The aristocracy is hated by many people, but they have power in hand, even if something happens, there are people who will take the blame for them, so that the group of nobles has become a big tail.

Especially in Fontaine, unlike in other countries, the gods can decide everything with one word, even if it is Flucaros, the god of water, and Navillette, the supreme judge, if they want to judge those nobles, they must act in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Logically speaking, governing the country according to law is indeed a good policy.

However, there are many loopholes in the law that cannot stand Fontaine, which has become a situation where there are policies and countermeasures.

As soon as something happens and there are many people to atone for them, and at the same time there is Merlot Petersburg, so to speak, Fontaine is a big problem.

This is definitely not the real rule of law, therefore, for these so-called nobles, it is also necessary to have a trial.

Linny, who was born as a commoner in Fontaine, was also ready to move when he thought of these things.

If these nobles are all gag, then will Fontaine be even better in the future?

In Linny's opinion, most of these nobles are bad, and he has witnessed a lot with Arecino, and he must not let Fontaine continue to be plagued by these disgusting nobles.

Arecchino left, and with him was Linny.

"Do you really want to use them?" asked Navia, full of curiosity, to Muyang.

After all, the Fatui or something is really not very credible.

"I don't know. Mu Yang shook his head slightly, "However, Arechino is a smart woman, and she is very good at judging the situation, as long as I can show my absolute strength, then there is no problem."

The most important thing is that I feel the love for Fontaine in her, maybe she really wants 267 to save Fontaine. "

Navia nodded thoughtfully, if Arechino, as the Fatui executive, turned against the water, there would be no problem in finding those so-called nobles.

"If the other party is really willing to take refuge, and when the laws of Navillette and their laws cannot deal with these nobles, then invite the Fatui to sweep all the nobles of Fontaine.

With the strength of the Fatui, if Villette and Fcalus were willing to cooperate, it would not be difficult for the Fatui. Muyang's words made Navia shudder.

Sweep away all the nobles, which will make Fontaine bleed.

But Navia didn't question Muyang's choice, the existence of the nobles did hinder the development of Fontaine.

As the eldest lady of the Thorn Rose Society, she is not a person who doesn't understand anything.

Even many nobles have thought about themselves before, compared to those real nobles, they are really nothing as a down-and-out person, and the other party will even threaten themselves with the Thorn Rose Society.

But, ironically, there was no follow-up after those guys.

I guess it was Clorinde who solved those things for herself, right?

Those people may not be afraid of Clorinde, but they don't want to have an unpleasant quarrel with Crorinde for some inconsequential people.

Now that Muyang has to deal with those nobles, Navia is actually quite looking forward to it.


"Father, are we really going to take refuge in Muyang?" said Linny after returning to the base, and then asked Arechino.

Abed looked at Lynny meaningfully for a moment before saying, "Lynny, you are my most trusted child, and I have always regarded you as my heir.

You should understand that we have no choice.

I've always trusted my instincts, and he's a threat far ahead of the Ice Empress and Navillette. "

Seeking good fortune and avoiding evil is also Arrecino's forte.

She trusted her instincts, and if it weren't for her instincts being accurate all along, she would have died long ago.

After all, if you want to survive from the previous fireplace house, or even become a new servant, this difficulty is even more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Her reputation as the Fourth Executive Officer of the Fatui was not boasted, but actually killed.

In normal times, Arecino may have his own benevolence, but in the mission, Arecino always puts the mission and his own safety first.

At this time, Arechino had already decided to take refuge in Muyang.

"Yes!" Hearing Arecino say this, Linny didn't say anything more.

He trusts Arechino and just hopes it's the right choice.

"It's up to you to collect the information of those nobles at Fontaine, remember to do this well. Arecino then said to Linny, "I need to go out and meet the water god Fcalos,

She has always felt special to me. "

"Yes!" Lynny wouldn't ask Arechino what was so special about Fucarus, he knew that it wasn't something he should know, if he really did.

My father will tell me, and all I have to do is do what my father commands me to do.

There's no way Arecchino could have killed Fucarus, right?

Although the water god is a little incompetent and a little nonsense, he is not a bad god.

Looking at Linny's departing figure, Arecino crossed his hands and rested his chin on it, lost in thought.

Taking refuge in Muyang, this choice is absolutely correct. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is no doubt about this, and Arechino doesn't want to change anything, the key is how to satisfy Muyang.

But how can I satisfy Muyang?

On your own beauty?

Hehe, Aricino can be very sure that he can't make Muyang like it at all.

In terms of appearance, she is indeed a little worse than others.

So what about Lynette?

Don't blame me, Lynette, it's all for the fireplace house, for your younger siblings.

Although Muyang is a little, and there are many beauties around him, he is very good to the people around him.

Just like Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka, their previous strength could only be regarded as average, but now I'm afraid they are almost like themselves.

You must know that in order to achieve her current strength, Arreccino has experienced the experiment of nine deaths and a lifetime, and she has paid too much for her strength.

Like the previous Osier, Arecino thinks that he can do the same as Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka, or even better than them, but what did Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka give?

Isn't it just good-looking, and then getting along with Muyang again?

And if Lynette can become Muyang's woman, Muyang will definitely help Lynette improve her strength, and when the time comes, as Linnet's father, she will also get certain benefits.

Even if there is no benefit, you can get Muyang's favor and solve your own problems.

Gaining great strength comes with danger, why should you train Linny to become your heir?

It's not because her time is running out!!

Those experiments did give Arecchino great strength, but they also gave her great trauma, and she paid the price.

In this regard, Aredchino has no regrets, if she wants to gain power, she always has to pay a price, and she has not much time before.

The problem of Fontaine must be solved as soon as possible, and without strength, you cannot kill the servant of your predecessor, you cannot change the house of the fireplace, and you cannot do what you want.

But if it's Muyang, he should have a way to live, right?

Thinking of this, Arechino sighed silently again, why can't he be better-looking.

Forget it, it's up to Lynette then, if it's really impossible, then just go and die.


[Muyang: "It's really interesting, Arechino came to us before, and she wanted to lead the people of the Fireplace House to join me. "

Ice Empress: "!!"

Ray Movie: "It's really interesting, I used to think that Nahida and I were miserable enough, but now compared to the Ice Empress, I find that I don't seem to be the worst, the worst is the Ice Empress."

The Fatui that he built became someone else's power, and he was almost hollowed out.

Now the core members under his hands want to take the Fatui to Muyang. "

Zhongli: "In terms of universal rationality, Aricino can be regarded as a good bird who chooses trees to perch on, and a person who knows the times is a handsome man."

Moreover, she is also wise, maybe she herself is aware of the situation within the Fatui and thinks that Muyang and yours have the same purpose, right?"

Ice Empress: "Arichino has always been strange, she is a child from the House of the Hearth, she has experienced many experiments herself, and she is also a master of the Fatui.

Her willpower is undoubted, she can inject the residue of the demon god, and the person who has not died is definitely not an ordinary person. "

Shenhe: "!!"

She didn't expect that that Arechino seemed to be her own kind.

Muyang: "In this case, Arechino is also the experimental subject of the Doctor?"

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