They had never thought of sending a strong man into the Abyss Order to become their spies.

After all, it was the Abyss Order.

If they could, they would do whatever it took to get rid of each other.

How could you want to infiltrate the Abyss Order, but if you think about it, it seems that this thing is really possible.

[Ying: "Originally, I should be the most suitable person, but it is impossible for Sora to accept me to join the Abyss Order. "

Muyang: "He actually sent me an invitation to join the Abyss Sect as well. "

Mu Yang's words made everyone speechless, and let the Heavenly Principle of the Teyvat Continent join the Abyss Sect, what kind of brain circuit can come up with a sassy operation.

However, Sora doesn't know Muyang's true identity, and if he knew, Sora probably wouldn't have done it, and it was not impossible to even try to win over Sora.

In the end, Sora is also a sister control, for the sake of his sister, he can even fall into the darkness!

Doesn't he know how dangerous what he's doing now is?

Didn't he know how frenetic he was doing?

He knows it all!

It's just that "Four Five Zero" allows Ying to leave the Teyvat Continent, and for this, he can sacrifice the entire people of the Teyvat Continent.

There is no doubt that Sora is crazy, and if you tell Sora about the current situation in Teyvat, and tell Sora that they have the power to fight against the abyss, even if Sora sees it with his own eyes, Sora will not protect Teyvat.

Perhaps, in Sora's view, the Teyvat continent will be destroyed sooner or later.

Even if Muyang showed the strength to fight against the abyss, it was no exception.

After all, the power of the abyss is one thing, and there are also the strong people in the abyss, there are too many strong people there, if they really attract the attention of the real strong people in the abyss, they may destroy the entire Teyvat continent with a move of their fingers.

If you want to let Kong join Muyang's side, it is impossible for the time being.

But if Muyang shows strong potential, or if Ying gives birth to a child for Muyang, then things are really likely to change.

As for the attributes of the empty sister's control, she will definitely care about her nephews and nieces.

As a child, it is absolutely impossible to leave the Teyvat Continent casually, after all, the outside is an abyss, so when the time comes, Ekong's character is to avoid the destruction of the Teyvat Continent in a short period of time as much as possible.

The key is to see how to apply empty, the eldest brother is a decent person, if you use it well, it's still very good.

Paimon: "But you've killed so many people in the Abyss Order before, and now it's hard for you to even want to join." "

Alice: "Dangdang, at this time, you need my help, and in the eyes of other people, I am not your group, although Klee and you have a pretty good relationship.

But I'm not from your side, I have good relationships with some people, but I'm also close friends with Reindot.

If I had approached the Abyss Order in the name of looking for Reindot, I believe the Abyss Order would not have doubted it.

After all, many people know about our Witch Society, and when Kanriya was still around, we often met in Kanria. "

Muyang: "So you're going to enter Kanriya to be a second and fifth boy!?"

Lady Alice, Klee is in our hands, and you don't want your child's mother to be in danger, do you?"

Venti: "..."

Grandma Ping: "..."

Keqing: "..."

Ray Films: "..."

Muyang's words left them speechless, after all, Klee was indeed in their hands, and now Klee's guardian on Liyue's side was Muyang, and many times, Klee would also live on Grandma Ping's side, and she had a good relationship with Yaoyao.

Also because of the relationship between Grandma Ping, she has learned a lot of things, and now Klee has to learn a lot of things every day, and her life is full, and she is accompanied by Yaoyao when she plays, and she doesn't need to play alone.

Yaoyao is a sensible child, so she naturally knows that frying things is not a good thing.

She doesn't take Klee to fry fish, on the contrary, Yaoyao takes Klee to play a lot of interesting things, which also makes Klee's childhood more and more complete.

Also because of Grandma Ping's relationship, Klee has become more and more sensible, and even Grandma Ping has begun to teach Klee some fairy methods.

Sometimes, it is really hard for Muyang to imagine that a perfect witch embryo like Klee will one day stab people with a gun in the future.

Even Alice doesn't want to see Klee like this, but this problem is not big, as an immortal, it is obviously impossible for Grandma Ping to only know how to shoot, even if it is immortal, Grandma Ping is also very good at it.

At the same time, she is also the kindest to humans among all the immortals, after all, she is a human herself.

Today's Klee is no longer the little girl who wanted to fry fish all day long.

Even Albedo sometimes comes out to visit Klee, and then when he takes Klee out to eat, he also sighs that Klee seems to be really much older than before.

Sometimes, education is really important.

Obviously, Klee has a very good education now.

This is also what Albedo sometimes has to sigh, it seems that he and Jean have failed to teach Klee before, and if they taught Klee this way before, then Klee will not be so useless. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Maybe that's the best fit for Klee.

Of course, Keqing also occasionally invites Klee to blow up something, so when it's time to play with bombs, Klee can have a lot of fun.

Alice: "Speaking of Klee, when I come back this time, I'm going to have some fun with Klee."

Klee's birthday is also approaching, so this time arrange a nice amusement park for Klee so that Klee can have a good time.

Muyang, can you come over and help?"

Asmodeus was speechless at this time, Alice, this guy, will always be so unreliable, Muyang, this Tianli, this guy, is it true that Tianli is harmless to humans and animals?

Or is this guy Muyang really boring?

Asmodeus doesn't think so, Lord Muyang needs to maintain the process of purifying the abyss power to strengthen the Teyvat Continent, and he is also very tired when he thinks about it.

The reason why I don't usually go to Sky Island is that I am afraid that I am resting and recuperating, unless I encounter something terrible, it is best not to disturb Muyang0 ...

Moreover, some of the problems encountered by the Teyvat continent are also solved by Asmodeus itself.

Muyang: "Do you want to build an amusement park for Klee?" that seems like a good idea, and we'll have a place to play after that. "

For amusement parks, Muyang is no stranger, although in his previous life, he has never been to Disney, but for large amusement parks, Muyang is no stranger at all.

He's also been to some interesting amusement parks.

Ying: "Amusement park, I'm also going to get involved, I haven't played an amusement park for a long time, with our strength, it's no problem to make roller coasters and the like, right?"

Muyang: "There really is no problem, and besides, Miss Alice is top in alchemy."

She has world-class technology, so I'm looking forward to Miss Alice's amusement park for Klee.

However, then again, there is no need to set the location on the Golden Apple Islands here. "

Alice: "How?"

Muyang: "Don't you think it's a lot of fun to build a Klee-themed theme park that most people can play?"

Alice: "!! it's a good idea, so Klee will be the biggest star on Teyvat." "

Alice is not at all reluctant to see Klee become a star or something.

At the beginning, she wanted to make Barbara and Kamisato Ayaka become a girl idol group.

In addition to the existence of a relationship that is not a big deal to watch the excitement, it is also related to Alice's own liking of such things.

But if you want to build a theme park for Klee, you think Klee will be very happy, right?

Muyang: "Moreover, even if you don't build Klee's, you can build a Doodoo, with Alice's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to make all kinds of Dodok-like amusement equipment, right?"

Alice: "It's not going to bother me, 4.6 Of course, if someone can help, that's great."

By the way, is Albedo busy this time?"

Ningguang: "Albedo has already taught the tutorial on how to make mobile phones, and now he is training alchemists who can make computers.

As for whether it is busy or not, it is difficult for me to say clearly. "

Muyang: "Albedo is really hard, I heard that Sucrose is also coming to Liyue now, I hope they can train more skilled workers to come out as soon as possible."

In fact, now, I am not afraid of other forces copying mobile phones and computers, the important thing is the permission to access the network, except for the Ruotuo Dragon King, the Great Cishu King, and Nahida, it seems that no one can do this. "

After all, the network is built with leylines and the World Tree, and network access permission is also necessary.

Of course, in fact, Muyang himself also has authority.

It's just that he didn't say it. 】

(Regarding the power of Arceus, the author thinks that Arceus is a multiverse-level boss, after all, the Pokémon world has a parallel world, so let's assume that the alpacas that usually appear are clones.) There's nothing to worry about either, after all, the alpaca is definitely stronger than the protagonist now, and the protagonist can't be made. )。

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