I don't know how good the thunder element application of the Thunder Dragon King is in the Thunder Movie.

Every time he fights with the Thunder Dragon King, Lei Movie can learn some applications of the thunder element, of course, Thunder Movie just feels that he is inferior to the Thunder Dragon King in the thunder element, as for other aspects, the Thunder Dragon King is far from himself.

Even when fighting as a shadow warrior, the application and research of the thunder element in the thunder movie is not the most important, of course, as the demon god of thunder and lightning, the application of thunder and lightning in the thunder movie is naturally not too bad, but she is not as good as the Thunder Dragon King, and may not even be as good as the thunderbolt.

If the application of thunder and lightning is really discussed, the Thunder movie is likely to be the third on the continent of Teyvat.

If it weren't for the fact that Raiden's real strength was still too weak, at this time, Thunder Movie wouldn't mind letting his sister come and experience the Thunder Dragon King's application of the thunder element, which might be of great help to Raiden Zhen.

Of course, Thunder Movie also knows that the application of the thunder element is not very important now.

Instead of studying the thunder element, it is better to study spells.

What is the upper limit of the thunder element?

Elemental power comes from the Dragon King, in Muyang's view, the upper limit of the elemental system of the Teyvat Continent is just like the Dragon King, maybe with his own blessing, the upper limit of elemental power can be increased, but it is impossible for him to increase the upper limit of elemental power without limit.

After all, Muyang himself didn't know where the upper limit of elemental power was.

Instead of studying the upper limit of elemental power 05, it is better to study the immortal cultivation system.

Lei Ying did not directly attack the Thunder Dragon King with a thoughtless sword, but at the same time as fighting with force, he was also fighting with the Thunder Dragon King with the power of the thunder element.

Although this is not a big sword in front of Guan Gong, after all, Lei Movie is also Thor, and he is still very good in the application of the thunder element, but this is more or less attacking the opponent's strengths with his own shortcomings.

The real advantage of the thunder movie is its own force, mana, and the power of life, but at this time, the thunder movie is using the thunder element to fight the Thunder Dragon King, or live broadcast.

This scene made the people in the chat group not know how to complain.

[Fucarus: "This scene is a bit like I went to challenge Navillette and was educated by Navelette in the realm of the water element. "

Navillette: "Lord Fcarros doesn't need to be presumptuous, your strength is still quite strong, and I don't have the confidence to defeat you at the moment." "

Zhongli: "When it comes to the application of the rock element, I didn't get the heart of the rock god at the beginning, and I was indeed inferior to Ruotuo, but then I spent more than a thousand years turning the power of the heart of the god into my own use.

It's not inferior to Ruoda. "

Venti: "Wait, old man, have you used the power of the Heart of God for your own use?" In other words, you don't have the Heart of God, but you can still play the blessing of the Heart of God?"

Zhongli: "This is a very difficult thing to do, as we all know, using the power of the Divine Heart will accelerate the wear and tear.

But it is worth it if you pay the price of some wear and tear and put the power of God's heart to good use. "

Venti: "It's you! Morax!"

Now you are not only free from the effects of wear, but you have also turned the power of the Heart of God to your own use.

Five hundred years ago, I thought you used the Heart of God to fight, but in this case, you didn't use the Heart of God, it was just your true strength. "

Zhongli: "Yes!"

Foccarus: "Well, it seems that my God's Heart is still a little early, and if I take out the God's Heart and let me study the power of the God's Heart with Navillette, I may be able to use it for myself."

It's better on my side, then Villette can make herself whole by studying the powers of the God's Heart. "

Navillette: "..."

At this time, Navillette didn't know what to say.

If you add up some wear and tear, you'll be able to make up for the missing power, which Villette would have done before joining the chat group.

But for now, it seems that points will solve all these problems.

I didn't think about getting the Heart of God back, after all, they also knew that the Heart of God was very important to Muyang, and now everyone knows that Muyang was originally improving his strength by getting the Heart of God.

And now, I don't know if taking away the heart of God will have an impact on Muyang's strength.

Although Muyang doesn't usually seem to need the heart of God very much, or even does not need strength very much, it's a big deal that when Muyang needs strength, it is enough to give the heart of God to Muyang.

But now the heart of God belongs to Muyang.

Zhongli: "I suggest you don't fight the idea of the Heart of God, after all, it took me more than a hundred years to control the power, and in those hundred years, my wear and tear was more than twenty times as usual. "

Foccarus: "More than a hundred years, that's still it." "

Wendy: "Indeed, more than a hundred years is enough time for us to significantly improve our strength, and I suspect that if we continue to grow at this rate, sooner or later, Fanes will not be our opponent."

If it was a year or two, I might have considered it, but for more than a hundred years, I didn't have the heart to do so.

I also don't have the confidence that I'm better than the old man in this regard. "

Asmodeus didn't know what to say at this time.

I don't know when it started, after becoming a combat power unit from the demon god level, the seven gods also became a combat power unit, and they themselves had become a combat power unit before, but I didn't expect that even Fanes would become a combat power unit.

Barbatos, you can think about it!

Thankfully, Fanes has now fallen.

If Fanes knew Barbatos's words, I'm afraid he would want to directly rub Fanes into an ordinary wind elf. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, because of Barbatos' words, the Seven Gods don't have much idea about the heart of God.

Morax is also an absolute leader among the Seven Gods.

During the entire Demon God War, the other seven gods combined, I am afraid that there are not as many demon gods killed by Morax.

Just look at Guyun Pavilion at this point.

There are dozens of demon gods over there, and there are still a large number of demon gods who have been suppressed by Morax on the Guili side.

Moreover, Morax has also used his performance to gain the approval of the Seven Gods, and this rock god is a very wise god.

Liyue is the richest nation in Teyvat, and there is no one of them.

Morax's wisdom is well known.

It would take hundreds of years for even a god like Morax to reach power, let alone them.

Muyang: "Sure enough, among the seven gods, Morax is still the deepest hidden!"

In the fall of the other seven gods, when they are asleep, you are the only one who can maintain a strong combat power. "

Zhongli: "The cost is huge, and if it weren't for you, I would have planned to hand over Liyue to the people of Liyue once and for all."

After all, my wear and tear is already severe, and it's hard to know if the decisions I make later are affected by the wear and tear. "

Ice Empress: "Wear and tear does make the gods feel pain, and those who have not experienced wear and tear cannot feel pain." "

Asmodeus: "It's rare to agree with your concept, but the setting of increasing wear and tear is also to protect this world, after all, the energy of Teyvat Continent is not very much, and it is impossible for the demon gods to squander it endlessly." "

Asmodeus's words also made it impossible for everyone to refute.

Obviously, neither the Nibelungen nor the Phanes of 437 could lead the Teyvat continent further.

This is a deficiency in capacity and, equally, a lack of resources.

After all, neither Phanes nor the Nibelungen had the ability to absorb the power of the abyss to replenish themselves.

To some extent, Muyang came to the Teyvat Continent to become a celestial reason, which is not Muyang's luck, but the luck of the entire Teyvat Continent.

There were too many defects in the Teyvat Continent before, and with the help of Muyang, the Teyvat Continent was slowly changing itself.

Therefore, although the wear and tear is still there, it is not something that cannot be canceled completely.

Navillette: "From a manager's point of view, that's acceptable.

After all, even as the maintainer of Heavenly Principles, you seem to have been affected by wear and tear before.

I don't think it's because Heavenly Reason is afraid that you will threaten him, so he restricts you, but now that I think about it, it's more like a so-called fairness. "

Fukalos: "It's fairness and order, everyone is restricted, in fact, I think it's pretty good, but it's also a disguised weakening of Teyvat, just like now, we need to face the threat of the abyss."

Without Muyang's help, Teyvat Continent would not have much strength in the face of the abyss, only a group of guardians who have been worn out.

Even the maintainers of Heavenly Principle have been affected by wear and tear. "

Muyang: "This is also a matter of no choice, after all, even I have no way to solve this matter, such as adding a restriction to a powerful life, and then liberating these constraints at a critical moment?"

If I do this, maybe the people in the chat group won't have any ideas, but the others will definitely be dissatisfied, and it will also affect their willingness to become stronger, and even make them fall into the abyss. "】

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