"But, then again, have you met Apep before?" Mu Yang looked at the Great Cishu King with curiosity and asked.


Because I am the embodiment of the World Tree, I have no enmity with Apepe, and it dissuaded me from becoming the Seven Archons in the first place. The Great Mercy Tree King did not hide it and said softly: "However, Apep has a great hatred for Tianli.

Moreover, it also looks down on ordinary demon gods.

Apepe's strength is indeed strong, even if it is the Red King, it is difficult to defeat Apepe.

The strength between the two is about the same. "

"In this way, Apep is weaker than the Thunder Dragon King?" Mu Yang looked at the Great Cishu King with some doubts.

"Judging from your performance last time, Apep is indeed weaker than the Thunder Dragon King, if it is the Thunder Dragon King, the Red King will definitely not be the opponent of the Thunder Dragon King." The Great Mercy Tree King was also a little hesitant when he said this.

The strength of the Thunder Dragon King is very strong, at least if it were Apepe, it should not be the opponent of the Thunder Movie.

But the strength shown by the Thunder Dragon King is still above the Thunder Movie, which is a bit surprising.

"Is that so?" Mu Yang nodded slightly when he heard this, "It doesn't seem that I can't understand it, which "one hundred and eighty" is afraid that between the dragon kings, there are also strong and weak, and the curse sent by Tianli is also effective for the dragon king."

If Apep is badly worn, it seems normal that its strength is inferior to that of the Thunder Dragon King.

Moreover, Apep has always been on Sumeru's side, while the Thunder Dragon King has gone to the Dark Sea. "

"But isn't the demon god of the dark sea also affected by wear and tear?" Nahida couldn't help but ask.

When Mu Yang and Lei Movie went to the dark sea before, many of the demon gods over there were worn out by the demon gods.

There are even some demon gods who have gone crazy.

"The wear and tear imposed by the Heavenly Principle is for all living beings on the Teyvat Continent." Mu Yang said softly, "As long as you are still on the Teyvat Continent, you will be affected by wear and tear.

Unless there is a being who has never entered the false heavens. "

"So, before the False Heaven was established, it was very likely that the Thunder Dragon King would have entered the Dark Sea?" Nahida is also the second-generation god of wisdom, so she naturally understands what Muyang means.

In this way, the Thunder Dragon King is more powerful than the Grass Dragon King, and it seems to be a matter of course.

After all, the Grass Dragon King suffered much more wear and tear than the Thunder Dragon King.

"Would you like to go see Apep together?" Mu Yang asked Nahida on the side.

The Great Ci Tree King can't leave the space of the World Tree now, and in Muyang's opinion, the World Tree also needs a person to protect it.

The Great Mercy Tree King is undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

"See Apep?" Nahida was stunned, then readily agreed.

She is also interested in the strongest person in Sumeru.

At this time, Muyang remembered Apep's evaluation of Nahida, the little god, well, seemed to be very interesting.

Looking at Muyang and Nahida's appearance, the heart of the Great Cishu King was also subtle for a while.

I don't know why, the three of them are together, and she actually has a sense of déjà vu for a family of three.


"This is it!" Mu Yang opened the spatial passage and took Nahida to the vicinity of Apep, and said to Nahida in a serious tone.

"Well, it's terrifying." If it weren't for Muyang by her side, Nahida wouldn't have dared to face Apep at this time.

Although his strength has improved a lot during this time, at least it will not be worse than some old demon gods.

But if Nahida was asked to face Apep, she wouldn't have the slightest confidence.

Just the breath intimidated himself, the grass god.

The gap is inevitably a little too big, and Nahida has to sigh at this time, the gap between gods and gods is inevitably too big.

Previously, Nahida had also heard about the Dragon King from the Great Cishu King.

If it weren't for Muyang's relationship, Nahida would definitely find a way to coexist peacefully with Apep.

No matter what the other party does, he shouldn't come to hurt himself, after all, he is the embodiment of the World Tree.

But now with Muyang, the situation has become different.

For Muyang wanting to kill Apep, although Nahida was a little unbearable, she wouldn't say anything, after all, for Muyang, Apep's existence is a huge hidden danger, even if she doesn't help Muyang, she won't hold Muyang back.

"Not bad, indeed." Mu Yang nodded slightly, his strength was comparable to his strength to get three god hearts.

However, it's just like that, and now it's not so difficult for him to defeat, or even kill Apepe.

"Wisdom is good, but strength is also important." After thinking about it, Mu Yang whispered to Nahida again.

The current Nahida is definitely the weakest of the seven gods in the chat group, even if it is Wendy, who maintains the thousand-year-old movement, or the Ice Empress, who needs a lot of sleep because of wear and tear, she still has to surpass Nahida in terms of strength.

You know, Nahida joined the chat group much earlier than the Ice Empress. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

It's just a pity that Nahida didn't seize this time, she still spent more time on governing the country, as for purifying the power of the abyss, Nahida will do it every day, but it won't be too much.

Moreover, the abyss infiltration point below the Red King's Mausoleum could no longer meet Nahida's needs.

"You can go to the Chasm to purify the abyssal aura, as long as you don't get discovered by the people of the Abyss Order." Mu Yang rubbed Nahida's head and said softly, "After all, the progress of strength is the most important.

Moreover, if nothing else, there should be some places in Sumeru that have a large amount of abyssal power, and those people of the Abyss Order will not let Sumeru go.

Don't forget, Sumeru has a World Tree, and what could be more proud of the Abyss Order than polluting the World Tree? "

Nahida was also stunned for a while when she heard this, and then said helplessly: "But I haven't even explored all the surface of Sumeru.

Not to mention underground. "

When it comes to this Nahida, there is also a itchy tooth, and in the entire Teyvat continent, their underground labyrinth in Sumeru is definitely the most.

There are some labyrinths, even as a god of wisdom, she feels a headache...

Why are there so many labyrinths and underground buildings in Sumeru?

If it's in the game, those players are probably going to be disgusted by these things, right?

Now that she wants to explore the nodes of the abyss, Nahida has to explore these places as well.

Fortunately, there are not only people in the chat group now, she decided that it would be better to pull Faruzan when the time comes, and in the whole of Sumeru, I am afraid that no one knows how to explore the maze better than Faruzan.

Oh, and by the way, you can also ask Liyue to borrow their Dimensity Glow.

It is said that that Tianji Xingying is very good at cracking mechanisms and exploring secret realms, and there are very few people in the entire Teyvat continent who can compare with Ying.

Now that Ying has joined the chat group, she can ask Ying for help.

I believe that Ying will not refuse.

"Take your time." In this regard, Muyang also didn't know what to say.

When he first explored Sumeru, he was also disgusted.

I remember when 3.0 first came out, he felt that Sumeru was still doing very well, especially in terms of the Demon God mission, which seemed to be quite good.

But with the appearance of the forest book, he was disgusted.

Of course, if it was just a forest book, he reluctantly accepted it.

But then there was a desert book, especially the exploration of those organs, and the three major versions in a row were desert areas, and Muyang lost his enthusiasm for the exploration of the Sumeru map.

Even if there is a lettuce mother who does a good job of the strategy, puts it directly in front of Muyang, and lets himself do it, he is too lazy to do it.

Even on some desert maps, he only explores a little more than 10%.

Once the anchor is unlocked, there's no time to explore.

And reality is not a game, even in the game, Muyang feels that exploring the desert is boring and disgusting, let alone this real world.

Moreover, some places are very dangerous, such as before Faruzanne, who was trapped for a hundred years, which is relatively good.

One carelessly dies in it, all 1.0 is a commonplace thing.

Nahida's strength and wisdom want to explore those labyrinths, which is naturally not a problem, but there are many underground palaces that can't stand Sumeru.

Even if she wanted to explore the labyrinths, it would take a long time.

Many times, Nahida couldn't help but complain about how those desert people developed the behavior of digging underground palaces.

They're pangolins, right?

"Hmm." Hearing Muyang's words, Nahida also sighed silently, there are still too few talents in Sumeru.

At the same time, Nahida also scolded Hazard and them countless times.

If it weren't for those sages who trapped themselves at the beginning, he wouldn't have even explored Sumeru well in the past five hundred years.

Now that everything in Sumeru has fallen on him, he has no time to explore Sumeru.

If she had gotten out of trouble a year or two earlier, Nahida wouldn't have been tied down in many places now.

It can even be reformed directly, and the Akademiya must change its nature and name!

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!) )。

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