Genshin Impact's strength is strong, but it is also within an acceptable range.

The average Genshin Impact can be dealt with with as long as a pair of Millelith troops.

Moreover, the number of Genshin Impact is not large.

Take the Vision holders on Inazuma's side, there are only more than a hundred people in total.

In the original plot, Tomak was the target of the hundredth eye hunting order, you know, Tomak is the housekeeper of the Kamisato family in the society.

He was hunted by the Vision of the God and must have been placed behind.

After Thoma, the Vision will also target Inazuma's own officials.

On Liyue's side, the Vision holders will probably not exceed two hundred.

Therefore, in most cases, the holder of the Vision is still relatively easy to manage, and it is difficult for the wicked to obtain the Vision.

But those who have cultivated internal strength are different.

There may be a lot of trouble later.

Morax had read a lot of books uploaded by Muyang before, and he still recognized some of them.

Confucianism uses literature to mess with the law, and chivalry violates the ban with martial arts!

For these, Zhongli agrees.

It's not like there was no Vision holder before, and he wanted to do something.

After all, when people have strength, it is easy to breed ambitions, and perhaps those so-called ambitions are nothing to the seven gods.

But for the average person, such ambitions can also affect them.

"In addition, the preparation of the Tianxuan Star is Xingqiu, and the preparation of the Tianji Star is the Traveler's Ying!" Morax continued to add.

"Just like that, you became a Dimensity Star?" Ying Wenyan was also stunned for a moment.

Although it's only a reserve, it's only one step away from Tianji Star and Ying, as for the next, when it can be turned into a regular, Ying doesn't know, it will take a year at the earliest, but if it doesn't do well, it may always be a reserve, and then wait until there is a suitable one, and then be removed!

In the history of Liyue, there are not a few Liyue Seven Stars that have been removed.

"Okay, Ying, you've become the Seven Stars of Liyue, so after that, can we go to the Crescent Moon Pavilion and the Liuli Pavilion to eat and drink for free~. Paimon said with a smile of delight.

Although they are not lacking Mora now, at least Ying still has Mora, and there are many Mora that he earned from Keqing before.

Moreover, during this time, they were all doing tasks for Liyue, and they were naturally paid to complete these tasks.

It's just that if you usually want to go to Xinyue Xuan and Liuli Pavilion to dine-in, you have to make a reservation, and it is still booked for a long time.

However, if Ying becomes the Seven Stars of Liyue, even if she is a reservist, she can go over and eat at any time, and it is said that as the Seven Stars of Liyue, Crescent Pavilion and Liuli Pavilion will give them meal coupons every year.

This is a benefit that belongs to the upper echelons of Liyue, and they don't eat for nothing.

Paimon said that they don't just have Keqing, Ying, Ningguang, and how many Crescent Moon Xuan and Liuli Pavilion can eat at that time!

Of course, in Paimon's mind, Wanmintang Xiangling's cooking skills are also very good.

Every time they go to Wanmintang to eat, it is also the food cooked by Xiangling, but there are some ingredients that Wanmintang does not have.

()~, hearing Paimon's words, the others also looked at him speechlessly.

This little Paimon is really greedy!

"Congratulations. Mu Yang looked at Ying softly.

"It's a good start. Ying was also embarrassed.

However, she also knew that if it weren't for Muyang and Morax's attention, as well as Keqing and Ningguang's recommendations, she wouldn't have become the Seven Stars of Liyue.

"Xingqiu, you have truly become the preparation of the Seven Stars of Liyue. Hu Tao congratulated Xingqiu with joy on the side.

Xingqiu also sighed lightly when he heard this: "After all, I still have to become the person I once least wanted to be." "

If he can, he still likes to be chivalrous, usually writes books, and plays with his friends.

Even if it is the business of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, Xingqiu usually does not pay the slightest attention.

He just wanted to live the life of a rich man, but now he definitely can't.

Not to mention that the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce needed him to do this, it was the request of the Rock King Emperor, and it was not something that Xingqiu could refuse. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, if Xingqiu stood up and rejected the Rock King Emperor, then he would be truly dead.

Isn't the Emperor of the Rock King playing tricks on the Emperor of the Rock by making himself the Seven Stars of Liyue and not wanting to do it?

At that time, not only him, but even his own family will be affected.

Now I can only try my best to do these things well.

"Hehe, don't worry, our Afterlife Hall will definitely support you to become a Tianxuan Star!" Hu Tao patted Xingqiu's shoulder and said with pride, "If you can't solve those things, you can run to our Afterlife Hall, Zhongli will definitely be able to help you solve these things." "

"Mr. Zhongli?" Xingqiu was also stunned when he heard this: "Isn't this okay?"

Xingqiu met Hu Tao when he was very young, and became friends with Hu Tao, so he naturally knew Zhongli, more than ten years have passed, Zhongli's appearance has not changed in the slightest, coupled with Xingqiu's observation, he has some guesses about Zhongli's identity.

This man is most likely one of Liyue's immortals.

As for which immortal it was, Xingqiu didn't know.

After all, there are so many immortals, and there are some things that they don't know, and it seems that it is also normal Yang.

Now I'm going to go to Zhongli and ask how to deal with the matter, will this be said by Mr. Zhongli?

"What's the matter?Anyway, Zhongli that guy doesn't usually have anything to do, if you ask him for help, (Li Nuozhao) won't have a problem!" Hu Tao said indifferently.

Anyway, Zhongli's usual workload is not large, but later with the addition of Zhong Kui, Zhongli's workload is much less.

However, unlike Zhong Li, Zhong Kui also knows a lot, and he will take the initiative to help with work.

Sometimes, Hu Tao also had to sigh, they are also immortals of Liyue, why is Zhong Li so lazy, but Zhong Kui is so diligent?

It's just that sometimes, Hu Tao is also very helpless, Zhong Kui is good, but why does the other party look at his own appearance, and he looks like he looks at his daughter?

"Then I'll be disturbed then!" Although Xingqiu felt that it was not good to disturb Zhongli, he was more afraid of making mistakes.

After all, that's Liyue's job, and if it's wrong, it will be a huge loss to Liyue.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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