"The problem of wear and tear has been solved?" that Villette looked at Mu Yang, and was speechless in her heart.

If it is possible, at this time, then Villette really wants to tell Muyang that although I am the Dragon King, I have read a lot of books.

Wear and tear is a curse imposed on the immortal species by the Heavenly Principles, not only their dragon kings, but also the demon gods and even the seven gods, all of which cannot avoid wear and tear.

As a result, Muyang said that the problem of wear and tear was solved, and Villette didn't know what to say for a while.

"Well, although the wear and tear is troublesome, it is not impossible to solve!" Mu Yang nodded slightly and said softly.

Navillette took a deep look at Muyang, he suspected that the problem of wear and tear being solved was related to Muyang, but there was no evidence.

"Do you need to go to Liyue to have a look?" asked Muyang as she turned to Navillette.

"According to my investigation, it seems that the Dragon King of Ruota and Morax were sealed together by the maintainers of Heavenly Principles. Navillette frowned.

This is the official information released by Liyue before.

Na Villette also believed it before, after all, the battle on the side of Nantianmen couldn't fool Na Villette, and he had roughly felt the breath of battle before.

Even Navillette "Nine-Twenty-Seven" didn't expect that Morax would be calculated by the Abyss Order, and then go crazy...

This is definitely not a good thing for Teyvat.

Although Navillette didn't like the Seven Gods and wanted to judge the gods, he didn't have the slightest affection for the Abyss Order.

The Abyss, and even the Abyss Order, is the greatest enemy of the Teyvat Continent.

"When you meet the Dragon King of Ruoda, he will naturally explain it to you, and at the same time, I hope you can join us. Mu Yang said and opened a spatial passage: "Inside is where the Ruotuo Dragon King is located, and I still need to clean up here." "

Na Villette naturally understood what Muyang meant by cleaning up, I am afraid that it was to dissect the Grass Dragon King.

One thing to say, that Villette's heart can't be calm, this is the Grass Dragon King, seeing Muyang's murderous behavior, then Villette actually has a feeling of sadness for the rabbit and the fox.

If you die, I'm afraid you will also suffer, right?

Fortunately, the Grass Dragon King is dead.

It's just that the arrogance of being the dragon king makes Navillette a little unacceptable in his heart.

Na Villette took a deep look at Mu Yang, and also walked directly into the door of space, this descender is really murderous!

He didn't mean to refuse, then Villette also felt it, Mu Yang wanted to recruit himself, and even Ruotuo Dragon King also joined Mu Yang's side, so let yourself see what Mu Yang was planning.

If he really can't accept it, then he would rather die than compromise with Muyang.

It's just a big deal, and the arrogance of the dragon king makes him not afraid of death.

Even if Mu Yang had already killed the Grass Dragon King, he showed a strength that he couldn't match.

Mu Yang glanced at Navillette and entered the space door, and didn't say anything.

Just silently collected the materials.

"Do you think Navillette would be willing to join us?" Nahida asked Muyang when she saw Navillette leave.

Navillette gave her a lot of pressure, and it seemed that the strength of the Water Dragon King was even stronger than her current self.

This made Nahida a little helpless, her strength was still a little too weak.

When will she be able to stand up?

"Yes, Navillette is a smart man, and besides, the relationship between me and Navillette is not endless. Mu Yang pondered for a moment and said, "As long as we let Navillette join us, the heart of the water god will be inseparable from ten after that." "

In Fontaine, Muyang has a lot of interested people, such as Villette, Funina, Clolinde, and Navia, all of whom are bound to enter the chat group.

With the ability of the chat group, it shouldn't be a problem to solve Funina's problems.

No matter what the problem of Funina, the god of water, is, as long as the points are enough, even if she is a false god of water, she can make Funina a real god of water.

What's more, Mu Yang has a rough guess about the problem on Funingna.

She may only be half of the god of water, which is not exactly the god of water.

The current Funnina is somewhat "imaginary", and her most core part is probably in that machine.

As for the flood problem in Fontaine, in Muyang's opinion, this can be solved.

All he had to worry about was Arecino's problems.

After all, even the Ice Empress didn't know what kind of person Alichino really was, whether she was loyal to her or if she had other calculations.

Some people think that Arechino is a hypocrisy, that she has her own calculations within the Fatui, and that the other party may be a harlequin.

There are also those who think that Arecino is a good man, and if it weren't for Arecino, the Fireplace House would still be a dirty place.

It was Arecino who put an end to the once filthy fireplace house.

The previous Fireplace House was doing things everywhere, taking in war orphans, and then stirring up wars all over the world on the continent of Teyvat, taking in war orphans...

But since the advent of Arrecino, that cycle has ended.

It was Arecino who gave warmth to the children of the fireplace house.

Moreover, even on the Ice Empress's side, Arecino said that she wanted to use the water god's heart to solve the flood in Fontaine, and then bring the heart to the Solstice Kingdom.

As for what kind of person Arechino really is, even the Ice Empress can't be sure.

If it was before, the Ice Empress could guarantee that Arechino was a good person, but now, the Ice Empress said that she couldn't be sure.

Once upon a time, how much she trusted Harlequin, but what about Harlequin?

But he directly betrayed her, trying to pull her into the abyss, once she, the ice god, fell into the abyss, the entire Teyvat continent would be doomed.

Therefore, the Empress of Ice let Muyang decide for herself.

In this regard, Mu Yang was also helpless for a while, if Arechino was from their side, then Lynette was their own person.

These days, who doesn't like Hi Silk Cattail Niang?

In particular, the sound of the bang is really attractive.

If Aricino's problem is not solved, then Lynette and they will not be their own.

They revere Arecino, not the Ice Empress...

Although from the perspective of an onlooker, it all seems to be a calculation...


"Ruota senior. "In Ruotuo Dragon King's house, Na Villette took the initiative to say hello when he saw the other party. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Navillette is arrogant, he still has to have the respect he should have for his predecessors, who are also dragon kings.

"Hmm!" After the Dragon King motioned for Navelette to sit down, he also personally poured a cup of tea for Navelette: "This is the tea I just brought from Qiaoyingzhuang, this year's new tea." "

"Thank you!" Hearing this, Villette did not refuse, took a sip, and nodded slightly: "This water is good." "

Compared to tea, Navillette cares more about water, perhaps this is the characteristic of the Water Dragon King.

"Do you know Muyang's identity?" the Dragon King asked meaningfully when he saw Na Villette like this.

"Who is he? As far as I can tell, he seems to be an advent from another world. Navillette did not hide it: "However, when I learned this, I was surprised.

After all, outside the Teyvat continent, they are all wrapped in the power of the abyss.

Even if we want to cross the abyss, it is difficult. "

"In terms of preparation, we can't do it, don't look at the strength of our dragon king, it is considered the peak on the Teyvat continent, but for other worlds, it may not be nothing. Ruotuo Dragon King shook his head slightly and said.

Na Villette's eyes flickered slightly: "Could it be that Muyang's strength is very strong!?"

"Well, it's powerful, and he'll be the hope of Teyvat. Ruotuo Dragon King nodded slightly and said, "Heavenly Principle has fallen. "

Hearing the words of the Dragon King of Ruoda, Navelette's hand holding the cup also trembled.

He looked at the Dragon King in disbelief: "Is this true?"

"Didn't you notice an anomaly in the leylines?

During this time, the number of monsters in the entire Teyvat Continent was also increasing, until some time ago, the maintainer of Heavenly Reason recovered.

That's just getting better. Ruotuo Dragon King took a sip of tea and said softly.

"But 5.2 Isn't Tianli falling?

Why is the maintainer of Heavenly Reason still there?

It stands to reason that they should have fallen together. Navillette frowned.

"When the Nibelungen fell, not all the dragonlords fell. Ruotuo Dragon King shook his head slightly: "Moreover, the new Heavenly Principle has appeared, and Asmodeus is willing to become the dependent of the new Heavenly Principle, so naturally he is still the maintainer of the Heavenly Principle." "

Hearing the explanation of the Dragon King, Na Villette's heart also trembled.

(╯)╯┻┻, Mom, it seems that I know some amazing information.

He also had a hint of speculation in his heart.

It is very likely that Muyang is the new Tianli, otherwise, Muyang would not say that he would join them.

Moreover, Muyang's strength seems to be explained.

(In fact, at the beginning, the author planned to wait for Fontaine's big plot to come out, and then write Fontaine's plot, and when Fontaine is finished, the book will almost be over.)

But now, it feels like it's almost guessed.,This time,There must not be a backstab.,Even if it's a backstab.,The author can only say sorry... Hey. )。

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