad as you say, is it?" "

"There's nothing wrong with Mondstadt's pursuit of freedom, but freedom can't be a manifesto, it can't go overboard, and it can't be based on infringing on the rights of others.

If Mondstadt continues to develop like this, sooner or later it will change for those countries. Mu Yang stared at Wendy and said, "Of course, I myself will not discriminate against Mondstadt.

Liyue also has a lot of problems, I've told Morax about all of them, and he's now testing Keqing and Ningguang.

Want to see how much difference they can bring to Liyue.

What about you? "

"Is that so?" Wendy rubbed her chin, "Since the old man is already preparing for change, I will naturally not be left behind, just in time to compare with Liyue, whether Liyue has more talents, or we are the best in Mondstadt." "

Muyang: ... Does this still need to be compared?

After thinking about it, Wendy said to Muyang again: "Can you give me two places?"

The old man is assessing Keqing and Ningguang, so how about I ask for two places here? "

"I don't have a problem with that!" Mu Yang spread his hands: "However, there is a limit to what purifies the power of the abyss, and the more people there are, it may not be a good thing." "

Wendy waved his hand and said, "There are not many abysses in Mondstadt, I can solve these things myself, I want to see their own changes, especially after seeing the evolution of humans in other worlds."

To be honest, I didn't expect that human beings would be so chaotic after losing the restraint of the gods. "

Mu Yang didn't refuse when he heard this: "It seems that you are more responsible than I imagined." "

"This is what I should do!" Wendy's tone was firm, and then she looked at the location of the Wind Dragon's Ruins, her eyes flashing with a hint of complexity, and muttered, "It has given me power, and I need to use this power to protect Mondstadt." "

"Let's go, this is not far from the ruins of the Wind Dragon, let's go and purify Dvalin!" Seeing Wendy like this, Mu Yang did not hesitate and sent an invitation to Wendy.

It's just that what Mu Yang didn't expect was that Wendy shook her head with a determined expression and said, "Now is not a good time to purify Dvalin's pain.

There's people from the Abyss Order over there.

If they know that we have the power to purify the abyss, they will invade us in a big way.

I believe that the old man's side should also have a limited power to purify the abyss.

I need someone to help hide some of the truth. "

Mu Yang also understood what Wendy meant when he heard this, and it seemed that he was eyeing the traveler.

He had no problem with that.

The Wind God's God Heart gave himself a great bonus, and at this moment he thought of other God Hearts, if he could obtain the Heart of the Grass God and the Heart of the Thunder God, then there would be a huge leap in strength.

At that time, it will be the time to really go to war with the Abyss Order.

"Now that you have a plan, I won't say anything here.

In other words, who are the two people you are optimistic about? Muyang also showed a curious look at this time.

"The first one is the Qin you said before, Qin is a good master, even among the Knights of Favonius in the past, she is the most serious, and her conduct reminds me of an old friend.

I hope she can use this to recognize her shortcomings and bring about a change in Mondstadt, if it were her, she would be able to succeed, right? At the mention of Jean, Wendy's eyes flashed with a hint of remembrance: "As for the other person, it is a person who was betrayed by the Knights of Favonius, but still loves Mondstadt deeply and protects it with his own means!" "

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