"Ying, Muyang is very likely to be trapped in the formation of the Abyss Order. Tartaglia said to Ying Shen with a serious expression: "We need to find a way to find Muyang and then rescue the other party."

We can't ignore Muyang. "

"Hmm!" Ying Wenyan also nodded slightly.

Rescuing Muyang is inevitable, and as long as Muyang is rescued, the problems Liyue is experiencing now will not be a problem.

Even if it is a demon god, in front of Muyang, I am afraid that it is a local chicken tile dog.

Even though Muyang has never said what his strength is, Ying has confidence in Muyang's strength, and the other party's strength is definitely stronger than his heyday.

Ying is still very confident in her own intuition, and Muyang's strength has also improved in a short period of time.

However, if it was his brother, he would also put Muyang in a crisis, and he needed to rescue Muyang.

I definitely can't let Muyang be harmed by my brother.

Sora: Listen, is this the words that a good sister should say? Now it's not that I want to make trouble for Muyang, but Muyang is making trouble for me, Muyang directly catches me and beats me, this feeling, who understands it!

It's just that just when Ying was thinking about how to find Muyang and how to rescue Muyang, the whirlpool on the sea not far away became bigger and bigger, and with a roar, a behemoth slowly drilled out of the water.

This is a monster with nine heads, composed of a high density of water elements, and exudes an extremely terrifying coercion from top to bottom.

Ordinary creatures, just feeling the coercion from the other party, will be pressed and unable to stand up.

"I'm afraid this is the Demon God of the Vortex, Othello" Tartaglia gasped as she gazed at the hundred-meter-tall behemoth not far away.

"Oselle?.!" Yingwen Yan frowned.

It seems that she has not heard the story of this, she took out her mobile phone, there is no signal...

Damn, why is there no signal in Teyvat?

Isn't this a base station based on the leyline?

But soon, Ying was also relieved, he was now on the side of Guyun Pavilion, even the demon gods had appeared, and the leylines were very disordered, which would be a strange thing if there was a signal.

In the future, I will propose to Ningguang and them to get some search software in the mobile phone, so that it is easier to check the information by yourself.

Oh, by the way, just leave the business of mobile phones and computers to yourself.

For these things, I should be the person who knows these things best besides Muyang, right?

This is important to Liyue and Teyvat, right?

"Well, it is said that the Vortex Demon God Osir used to be the overlord of the sea, and even the Rock King Emperor Morax took a lot of effort to suppress Otir.

Well, that's what Mr. Zhongli told me!" Tartaglia said in a deep voice.

At this time, it was impossible for him to tell Ying that he had planned to release Osir to destroy Liyue, and then let Morax and Othello lose the battle.

In this way, you will be able to obtain Morax's Godheart.

But for now, Tartaglia wouldn't do that, just thinking about how to help Liyue solve Othello's problem.

But will Liyue be Othello's opponent?

The other party is a demon god!!

"By the way, I feel the breath of the abyss on the other party's body, and the other party is likely to have been polluted by the breath of the abyss, and the strength is likely to be even stronger than before. After thinking about it, Tartaglia reminded Ying again. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Saying that, Tartaglia also took out the weapon given by the Ice Empress of his own family, and if he wants to fight Othello, just an ordinary sword may not be enough, if he uses the weapon given by the Ice Empress, it is usually better to say something.

But when it really comes to the critical moment, the power bestowed by the Ice Empress can burst out.

In that case, you can burst out with terrifying strength.

This kind of strength was originally used by Tartaglia when he was going to sneak attack Morax, but now Morax doesn't need to sneak attack.

If she can use this power to save Liyue, then the Ice Empress will also be able to gain Liyue's immense favor, which can be of great use at a critical moment.

Don't say that Tartaglia is a reckless man, he still has a lot of brains.

"Traveler, this time, I'm going to do my best, remember that Liyue owes me and the Ice Empress a favor when the time comes! Tartaglia said with his weapon in hand and whispered to Ying.

"I can't make a decision on this matter!" Ying Wenyan was also taken aback, and hurriedly said.

There's nothing wrong with being Liyue's Dimensity Star, but he's just an agent.

It is true that she is now the Seven Stars of Liyue, but at most this is to make her owe Tardalia a favor, but it does not mean that Liyue owes Tardalia a favor.

"Yourself, then!" said Tartaglia, taking a deep breath and staring at Ying.

He knew how much potential Ying had.

If in the future, Ying is willing to help them deal with Harlequin, isn't it easy to catch?

At least with the help of the future Seven Gods-level Ying, the other party will be a good main force.

"Okay, as long as it doesn't make me do bad things!" Ying agreed without hesitation.

"Hmm!" Tartaglia nodded slightly, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

Demon King Armament Activated!

At the same time, the weapon in his hand erupted with an icy chill, and the power of the Ice Empress was loaded!

Ice Empress: "I feel that Tartaglia is using the power I lent, and it looks like he's going to help Liyue deal with Othello. "

Keqing: "He and Ying went to the Lonely Cloud Pavilion together...

At this time, the power of the ice god broke out, and I am afraid that you are going to fight with Othello. "

Ice Empress: "I'm afraid it is, but he should make you or the travelers owe a favor." "

Zhongli: "It should be the Traveler himself, and then let the Traveler join the Fatui and help deal with the Harlequin, it should be like this." "

Mu Yang: "After all, this guy Tartaglia still respects the Ice God very much, and at this time, it is normal to pull some foreign aid." "Ren]

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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