"In that case, then please also pull Ganyu, Keqing and Ningguang into the group.

At the same time, please be able to hide your identity from me, I want to see what they will do when they find out about it!" Zhongli said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh, are you going to contact them as Zhongli and break into the interior?"

Influenced by his previous words, he wanted to use the chat group to test the people of Liyue?

In this regard, Muyang is not dissatisfied, after all, he himself is here to recruit wage earners!

Moreover, if these people make themselves dissatisfied, Muyang can also kick the other party away at any time.

"It's not like it's going inside!

Through this means, they can know more clearly the role of the basic internal strength.

At that time, I would also like to see how the top management of Liyue will promote the basic internal strength, whether they choose to block it and control it in the hands of a few people, or vigorously promote it without selfishness!" Zhongli looked at the still brightly lit Liyue Harbor, and his eyes flickered, "If someone vigorously hinders the promotion of internal strength," Zhongli said

And if you start to cultivate, then these people should almost start cleaning up. "

"I see!" Regarding Zhongli's words, Mu Yang was not dissatisfied, but was quite expectant.

He's also curious about what's going to happen after that, Liyue people, will he disappoint Zhongli?


Mu Yang's eyes flickered slightly, the game must not be able to portray everything, after all, Genshin Impact itself is a 12+ game, and moreover, Genshin Impact's copywriting itself is...

It's a real world, and naturally it's not as rosy as in the game.

And what will Liyue, as a merchant in charge of at this time, do they?

"Do you need me to do anything?" Xiao also asked at this time.

He didn't know who Muyang was, but he seemed to be a good friend of the emperor, which was enough to make himself respectful.

Moreover, the other party can also help him solve the problem of the demon god's resentment, and at this time, he is also willing to do his part.

"When you are in a good state, use the power I gave you to slowly eliminate the demon god resentment in your body, and then use this power to deal with the abyss or the demon god resentment and monsters!" Mu Yang said this, and looked at Zhongli again: "Are you eliminating wear and tear?"

Before, he felt that part of his power had been drained, which was equivalent to half of the power he had obtained by clearing the demon god's resentment in Xiao's body before, and he knew what Zhongli had done.

Well, Mu Yang is still a more conscientious businessman, and he only takes half of the price on his side, if his heart is a little darker, he will definitely take 99 percent!

Xiao was directly shocked when he heard Muyang's words.

Eliminate wear and tear?

Even this can be eliminated?

Who the hell is this man!

Zhongli nodded slightly and said, "The effect is not bad, it has cleared nearly one thousandth of my wear! It seems that I will need to go to more power to purify the abyss in the future." "

Speaking of this, Zhongli also looked at the location of the Stratum Abyss, where there was a large amount of abyssal power, but even if it was him, if he wanted to purify the abyssal power in it, he would probably need a lot of time.

Moreover, this may cause the Abyss Order to be wary, and this matter needs to be carefully considered!

"Emperor, I can do it!" At this time, Xiao also understood what the situation was, and he looked at Zhongli with "affection" and said.

Since those things in his body can help the emperor solve the problem of wear and tear, then there is nothing that he can't bear!

"It's okay, the demon god resentment in your own body can be solved slowly by yourself, and you can also use this power to solve the problem of wear and tear on your body, after so many years, you have also had a lot of wear and tear!" Zhongli said in a serious tone, "As for my words, I have a place to go!"

There is a lot of abyssal power in the Chasm, even endlessly, as long as you don't go too far, you shouldn't notice it on the other side of the abyss.

"Yes!" Seeing Zhongli like this, Xiao Ye didn't say anything, he turned his gaze to Muyang to the side: "Thank you, if you need it, just call my name!"

"Well, you don't need to worry too much, this is a mutually beneficial thing in itself, and it will be good for me if you use this power!" Mu Yang chuckled, then looked at Zhongli and said, "So, Morax, what are you going to do next?"

"I need you to meet them and pull them into this chat group, so that they not only have that kind of power, but also be able to cooperate with the basic internal skills of publicity, I want to see how far Liyue Seven Stars can go without promoting it. Zhongli said in a serious tone.

"That's why I was exposed to the eyes of so many people!" Mu Yang spread his hands, but he didn't have much fear.

Although doing so may expose himself to some danger, didn't Zhongli promise to protect himself before!?

Moreover, as long as he wants, the god of wind Barbatos's divine heart, he can also obtain it at any time!

Wendy, you don't want Dvalin to continue to suffer, do you


What's the matter? Your heart lady took it, and I can't pay it out of my new Tianli Muyang

And as long as he absorbs the power of the heart of the wind god, Muyang's strength will also be greatly improved at that time.

Not only the heart of the wind god, but also the heart of the grass god is not very difficult to obtain, and the entire Sumeru does not have a regular demon god-level combat power.

Nahida, still trapped in the Palace of Pure Kindness!

As for those Akademiya guys, how could they be their own opponents.

The only thing that needs to be feared is the doctor's guy, Mu Yang is very suspicious, the doctor has a lot of slices, and now in the territory of Sumeru, before his strength has reached the level of the seven gods, Mu Yang has no intention of directly facing the other party.

Once his strength surpasses the Seven Gods, hum, he will directly destroy him!

"If you don't want to, you can hide it, and I'm sure it's not a difficult thing for you!" Zhongli shook his head slightly, "I just want to test whether Liyue is now happy with the Seven Stars."

After all, because of your relationship, my contract with the Ice God is destined to be untenable!

And it's good for you, isn't it?As your strength increases, you can arrange for more people to join here!".

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