"Your Excellency Muyang, do you have the confidence to face that crisis?" asked Navillette a little nervously to Muyang.

If even Muyang didn't have the confidence to face such a strong enemy, then the Teyvat Continent would be doomed.

"The other party should not directly enter the Teyvat Continent, and I don't feel the breath of the other party here, for now, the other party should still have a distance from the Teyvat Continent. Mu Yang thought for a moment and said, "This period of time is enough to improve everyone's strength a lot." "

Navillette didn't say much when she heard this, time can indeed change a lot.

If only you could reach the Perfect Dragon.

No, you must help Muyang obtain the heart of the water god as soon as possible, and then purify the power of the abyss yourself, so that you can get the strength of the complete dragon as soon as possible, and even if you face a strong enemy, you will have the power to fight.

At this time, a woman with an explosive figure and a very sassy temperament walked over, and said to Navillette in a respectful tone: "Mr. Navelette, you are finally back."

Mistress Funinga has been waiting for you for a long time. "

"Oh, is it Clorind?" said Villette when she saw the comer, and directly called out the identity of the other party.

For Clorinde, Navillette is very appreciative, and the other party is one of the mainstays of Fontaine.

If she could, Villette would also like to pull the other person into the chat group.

If the other party can join the chat group, then the strength of Fontaine's side will also be significantly improved.

In the current Fontaine, Clorinde's strength can definitely be ranked in the top five, or even compete for the top three.

And this also includes Thana Villette and Funina.

It can be seen from this how strong Crorinde's strength is, and it seems that the only one who can compete with Crorinde in Fontaine is Leosley.

Mu Yang also looked at Clolynde with interest.

Although he doesn't know why many people like to call Clorinde Sister Apple, this kind of sassy and explosive girl is really attractive.

On Clorinde's body, Mu Yang felt Yelan's shadow, but in terms of appearance, Clolinde is still above Yelan, after all, everyone knows that Yelan's modeling is notoriously shoddy, and she didn't even bother to make her fingernails at the beginning.

Seeing Yelan before, Muyang felt that she looked pretty good, but Clolynde grew even more in Muyang's heart.

Even though Clorinde seems to have an aunt's fat face in some photos, but when I see Clorinde in reality, the other party is indeed quite beautiful, and her figure is very explosive.

"This is Mr. Muyang, a very distinguished guest~. Navillette said to Clorinde.

"Muyang? I seem to have heard of it somewhere. After thinking for a while, Clolynde remembered Muyang's identity: "It turned out to be a traveler from outside the world, but I didn't expect that you would know Lord Navillette." "

In Fontaine, Neverette has a very high status, even a henchman like Clorinde, who belongs to Funina's side, is very recognized by Neverette.

Even sometimes, Clolynde thinks that with all of Funina's actions, if Fontaine had not been maintained by Villatte, Fontaine would have been in chaos a long time ago.

"Hello, Miss Clorind!" Mu Yang said softly to Clorin.

"We're going to see Lady Funina, and please take us there. Navillette whispered to Clorinde.

"Please follow me. Clorinde glanced at Navillette, then at Ke Muyang, and nodded slightly.

Although he is a little worried about Muyang's strength, after all, this is the existence of the demon god Oselle, who has just suppressed the demon god, and it is said that he is also the husband of Inazuma Raiden Shogun.

With Funina's character, it is very likely that she will offend the other party.

But with that Villette here, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, right?

Mu Yang and Navillette followed Clolinde to a door, Clolinde knocked lightly on the door twice, and said in a respectful tone: "Lord Funina, Master Navillette is back." "

"Wow!" Muyang clearly heard the clear footsteps in the room, and the door was soon opened, and a young and beautiful girl came out of it, and said with joy: "That Villette, you are finally back." "

God pity me, how panicked I have been during this time.

His strength is not as good as that of Villette, if he is gone, won't he have to die?

Funina didn't have much faith in herself, she was just a weak, pitiful and helpless little water god.

"Well, things are a little complicated. Navillette nodded slightly at Funina, and then introduced to Funina: "This is Muyang, the prince of Inazuma Raiden General..."

As for Muyang's identity as Tianli, then Villette doesn't plan to tell Funina for the time being, after all, there are many other people here, and there are many people.

He also didn't want Muyang's identity to be exposed too early.

Even Navillette didn't know if there were any spies belonging to the Fatui among Funina's attendants.

There is the Ice Empress in the chat group, and Villette also knows about it from the Ice Empress, and now the Fatui are out of her control.

Harlequin, who now controls the Fatui, is a remnant of Kanria and has a close relationship with the Abyss Order.

In this regard, Navillette really wanted to say that dogs can't change eating.

For Kanria, Navillette also didn't have the slightest favor, even if those guys were in trouble, it could be regarded as killing Farnes.

But these guys have also pitted the Teyvat Continent, and if it weren't for these-stirring sticks, the Teyvat Continent wouldn't have so much abyssal power.

Now the remnants of Kanria are still thinking of destroying the Teyvat continent, which is unacceptable to Navilet.

Sooner or later, the remnants of these kanria will be destroyed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For the love of Teyvat, Navillette is a deep love, and whoever wants to destroy Teyvat is his enemy.

"Raiden General's husband?" Funina was also shocked when she heard this, and looked at Muyang in surprise.

As for the Raiden General, Funinga had also heard of it, and she was also quite a powerful god among the Seven Gods.

So what is the strength of this man who can conquer Raiden Shogun?

"Wait, I didn't say I was going to judge the Seven Gods before!" As if thinking of something, Funingna hurriedly said to Muyang.

"Judgment of the Seven Gods?" the corners of Mu Yang's mouth couldn't help twitching, but this kind of Funingna was really cute.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand and pinched Funina's face, and this scene instantly made everyone petrified.

Muyang dared to do this?

"Your Excellency..."Clorinde looked at Mu Yang with dissatisfaction, even though Mu Yang had a very high status, but Fontaine was not Inazuma.

It's not like Muyang can come here here.

Navillette looked at Muyang and Funingna with interest.

This scene is very interesting, to be honest, if Funina can be with Muyang, it will also be a good thing for Funina and Fontaine.

Navillette knew Fruncarus, and of course he didn't think that such a detached Frunina would be the real Fcalos.

Usually Fucarus may be in some purpose, in disguise.

Being able to make a water god like Fukalus deal with it so carefully also made Navillette curious.

In terms of strength, although Fukalus is only a second-generation god, he is only a little worse than himself, and the two sides can be regarded as between them.

The other party is a very wise and loving god, although it implements justice, but this justice includes all living beings, and it is the many thoughts of Fucarus that made him choose to stay in Fontaine.

Seeing that Fontaine was getting better little by little, Villette could now finally understand the mood of FĂșcarus at that time.

To be able to make Fucarus like this must have a deep meaning, right?

"Eh, what are you doing?" Funingna stepped back again and again, looking at Muyang with vigilance: "I want to judge you!"

"Judge me?" Mu Yang's expression was extremely subtle.

It's you, silly Fufu!

At this time, you even dare to say that you want to judge me, who gave you the courage (Zhao Hao Zhao) anger?

"Hmph, I'm afraid! I'm the water god Fcalos!" Fwinina clasped her hands to her chest: "Your guilt just now is blasphemous." "

The death penalty must be executed!

Although Funina had such a thought in her heart, she also knew that this one thing seemed impossible to do.

Now I can only rely on Navillette.

"Ahem, Ms. Funingna, I'm no match for Mr. Muyang, even if we join forces. Seeing Funina's stiff-mouthed words, Navillette hurriedly reminded.

Is the water god Fcalus noble?

The other person is your immediate boss.


For Navillette's strength, Funina also knows something.

In Fontaine, the other party is definitely the first, even in the entire Teyvat continent, there are not many that can be comparable to Navillette.

As a result, now he is telling himself that he is not Muyang's opponent?

He threatened Muyang Song before?


I'll be beaten up by Muyang very badly, right?

No matter how big Funinga is, she is starting to panic at this time.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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