Mu Yang didn't have much favorable impression of Rosalin, but now he didn't have any bad feelings.

Rosalin had offended her at the beginning and had learned a lesson. Mu Yang would not target Rosalin in the future, but he would not look at Rosalin differently. Of course, if Rosalin could do something to satisfy Mu Yang, Mu Yang would not mind helping. To Rosalyn one two.

As for coercing Rosalin and designing to make Rosalin his own woman?

Sorry, Mu Yang doesn't have such an idea. Unless Mu Yang himself travels back five hundred years and attacks Rosalin five hundred years ago, otherwise, there is no point in attacking Rosalin now.

Rosalin who is not crazy about love is still That Rosalyn?

It's not like there aren't any girls in the world who are prettier than Rosalind.

On the contrary, Mu Yang highly praised the love between Rustan and Rosalin.

The beautiful and poignant love between the two made Rosalin successful.

If Rosalind met Strange, it wouldn't be Rosalind.

Mu Yang will not brainwash Rosalin and do some despicable things. His pride does not allow him to do such things.

Moreover, could it be that thunder movies are no longer popular, or is it because King Daci Shu doesn’t care for people anymore?

Not to mention these two people, I haven't even made cream puffs yet.

Where is the time to take care of Rosalind?

Maybe I have to find time to find Fukalos.

People in the chat group can understand Mu Yang's words. Indeed, Rosalin is too arrogant.

But she doesn't have that arrogant qualification.

The Witch of Fire?

Executive Officer 09 of Fools, but in front of Mu Yang, Rosalin is nothing!

Mu Yang has a relatively good temper. If some people in the chat group encounter others pretending to be in front of them, they may take action directly.

For example, if Rosalin were to appear in front of Lei Qingqing, Lei Qingqing would not care about the Ice Queen or the Ice Queen, and would directly crush the opponent to ashes.

It’s okay to give the Ice God face, but why do you do that?

According to Mu Yang, in the original plot, Rosalin was indeed killed by the doctor and the foxhole, but in the same way, Rosalin also died because of her own arrogance.

At this time, the Ice Queen was also confused about how to arrange for her people to enter the chat group.

Dadalia could do it originally, but he has an abyssal teacher. If Dadalia enters the chat group, there is no guarantee that the other party will not find anything.

Even the Ice Queen herself didn't have much confidence that she could fight the teacher from Dadalia.

As for Rosalin, it was also because of her arrogance that she had problems. Regarding this matter, the Ice Queen was also helpless for a while.

For ordinary people, Rosalin is indeed qualified to be arrogant, but you can't look down on others all day long!!

Whether you are a human being or a god, you must have a humble heart.

Even Mu Yang, who is the law of heaven, usually exists as a human being.

Even the Ice Queen can clearly feel that Mu Yang is deliberately retaining his human side.

One thing is undoubted. In the future, with the passage of time, Mu Yang will have more and more divinity. This is a problem of immortality.

Moreover, as a natural law, Mu Yang does need a certain degree of divinity, and he needs to think from the perspective of heavenly law on many things, but in the end he chose to think from a human perspective.

Perhaps for the continent of Teyvat, heaven requires divinity, but for the seven gods and humans, it is better to have Mu Yang with humanity.

In the opinion of the Ice Queen, if Mu Yang likes girls, it is best to like them more, so as to maintain Mu Yang's humanity. This is the best, and it is also the best for human beings.

It's good that Mu Yang can remember his identity as a human being.

In order to let Mu Yang maintain his human nature, the Ice Queen said that she would not hesitate even if it cost herself!

Could it be that the reason why Zhidong Kingdom didn't get much help from Mu Yang, or was even taken care of by Mu Yang, was because he didn't take the initiative?

You watch Lei’s movie and become Mu Yang’s woman, and then you have everything you want!

Nowadays, many of the most high-end combat forces in the Teyvat continent belong to Inazuma.

Maybe, I should take the initiative?

For some reason, the Ice Queen has a bad premonition recently. In less than a year in the future, the Solstice Kingdom will encounter a disaster. This is something that she cannot stop now.

The Ice Queen has great trust in this kind of intuition. After all, that guy Piero is always messing around with something. The Ice Queen doesn't know what Piero is planning now. What on earth is he planning? There are so many calculations.

Thinking of her people being plotted and exploited by Piero without knowing the truth, the Ice Queen felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Maybe I need to do something as soon as possible.

Now I am not qualified to let Mu Yang help me with all his strength.

Although the Ice Queen herself does not mind letting the Winter Kingdom become a battlefield when fighting against the Abyss, as long as the continent of Teyvat can be preserved, it is worth sacrificing the Winter Kingdom.

But that would have to be after his own death!

Now I need to do what the gods should do.


While Mu Yang was chatting with the people in the chat group, the battle between Lei Movie and Thunder Dragon King also entered a fever pitch. Lei Movie was no longer as reserved as before, but was firing on all cylinders. to fight the Thunder Dragon King.

And as Lei Movie began to exert force, the Thunder Dragon King quickly fell into decline.

Mu Yang looked at the Thunder Dragon King with burning eyes. From today on, there is no possibility for the Thunder Dragon King to survive.

Even if Lei Movie doesn't kill the Thunder Dragon King, the Thunder Dragon King will still die because the Thunder Dragon King has been locked by Mu Yang

"Her martial arts skills improved again."At this time, a woman who was almost exactly the same as Lei Qianqian came to Mu Yang's side and looked at Lei Qianqian's fighting figure with a complicated expression.

"After all, she is a warrior. Mu Yang chuckled lightly,"The same goes for you. I can feel that your strength has also improved. During this time, you seem to be hunting in the dark sea, right?""

The person who came is none other than Raiden Sakura.

She is also the most qualified person in the world to evaluate Raiden's strength.

"Yes, my strength has improved, but the rate of improvement is not as fast as hers. Of course, this is not a matter of power and realm.

But in terms of martial arts."Thunder Sakura said helplessly:"Her martial arts is already much ahead of mine. Mu

Yang chuckled and reminded:"Then you can also take her martial arts directly. I believe it is not difficult for you.""

Thunder Sakura looked at the scene of Raiden's battle and shook her head slightly, and said with a complicated expression:"According to what you said, it is indeed the fastest way for me to improve my martial arts, but I can't do this. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now I am me and she is her. The most important thing I should do is to get rid of her influence on me, otherwise I will live in her shadow for the rest of my life.

Unable to become an independent individual."

Mu Yang glanced at Thunder Sakura meaningfully, but he didn't expect that the previously rigid Thunder General would say such words at this time.

However, maybe this is also a matter of dignity in martial arts, right?

"Then I look forward to your future performance and growth. I also believe that you can escape the influence of the shadow on you."Mu Yang said in a gentle tone.

Thunder Sakura nodded slightly, and then looked at the scene of the battle between Thunder Movie and Thunder Dragon King not far away.

There are some things that Thunder Sakura would find difficult to tell Mu Yang, for example, if she If you are close to Lei Movie, you will feel the same every time Mu Yang 787 fights Lei Movie.

Thunder Sakura has complicated feelings about Mu Yang.

After all, she can feel Mu Yang's power.

If not for Mu Yang If Yang appears, his eternity may not be changed. Of course, if Mu Yang does not appear, Ina Wife will still be in dire straits, which makes Raiden Sakura grateful. After all, those things were done by the bastards of the Kujo family. She did it through her own mistakes.

Raiden Ying will not deny her own responsibility. She is also responsible for what she has done before.

However, Mu Yang is the law of heaven!

Only eternity can approach the law of heaven, and this is also her own fault. The original intention of being created, then do you need to get closer to the law of heaven?

Raiden Sakura's thoughts have always been chaotic[]

Lei Qianqian was going crazy at this time. She felt better than ever before. During this time, while teaching Ying, she was also studying her own swordsmanship.

Lei Movie also had to admit that Ying's swordsmanship actually had many advantages, but these all belonged to him.

Moreover, when Lei Movie was teaching Ying, she was also developing her own martial arts, integrating various concepts proposed by Mu Yang into her own martial arts. This also made Lei Movie explode, facing the Thunder Dragon King for a while of slashing.

The blood of the Thunder Dragon King stained the entire sea surface, but Lei Qianqing was still dissatisfied with her own strength. What she had to do was not just to injure the Thunder Dragon King, but to completely kill the Thunder Dragon King.

This is not a personal grudge between the two parties, but for the Teyvat Continent. Lei Movie deeply understands that it is impossible for the Thunder Dragon King to surrender to Mu Yang. The other party has become a hidden danger to the Teyvat Continent. At the same time, the other party has the ability to improve his sister Leiden. If you use real power, then the other party will die!

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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