It's just that what Muyang didn't expect was that he didn't plan to provoke the lady for the time being, but he didn't expect that the lady noticed him at this time and walked over to him.

"Isn't this Liyue's emissary?

I didn't expect to hook up with an ignorant girl so quickly on Mondstadt's side!" the lady walked up to Muyang, glanced at Barbara on the side, and said with a hint of color in her eyes, "In Liyue, she became a little white face that Ningguang had taken care of, and then because she was not clear about her hookup with Yu Hengxing, she was rushed to Mondstadt.

I didn't expect to hook up with the priest on Mondstadt's side in just a few days!".

[Ningguang: "My little white face?".

Keqing: "It's not clear to hook up with me?".

Zhongli: "Ahem, cough, cough!! eat melons rationally!".

Jean: "Is this a misunderstanding? This must be a misunderstanding, right?"

Wendy: "Actually, not necessarily, after all, Muyang is so good-looking! If I am a woman, I also like him like this." "

Mu Yang: "Death stares at .jpg, can't speak, don't speak." "】

At this time, Muyang's whole person was confused, Tartaglia is a cheat!


He had come to fool Tartaglia before, but he didn't expect this guy to pass it back directly to the Fatui.

Good guy, when you return to Liyue, you won't be killed by Ningguang, right?

Can you go back to Liyue by yourself?

Tartaglia, this good half-brother, we can't do it!

"What does this have to do with you?

I'm very curious, what is the purpose of you coming to scold me for no reason?" Mu Yang tilted his head: "If you don't give me an explanation, I'm not a good talker?"

Barbara looked at Muyang and Ms. Mu in a daze at this time, this woman seems to be a Fatui, right?

Is Mr. Muyang messing around like this in Liyue?

Thinking of the many emotionally unscrupulous aristocrats in Mondnet, shouting for freedom or something, Barbara felt that these guys should run to the church to apologize.

However, this should be a misunderstanding!

After all, how could Mr. Muyang, such a sunny and handsome man, be a soft eater?

And the other party is a Fatui person, and her sister and parents once told her that she would never be able to believe the words of the Fatui.

"Oh, why should I give you an explanation?" the lady sneered and said, "You're just a little white face discarded by Ningguang, do you really think she will continue to cover you now?"

Moreover, Ningguang that woman, as long as she is given enough benefits, she will even sell herself, let alone you. "

[Ningguang: "!! bastard!Lady Fatui?hehehe, it seems that my attitude towards the Fatui is too modest during this time!"].

At this time, everyone in the group didn't know what to say, and it was obvious that Ningguang was really angry at this time.

The lady's words are really humiliating!

Muyang was so humiliated that they didn't know, anyway, Ningguang was humiliated by the lady!

Mu Yang sighed lightly and said to the lady: "Give you a minute to apologize, otherwise if you want to step on the ant without crushing it, the strength is difficult to master." "

Since it's a live broadcast, then it's inevitable to pretend to be forced, who else is more pretending to be forced than indigo?

[Wendy: "If you want to step on an ant without crushing it, it's hard to master! "

Zhongli: "It's true, sometimes power is really hard to control!

It's hard to kill an opponent, but it's hard to show off your strength without killing your opponent. "

Jean: "Mr. Muyang, please keep your hands, if the Fatui executive dies in Mondstadt, Mondstadt will face serious diplomatic pressure!"

Diluc: "Well, it's not a pity for the Fatui to die!, and even if you let her go at this time, she won't be grateful to Mondstadt!".

At this time, Jean was also panicked, although she also saw that the Fatui were unhappy, but she didn't want to face that kind of diplomatic pressure.

But Diluc is clearly different, and no matter what they do, will Winterland and Mondstadt have a good relationship?

This time, the other party came over, obviously friend or foe!

And, Wendy, isn't that worry?

"Hahaha, I'm laughing to death!" the lady let out a mocking smile when she heard Mu Yang's words, "Mole ant, this is really a huge joke, although I don't know how you came to Mondstadt alive, but with your barren strength, who gave you confidence if you want to challenge me?"

Or is that so-called pride that makes you dare to pretend to me at this moment?

How many girls have you deceived by this?".

"Mr. Muyang!" Barbara looked at Muyang nervously, she didn't know how strong Muyang's strength was, but the other party didn't seem to be easy to mess with.

The other members of the Knights of Favonius also wanted to come over to help at this time, but they were stopped by the Fatui brought by the lady.

"Barbara, don't worry!" Seeing this, Mu Yang put his hand on Barbara's shoulder and whispered: "Do you know?

I want you to remember that this lady has clearly been deceived!".

The lady was even more furious when she saw Muyang put her hand on Barbara's shoulder affectionately.

It's not that she has a sick brain and deliberately provokes Muyang, but she hates scumbags and scumbags who deceive women's feelings.

As a pure love warrior who died for love, the lady said that the person she looked down on the most in her life was a scumbag.

You can have no strength, you can not have profound knowledge, you can have no money and status, but you can never deceive the feelings of a pure girl.

On Keqing and Ningguang's side, the lady won't care, after all, in the eyes of the lady, these two women are definitely not pure girls.

But Barbara is different, for Jean's sister, the lady more or less saw her original shadow, which she didn't want to destroy.

Pure, kind, and beautiful singing!

It's a copy of itself!

The positions of the two sides are not in harmony, and if there is a fight one day, the lady will not leave Barbara's hand!

But now when she sees that the other party is about to be planted in the hands of such a scumbag as Muyang, how can the lady allow the softness in her heart to be scum by Muyang.

Even if you want scum, you can go to the scum and condense that kind of woman!

Especially when she saw Muyang's pig's trotters on Barbara's shoulders, the lady was even more furious, and grabbed Muyang's arm with a cold breath.

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