According to Muyang's understanding of Lei Movie, she will inevitably hand over the slate to Lei Dengen.

First, Lei Movie itself does not need a slate, maybe a slate can help Lei Movie improve its strength, but under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Lei Movie to use external forces to improve its strength.

Just like the original Heart of God, Thunder Movie has almost never used the power of Thor's Heart.

After the Raiden Shogun was made, the Thunder Movie directly threw the heart of Thor to ~ Yae Miko.

Second, Lei Movie also wants Raiden to really have the ability to protect himself, and Raiden's strength will inevitably continue to improve in the future, but in Lei Movie's mind, my sister is still the sister who is not good at fighting.

She has already experienced the taste of losing her sister, and that kind of feeling, Lei Movie doesn't want to experience it for the second time.

The previous thunder and lightning can really be resurrected, but no one can guarantee that after the thunder and lightning fall again, the thunder and lightning can still be resurrected!

Sometimes, Ray really wants Paimon to recover quickly, and then let the other party prepare some back-up for his sister.

Five hundred years ago, Paimon could have left his sister with a resurrected follower, so now at this time, there is no problem in preparing some more followers for his sister, right?

Even a lot of the time, Ray Movie wants to earn more points, and then call Paimon.

At this point, Lei Movie also mentioned this matter to Raiden Zhen, but was stopped by Raiden Zhen.

According to Raiden's words, although the relationship between them and Paimon is good, they can't blindly ask Paimon, whether Paimon is willing to give them or not is Paimon's own will, not what they ask for.

Moreover, the reason why Paimon was willing to help them like that was probably because of their relationship in their previous lives, otherwise, Paimon would not have helped them like this.

And in order to help them, Paimon also paid a huge price.

Ray movies are just a little silly, but they are not stupid.

She naturally understands these truths, but she doesn't usually think about them.

And after seeing that Paimon's brain doesn't seem to be very good, and he seems to be a little clumsy, well, Ray Movie is also compromised.

Maybe Paimon's reason why he wore out like this was because he helped his sister that time, right?

After all, under normal circumstances, it will not wear out into mental retardation.

At most, it's just a crazy person, but it's too rare to become mentally retarded or something.

It seems that even if it's a time demon god, he can't mess around!!

Therefore, during Paimon's time in the castle tower, Inazuma was also supplied with good food and drink.

Since it is impossible to resurrect Raiden Zhen without limits, then Thunder Movie naturally needs to help Raiden Zhen improve his strength.

As for Raiden Sakura, although the current Thunder movie also treats the other party as his sister.

Raiden Sakura also substituted for this role, but one thing will not change, that is, her personality is very similar to the Thunder movie, and she is a person who doesn't like to use external forces.

If it's a slate, Raiden Sakura won't accept it, and she can use the power of the chat group to improve her strength, because the points are earned by herself, which is also the process of her hard work.

Moreover, what has been improved is only the realm, as for martial arts or something, the chat group has not been directly improved.

Therefore, the slate or something, in Muyang's opinion, whether it is a thunder movie or a thunderbolt sakura, they will choose to hand it over to Raiden Zhen.

"Are you going to deal with the Thunder Dragon King?" Mu Yang slightly sensed the current situation of the Thunder Movie, nodded slightly, and said.

For the current strength of Lei Movie, Muyang is still very confident.

As far as the Thunder Dragon King is concerned, he is really not the opponent of the Thunder Movie now.

If it is said that the thunder movie is still in the Jindan period, coupled with his ability to govern in life, the thunder movie can gradually become five or five with the Thunder Dragon King.

Neither side can help the other.

But now, the strength of Ray Movies has been significantly improved.

All of a sudden, it has been upgraded from the half-step four-ruling level to the four-ruling level.

Coupled with the martial arts of Lei Movie, based on the current situation of Lei Movie, Mu Yang estimates that she can at least fight with Thunder Dragon King.

Of course, this Qisan Kai does not mean that the Thunder Dragon King has a winning rate of about 30%.

Instead, there is a seventy percent probability of injuring the Thunder Dragon King, and a thirty percent probability of killing the Thunder Dragon King.

Well, this is the meaning of the Qisankai on Muyang's side.

Defeating the Thunder Dragon King is not a difficult task for the Thunder Movie.

After all, since cultivating to the Yuan Infant Stage, Lei Movie's strength has improved rapidly in a short period of time, at least by fifty percent.

This strength is enough to deal with the Thunder Dragon King.

"We're packing up and getting ready to deal with the Thunder Dragon King. Mu Yang did not hesitate at the moment and said directly to Lei Ying.

Originally, he was going to have a battle in the morning, but since Lei Movie wanted to deal with the Thunder Dragon King, it had to keep Lei Movie in the best condition!


Ying: "Eh, why did you run away somewhere else? No wonder you gave me a holiday today.??"

Ying said that she had written down this hatred.

Lei Movie, this woman is so despicable, every time she exhausts herself from training, and then she and Muyang go to play poker by herself.

As a result, he was not close to Muyang during this time.

The strength has indeed improved a lot, but Ying feels like she has lost a lot.

No, you must improve your strength as soon as possible, unlock the seven elemental powers, and then also cultivate to the Yuan Infant Stage, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the girl to be poor!

Ying said that she couldn't be bullied by Lei Movie for the rest of her life!

I finally got to rest today, but I didn't expect that Muyang and Lei Movie would go out.

Despicable Thor!

Alice: "Eh, what are you doing in the Outer Sea?"

Could it be that you are going to make a move against the Thunder Dragon King?"

Navelette: "Thunder Dragon King, another dragon king after the Grass Dragon King."

I'm afraid this is also the last of the first dragon kings, right?"

Asmodeus: "No. It is rumored that the Fire Dragon King is in the Sea of Ember Silence, but I don't know if it's true.

After all, I don't know much about the Ember Sea, and that's a place that is very difficult for heaven to manage. "

Navillette: "Could the Fire Dragon King be in the Ember Sea?" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Venti: "Yes, I've seen the Fire Dragon King back then, and it's really a terrifying existence, and I almost can't come back." "

Paimon: "Wait, Wendy, what are you doing when you go to the Ember Sea? Isn't that death?"

There are a lot of strong people there, and the danger is no worse than that of the Dark Sea. "

Barbara: "Yes, Lord Barbatos, you need to be safe!"

Venti: "Hey, the people of Mondstadt have fallen in the Ember Sea, and I need to bring them back, even where the wind can't blow." "

Diluc: "..."

At this time, even Diluc didn't admit that Wendy, although he was unreliable many times, was secretly and exceptionally warm in some details.

Diluc: "In that case, the main reason why the Ember Sea makes me feel hot is the Fire Dragon King?"

Venti: "Yes, but don't worry, I quietly looked at the Fire Dragon King not long ago, and it's currently asleep. "

Lisa: "It's also a good thing that we didn't encounter the Fire Dragon King, and I don't know if this kind of war will make the Fire Dragon King wake up." "

Asmodeus: "If the Fire Dragon King is really in the Ember Sea, then it seems that the Fire Dragon King will need to be erased in the future, especially if the Fire God has not yet appeared."

The Ember Sea has been reduced to a battlefield between the Abyss and Teyvat, and although it is not as tricky as Musk Reef, if the Fire Dragon King has been in the Ember Sea all the time, it may have been eroded by the Abyss.

Even the Dragon King can't stop the erosion of the abyss. "

Navillette: "I understand, but I still hope that I can solve the Fire Dragon King!"

For the dragon king, Navillette also has an obsession.

He aspired to be the Dragon of Perfection, and now Villette had pretty much done that.

Even if he didn't take back his power from Fucarus, Navillette felt that his power had been replenished a lot.

As long as you work hard and earn more points, Villette is confident that she can become a complete dragon within a month.

At that time, his strength will also be significantly improved, at least more powerful than the ordinary Seven Gods, which is what Villette can be sure of.

And fighting an old dragon king like the Fire Dragon King is also what Navillette is pursuing.

If these dragon kings are willing to protect the continent of Teyvat, then Villette will protect them.

But if they are obsessed, then as the water dragon king, they will be wiped out, and the big deal is that the newborn dragon king can be born in the future.

Before Fanes came to Teyvat, this world belonged to the Elemental Dragon King.

But don't think of the Elemental Dragon King as a good brother who loves each other.

The relationship between the old Seven Dragon Kings is not much better, and even they will have fights, and even want to kill each other.

Although when facing Fanes, these dragon kings seem to be standing on the same line.

But there is also an internal struggle between the dragon kings, and Navillette can coexist harmoniously with the Ruotuo Dragon King, but it does not mean that Navelette can also be with other dragon kings.

After all, the Ruotuo Dragon King is also the second-generation Dragon King!]

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!

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