【Mu Yang:"Every country needs to expand, unless you also want to see me continue to build new continents in other places.

Then the original location of Teyvat Continent has become a drop in the ocean for the entire world.

The world will definitely expand, and it is impossible for me to continuously expand the area of ​​the seven countries.

The area of ​​​​the ocean can continue to increase, but if you want to expand the seven countries, then you need to consider how many countries you have. It has become seven continents."

Zhongli:"Turning seven countries into seven continents? Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be the only solution.

But if we want to continue construction, I am afraid it will take a long time."."

Mu Yang:"According to my plan, I plan to arrange the seven countries on the borders of Teyvat Continent. Later, with the expansion of Teyvat Continent, the seven continents can also exist as a force to guard the borders of Teyvat Continent.."

Wendy:"Hey. If that's the case, I don't mind. Just remember to make the climate in our countries a little better. Then I don't need to maintain the climate in Mondstadt. Nasida

:"I don't have any objections. Moreover, the Sumeru Desert seems to be very close to the border with the Tiwat continent. At most, it's just an expansion of some places."

Ruotuo Dragon King:"I don't have any idea." On the contrary, they are very supportive, which can actually increase my strength."

Lei Movie:"This has little impact on Dao Wife. After all, Dao Wife itself is near the dark sea, and I usually need to be vigilant over there.

This The impact on me is not great."

Ice Queen:"I have no objection myself.

But if several countries are too far apart, will this have an impact on human life?

If the country's If the area is too large, you can visit a country in a few months in the past, but if a country continues to grow, it may take several years to visit a country.

By then, trade among the seven countries will also have problems."

Mu Yang:"This can be solved. Add some teleportation arrays between each continent, pay some price, and with the consent of each country, you can also travel to and from each country.

The only thing you need to be vigilant about is The area of ​​each country is increasing too fast, and the country's own development speed may not be able to keep up. Then the number of humans is not enough, so many places have become barren mountains and mountains. It is also for this reason that I dare not be free. Expanding the area of ​​the ocean, if you are not careful, the ocean will also become a choice for abyss invasion.

If it is on the seabed, it will be difficult for us to find signs of abyss invasion.

By then, the Teyvat continent will also be in danger.

So I For the time being, there are no plans to continue to expand the Teyvat continent. This requires a step-by-step process."

Asmode:"I understand your concerns. I can maintain the current order of the Teyvat continent by myself. If the Teyvat continent is If it continues to expand, even I can't bear it, and even I will not be able to persist because of too many tasks."

Asmode said that he was very angry. He had worked hard for the Teyvat continent for countless years, but as a result, these guys, one by one, Think of yourself as a super boss and think that you are hindering their development.

Little did he know that if he hadn't suppressed the earth line and guarded Sky Island, the world would have been in chaos long ago.

I am afraid that the continent of Teyvat has been destroyed long ago.

Alas, people's hearts are not ancient!!

It is really difficult for me to be a leader.

Moreover, these gods below him are also dishonest.

Although there is a problem with Fanes as his predecessor, none of these seven gods are honest gods.

It would be a strange thing to expect them to be honest.

Mu Yang:"Well, it's actually because there are not enough strong people.

I hope everyone can improve their strength as soon as possible.

At the same time, I will also create some new gods in the future to maintain the order of Teyvat Continent.

Villette, as soon as possible Kill the Fire Dragon King, I will use his origin to do something."

Navilette:"I will try my best."

At this time, Navilette's heart was also extremely subtle, and he was very suspicious, if not He surrendered quickly enough.

The Fire Dragon King will definitely die, and I am afraid that he will be almost the same.

If it is an ordinary strong person, even if he can kill them, he cannot completely eliminate them, but Mu Yang is different!

Although the Dragon King will be created by Mu Yang in another form, the Dragon King by then will definitely not be the new Dragon King.

Alice:"Muyang, I suspect that you want to do something interesting."

Muyang:"Ideal Dragon and Real Dragon. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

Playing Pokémon, or When reading Pokémon novels, Zekrom and Reshiram are usually the legendary Pokémon that are the protagonists, not because these two dragon heads are too weak, but because of the settings, they are the ones most likely to be. Conquered legendary Pokémon.

Although the probability may be one in hundreds of millions, as a time traveler, each one is special.

For the time-travelers, isn't it a 100% chance that Zekrom and Reshiram recognize them?

And instead of being chosen by Zekrom and Reshiram, the protagonist chooses them himself, even two of them.

Of course, in this world, Mu Yang will set them up. This kind of god has only one master, and that is Mu Yang!

Conquering is impossible, don’t even think about it.

Alice:"Is this the Pokémon you took out before?

I remember that Keli also has one next to her now.

It seems that you care about things in that world. Then I will also study the knowledge of this world.

" :"You won't even give me a Pikachu!"


A photo of Nacida holding Pikachu appeared in the chat group, which made Ying even more envious.

Is it so good in Xumi? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ying:"Envy, I want Pikachu! I want Eevee!

Of course, it would be the same if you give me a flying tyrannosaurus, such as a fast dragon or a tyrannosaurus. Flying dragons are also possible."

Mu Yang:"We don't have violent flying dragons yet. There are also Pokémon births and World Trees. If you want Pokémon, you have to do something for Xumi, right?"


At this time, I don’t know what to say.[]

Well, if you want to get something, you have to pay something. You understand this. Moreover, your help is not in vain. You can also get Pokémon later.

If you think about it carefully, it's not a bad idea.

Isn't it just to go to Xumi and kill people? Anyway, what Nasida wanted to chop down by herself was just some maned dogs that did all kinds of evil.

If you kill, you will kill.

As Mu Yang said, keeping these guys is also a hidden danger. Who knows whether they will betray the Teyvat continent in the future?

Navilette:"Wait a minute, I want to ask, are there dragons among those Pokémon?"

You know, dragons are actually not welcome on the continent of Teyvat.

At least in this era, dragon lizards are actually not particularly popular.

Mu Yang:"In that world, there are dragon attributes, which represent the power of the dragon.

Later, I plan to use the power of the dragon as a unique attribute, similar to elemental power."

Navilette:"If that's the case If so, will there be dragon elemental power? Will there be the Eye of God?"

Mu Yang:"That's not true, but there will be Pokémon. And many of them are quite powerful.

Some powerful legendary dragons are as powerful as seven. Gods... are even more powerful.

They also have high intelligence and have the authority of the world."






Ice Queen:"……"

Please stop saying that, we feel that the Seven Gods are no longer fragrant!!

Although there are some gods, they themselves are not very fond of seeing the position of the Seven Gods.

But they are also the Seven Gods after all. Now that Mu Yang said that he wants to create an existence that is comparable to or even more powerful than the Seven Gods, how can they not be shocked?

But if you think about it carefully, it is a dragon, and from the look of Mu Yang, it seems that he plans to use the origin of the Fire Dragon King to do this.

If that is the second generation Fire Dragon King, or even a complete dragon, then it seems understandable that he is 3.8 times stronger than the normal Seven Gods.

Of course, people like Lei Qianqiu and Zhongli would definitely not be afraid of the so-called Complete Dragon.

After entering the chat group, their strength also became stronger.are stronger and they are confident of defeating their opponents.

Ruotuo Dragon King:"I'm looking forward to the future. I really want to meet those descendants with wisdom."

Navilet:"Perhaps, this is the real future for dragons."

The Great Merciful Tree King:"There are mini dragons in the World Tree. , let’s take a look. Mini Dragon.jpg"

Keqing:"It’s a very cute creature, but it’s completely different from the dragon in my impression. It seems more like a water snake."

Mu Yang:"Many Pokémon can Evolved, this is a quasi-god. According to my plan, if it can be properly trained and cultivated, it can grow to a combat power comparable to that of an immortal!"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said:"I should have thought that in After being comparable to the seven gods, being comparable to the immortals will also become your measurement unit.

However, if there is such potential, I would like to train these juniors.

Liyue also needs the help of the juniors now."】

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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