[Ice Empress: "It's a good thing for us, and it's clear that Apep can't be one of us.

Even our enemies, in such a situation, it seems natural to kill Apepe. "

Asmodeus: "What I'm most concerned about now is what benefits killing Apep will do to Muyang." "

Raiden Ma: "I hope there will be some good news. "

Ruotuo Dragon King: "I don't want this, after all, I am also a dragon king, if the death of the dragon king is a good thing for the Teyvat continent, then I will not be able to deal with myself at that time." "

Muyang: "Apep is dead, but I haven't increased my power, I feel that as long as I want, I can give birth to a new dragon king."

It's just that this may consume a lot of energy from the Teyvat continent. "

Asmodeus: "It seems to be a good thing if it is to give birth to a new dragon king, after all, the potential of the dragon king is stronger than that of the demon myth." "

Muyang: "I think so too, but I want to see if I can take more power out of it."

After all, the power of the seven gods also comes from the dragon king, and if we can deprive more of the power to come out, it will be a good thing for us.

Especially for Nahida, if she can get more grass elemental power, Nahida's strength will also be able to improve even more. "

Nahida: "Actually, I don't need it, although the power of the grass element is important to me, it is not as important as I imagined, and I usually use more of the power of dreams." "

Muyang: "It's just a pity, there doesn't seem to be a legendary Pokémon in my memory that has elements of grass and dragons.

Wait, I've got a solution. "】

With Apep being cut into two pieces by Muyang, even with Apepe's vitality, it was a complete loss of 890 at this moment.

But even if he died, Apepe's body at this moment still had a strong grass elemental power.

Mu Yang stretched out his palm, took the power of Apep into his own hands, and then with his efforts, turned into a stone slab.

"This is—" Nahida looked at Muyang with confusion.

"You can think of it as a slate of grass.

It's like the heart of the grass god, but it's much more powerful than the heart of the god.

The Heart of God can be used as a large Vision to increase the speed at which Elemental Charges are charged, and it can also be used as the power of the Seven Gods.

For the seven gods of the second generation like you, it may still have a role, but for the seven gods like Morax and Barbatos, or even Balzebu, the heart of the gods can certainly increase some combat power, but it can also be regarded as dispensable.

But this slate is different, holding this grass elemental slate, your grass elemental power can be at least doubled, and this elemental power will also be endless, and at the same time, the grass elemental power on the Teyvat continent can hardly hurt you.

After all, this is one of the most primordial powers.

Before the Thunder Movie fought with the Thunder Dragon King, her thunder element, it was difficult to hurt the Thunder Dragon King.

If she is facing a dragon king of other elements, even if her strength is similar to that of the Thunder Dragon King, Lei Movie has the ability to face and even defeat the other party. Mu Yang held the slate and talked eloquently.

"But in this case, will there be no Grass Dragon King in the future?" Nahida didn't have much desire for the slate.

Just like the original heart of God, she also directly said that she would lose it.

didn't take the heart of the grass god as a thing, and the current grass elemental slate, Nahida was also not a special luxury.

"No, there will still be the birth of the Grass Dragon King, but after the other party is born, the strength..."Mu Yang shook his head slightly, he shook the stone slab in his hand and said softly: "This stone slab is of a lot of help to the Great Cishu King." "

One thing to say, at first, Muyang would not think about rubbing out a grass element slate.

If you combine this part of the origin of the grass element with the new grass dragon king in the future, you will definitely grow into a powerful dragon in the future.

But now the situation is different, the Grass Dragon King will still be born in the future, but the Grass Dragon King may lose most of his strength in the future, and the strength of the other party may only be comparable to the ordinary demon god at that time.

But in Muyang's opinion, this is no problem at all.

When the Grass Dragon King is concerned, he can slowly cultivate by himself and then improve his strength.

The Great Cishu King is his own woman, and he needs to accumulate a lot of divine power every time before he can become stronger.

This also makes Muyang a little unhappy a lot of times, and the roots of the old tree have not been well felt.

will even directly become a child, Muyang said that he was fed up, but now this slate has directly become the plug-in of the Great Cishu King, and from now on, this will also become the source of the divine power of the Great Cishu King.

Muyang was also a little excited when he thought about it.

"I see." Nahida's face took on a blank look.

Her relationship with the Great Mercy Tree King is a few points, if this stone tablet is good for the Great Mercy Tree King, Nahida is naturally happy to see it.

After all, for Nahida, the Great Cishu King is her sister, her mother, and possibly her past life.

Mu Yang then stretched out his hand again, and a special light ball fell into Mu Yang's hand: "This is forbidden knowledge."

Apep is still quite powerful, and he actually digested the Red King directly, leaving only the forbidden knowledge in his body. "

"Digest the demon god? Worthy of the Dragon King? Nahida also looked shocked when she heard this.

They knew that Apep had swallowed the corpse of the Red King, but they did not expect that the Red King would now even have the corpse digested.

You must know that the Red King is also a well-known demon god, and among all the demon gods in the Teyvat Continent, the Red King is definitely the one that can definitely be ranked among the best.

As a result, even the (chee) body is not worthy to be kept.

But when you think about it, it's understandable.

After all, if Apep doesn't digest the corpse of the Red King, how can it study the forbidden knowledge, don't think that Apep is a benevolent dragon.

Since he swallowed the corpse of the Red King, it is impossible for Apep to leave the whole corpse of the Red King.

It's all for its own benefit.

"Well, but I got what I wanted, and this forbidden knowledge was hundreds of times the forbidden knowledge I had received from the Great Cishu King before.

Hopefully, there's what I need. Mu Yang's eyes flickered, if he found something interesting inside, Mu Yang wouldn't mind integrating these things into the Teyvat Continent.

Even if some rules are incorporated, Teyvat will not become stronger overnight.

But Muyang believes that Teyvat has a glorious future.

"Hundreds of times?" Nahida was also shocked when she heard this.

The previous forbidden knowledge directly caused the Great Cishu King to fall.

Now there is hundreds of times the forbidden knowledge, if it is leaked, wouldn't the Great Ci Tree King have to die hundreds of times?

"Is Apep so powerful? So much stronger than the Great Mercy Tree King? Nahida asked, confused.

Although the Great Mercy Tree King is not particularly good at fighting, Nahida still has a lot of confidence in the Great Mercy Tree King. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

After all, the other party is still the embodiment of the World Tree.

Although fighting is not what the Great Mercy Tree King is good at, the strength of the Great Mercy Tree King is still quite good, at least Nahida does not consider herself to be the opponent of the Great Mercy Tree King.

"Don't forget, in the beginning, the Great Cishu King consumed a lot of divine power in order to resist and eliminate the forbidden knowledge, otherwise, he wouldn't have become like this." Muyang reminded Nahida.

Nahida was also stunned when she heard this.

She did forget this, after all, she had always been like a child, which also made Nahida subconsciously think that the Great Cishu King was originally like this.

"However, Apepe's corpse is not bad, and a lot of good materials can be pulled out." Mu Yang came to the side of Apep's corpse and began a burst of chopping, cutting down some of Apep's good materials.

"Nahida, I'll make you a treasure when the time comes. When will it be made into a ritual weapon? Muyang asked Nahida as he collected the materials.

"Ritual weapons? Actually, my Thousand Nights Dream is also good. Nahida pulled out a magic weapon that looked like a night pot and whispered.

This was something she had since she was born, and it was also left to her by the Great Tree of Mercy, and Nahida was very satisfied with the Thousand Nights Floating Dream.

"I'll make you a better one when the time comes." Mu Yang glanced at Nahida and said softly, "Although the Thousand Nights Floating Dream is easy to use, I am confident that the Treasure is better than the Thousand Nights Floating Dream. "

[Ying: "Weapons, I want them too!" Pull out all the scales and teeth of the other party, as well as bones, these things are also priceless! "

Venti: "Hey, this Apep is really full of treasures!"

Muyang, you also collect more materials, a grass dragon king like Apep, if you miss it, it will be difficult to have a second one in the future. "

Thunder Movie: "The Thunder Dragon King is mine!" "

Seeing the picture of Mu Yang killing Apep, Lei Movie was also ready to move for a while.

The Fire Dragon King and the Ice Dragon King or something, Lei Movie doesn't know where it is for the time being, and the other party may not be the original Dragon King.

And the Thunder Dragon King is the object that Thunder Movie wants to get rid of.

Lei Movie feels that as long as he can kill the Thunder Dragon King, it will be of great benefit to his own growth.

When his strength goes further, he will go and kill the Thunder Dragon King!

Muyang: "Yes, these dragon kings are really full of treasures, and I don't know when the new grass dragon king will be born." "】

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