Mu Yang swung a knife and killed the Golden King Beast that wanted to sneak attack him, and while adding a shield to his body, he used the Sumeru Rice Light in his hand to block the attack made by the air on his side, and then said in an indifferent tone: "You are not me, how do you know, I can't resist these abyss powers?"

Kong Wenyan frowned, Mu Yang is an Adventist, there is no doubt about it.

But now the periphery of the Teyvat Continent is different from when they came to the Teyvat Continent before, when they came to the Teyvat Continent, this world has not yet been covered by the power of the abyss, but now, if Mu Yang wants to enter this world, he must pass through the abyss.

Unless Muyang has the ability to easily travel through the world, as long as he knows the coordinates of the world, he can easily travel between the worlds.

However, such an ability is extremely rare among the heavens and worlds.

Sora didn't think that Muyang could obtain such an ability, and he himself did not have such an ability.

So why did Muyang come to such a world?

Could it be that Muyang really has a strong immunity to the power of the abyss, and at this point, he will not be too suspicious, not to mention others, even him and Ying, who can be immune to the erosion of the power of the abyss.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to contact the power of the abyss, he wouldn't have become like this.

Even now, Sora is only using the power of the abyss as a tool, not being enslaved by it.

He himself knew that he was somewhat affected by the power of the Abyss, but he was not like the other Kanriya.

Sora felt that he was actually quite sane, even though he wanted to destroy the Teyvat continent and become the enemy of Tianli, but he was just trying to take his sister away from the Teiva 757 continent.

If it weren't for the maintainer of Heavenly Principle who stopped him in the first place, how could he have done this?

They've long since left Teyvat, okay?

Therefore, the responsibility for all this is not on oneself, but on the side of the maintainer of heavenly principles.

Sooner or later, he will make the other party regret it.

It's just that what's going on with this guy Muyang?

Now Sora also suspects that the other party may really be similar to his own physique, and he doesn't need to worry about the danger of the abyss power, at least if he doesn't take the initiative to contact the abyss power, he doesn't need to worry about the extent to which he is affected by the abyss.

If you can, at this time, Sora really hopes that Muyang can join forces with him and leave Ying from the Teyvat Continent.

No, Ying can't leave the Teyvat Continent for the time being, at least she has to wait for Ying to finish running through the Seven Kingdoms, leave her own things in the Seven Kingdoms, and then unseal all her strength.

For now, there seems to be no other way to break the seal in Ying's body, and for this, Sora also has a deep understanding of this, after all, he also came here like this in the first place.

Thinking of this, Sora also has a headache.

For the Kanria people, Sora has feelings, after all, he was also able to live in Kanria in the first place.

When his sister hadn't been unblocked, he did get along very well with them, and then Sora was also trying to help them improve their skills.

They said that they had no protection from the gods and were worried about the safety of Kanria, so Sora decided to help them.

After all, just a human being, Kanria can't get the Vision of God, this is a country that is rejected by the gods, and if you want to protect yourself, you naturally have to develop science and technology well.

Sora also gave them a lot of help, but they shouldn't have studied the power of the abyss.

At the beginning, Sora also persuaded them, but these people were too ambitious, and their own persuasion did not play a role.

The Tao is different, and it is not conspiratory.

Thinking about it carefully, Sora also felt that those guys in Kanriya were indeed to blame, but he also believed that ordinary people were innocent.

If Tianli just wanted to kill them, Sora wouldn't say anything, but this kind of immortal curse is really disgusting.

At this point, the sky also thinks that Tianli has done something wrong, and of course there is nothing wrong with Kanriya.

From the perspective of the rest of this world, the Kanria do deserve to die.

Sora admits it, he's not from Kanriya anyway.

It's just that he won't say it, after all, many people in the Abyss Order are Kanria, if he, the prince of the Abyss Order, admits this, then how will he lead the team in the future?

However, Muyang said so, which made Sora helpless for a while.

In Sora's opinion, the reason why Mu Yang did this was because he had a very good relationship with many people in the Teyvat Continent, and even had a very good relationship with the Seven Rulers of the Earthly World.

From their point of view, Kanria is indeed a sin that deserves death.

There is no way, who let the original Kanria die?

In particular, the king of Kanriya himself died and was relieved, but the life of these people of Kanria was not very good, and even now, Sora was dissatisfied with those people.

"Sora, you should understand that feeling of wanting to protect the person you care about, you are not a bad person, you are just bewitched by the remnants of Kanriya.

If you're willing to cooperate with me and help me slaughter the people of the Abyss Order, I can help you and Ying leave Teyvat!" Mu Yang proposed in a cold tone.

The empty eyes flickered slightly, and there was one thing to say, at this time, he was really moved.

The strength shown by Muyang, even if it is not as good as the maintainer of Tianli, is not much different.

Moreover, Sora can feel that the other party is not even using all (chee) power at this time.

This is also understandable, after all, it is in the abyss, if you burst out all the power, it is likely to attract more strong enemies, many times, whoever uses the hole card first, who loses. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If it were him, if he could ensure his safety, he would be like Muyang now.

It doesn't seem that the situation is very good, surrounded by countless strong enemies, but Mu Yang still maintains a comfortable posture.

This guy is really amazing!

However, Sora finally gave up cooperating with Muyang, this is a way out of the way, although letting Muyang get rid of these Abyss Sects is also to free them.

But these guys are also their own subordinates, and they are also following themselves, so the act of directly selling their subordinates is not something that will be done in vain.

Of course, when it really comes to the last resort, Sora will do the same, choosing between his own conscience and his sister, and Sora will not hesitate to choose his sister.

For Sora, his sister is an existence that is more important than his own life.

"Needless to say, it is my mission to overturn this heavenly principle. No one can stop me. The empty voice resumed in a cold tone: "Even if it's Ying." "

"We'll stop you, you don't need to doubt my abilities, you can't do that with your Abyss Order.

And Ying has the support of the Seven Gods, and it is not difficult to deal with your Abyss Order. Mu Yang snorted coldly: "Unless you find more helpers." "

"Hmph!" Sora said that he would not tell Muyang that it was impossible for him to get the help of the Seven Kingdoms.

After all, the harlequin and himself are in the same group.

And if you put aside the god-level combat power, the strength of the Fatui is stronger than the armies of other countries combined.

After all, Sumeru's army is almost negligible.

Mondstadt's Knights of Favonius have now made an expedition, and there are only two or three kittens and dogs left.

There is a martial atmosphere on Inazuma's side, but it was also weakened by the Fatui some time ago.

Because of the relationship between the god of fire, Nata is constantly caught in civil wars, and the army is not much stronger.

Fontaine?Fontaine was not worth mentioning, and even in their plans, Fontaine was going to be drowned by a great flood sooner or later.

By the time the war with Teyvat began, it was not certain whether Fontaine would still exist.

The only thing that's a little tricky is Liyue, but it's not a big problem.

However, the number of Millelith is still limited, and now that the Emperor of the Rock is also in trouble, with the dragons without a leader, is it possible that Liyue can still have a poor army?

Sora didn't believe this, and in such a situation, just the Fatui was enough to give Liyue a headache.

If it weren't for Morax, Sora believed that Harlequin would have been corrupting Liyue in various ways.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that the Seven Archons of the entire Teyvat continent are not in any danger, especially when Morax has fallen, it seems that only Balzeb still has the strength to fight.

"Forget it, since I promised Ying to beat you up, and you are stubborn, then I have to work hard. Seeing this, Muyang's expression also became extremely serious and said.

"You!" Sora's eyes widened, and he promised Ying to beat me up?

Impossible, how could my sweet and lovely sister possibly do such a thing?

I'm Ying's beloved relatives and friends!!

But thinking of the last time he and Ying met, he took out the sword of advention, it seems that this is really possible.

Before he could say anything, Mu Yang's figure flashed, and he came to Kong's face, and Kong subconsciously waved his sword to block.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Mu Yang's figure flashed again, and he came behind him all of a sudden, kicking on the empty buttocks, making the other party's figure fall rapidly like a meteor and fall heavily on the ground.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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