Thinking of her previous dissatisfaction with Funina, Arecino felt somewhat guilty in her heart.

At least now it seems that Funina, the water goddess, is also working hard, but her behavior is hard to explain. For this reason, she needs to continue to act crazy and act stupid.

As a god, Funina has done very well.

If it were him, he might have done worse than Funina.

But how to deal with the threat from the abyss now?

Arecino rubbed his head, and soon thought of another thing, and reminded Funina:"The Fools will send the Fools executive officer to Fontaine, and there is a high possibility that there is someone among them. Huge problem.

Very early on, Dadalia fell into the abyss and survived." At this time, Arecino had the urge to kill Dadalia. , after all, for Fontaine, Dadalia is an unstable factor.

If possible, Arecino wouldn't even want Dadalia to come to Fontaine.

Hell, Dadalia and dogs are not allowed in Fontaine.

But Arecino also knew that this was impossible. Mu Yang had said that it might be a prophecy. Maybe even if Dadalia didn't come to Fontaine, something like this might happen.

It seems that in the next period of time, I need to keep a close eye on that guy Dadalia.

We absolutely cannot let that guy Dadalia cause big trouble in Fontaine.

"Young Master Dadalia?"Funina also looked thoughtful when she heard this. That guy seems to have a good reputation among the Fools. It's really hard for Fontaine to directly refuse Dadalia's entry.

Moreover, the Ice Queen is also chatting. In the group, Funina didn't know the specific situation for the time being, so she decided to go back and ask the other person for his attitude.

"Otherwise, after Dadalia enters the country, you find a reason to put Dadalia on trial and let him enter Merlot Petersburg.

I can provide you with all kinds of evidence."After pondering for a moment, Arecino suggested to Funina.

He is not trying to trick Dadalia, at least he will not let Dadalia die directly.

After the matter is over, he will try to trick Dadalia. As long as Dalia is released on bail, it's okay. Dalia did something drastic and was directly killed by me.

Well, I can be regarded as protecting Dalia.

That guy, enter Melo Peter After the castle, there shouldn't be much that can be done, right?

Mu Yang couldn't help but twitching when he heard this. Mu Yang had heard of the so-called Merlot Petersburg.

That seemed to be the name of the criminals in Fontaine. Where he went, it turned out that Arecino wanted to arrange for Dadalia to enter Merlo Petersburg.

Good guy, as expected, the so-called teammates are really deceiving!

However, Mu Yang himself is still happy to see the results. , after all, this can be considered a fun, right?

He is very curious about how this matter will develop in the future.

He is almost 50% sure that the flood in Fontaine is related to Dadalia.

Under such circumstances, Dadalia Even Mu Yang can't guarantee what will happen after Leah comes to Fontaine.

"is this okay?"Funina glanced at Mu Yang and wanted to ask Mu Yang's opinion.

Arecino also reacted at this time. It seems that Mu Yang and Dadalia also have a good relationship.

Dadalia is also a fool. Among the executives, there are only a few who can survive in front of Mu Yang.

"Interesting thing, isn't it? Mu Yang shrugged:"However, once you do this, Fengdan may have to bear the diplomatic pressure of Winter Country."

You have to have a good reason.

Otherwise, it would be easy for Piero to make a fuss about this matter. Arecino looked at Mu Yang with a subtle expression and said,"Actually, you don't need to worry too much about this matter." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The strength of the Fools has now taken a big blow.

If Fontaine's side was a little stronger, Del Piero would not dare to be too strong.

At most, it's just to arrange for me to put some diplomatic pressure.

It was impossible for Piero himself to come to Fontaine. Mu

Yang chuckled:"Just tell Dadalia that locking him up in Merlo Petersburg is a way of protecting him."[]

After the matter is over, if you feel embarrassed, just let Clolinde and Dadalia have a fight.

Clolind's expression brightened when she heard this and she quickly said,"I will fight well with Dadalia.""

The time in the chat group has not been short. Although it does not bubble up often, Clolinde has always been diving. But for the things in the chat group, Clolind knows much better than Funina..

Dadalia can be regarded as half one of our own, but Dadalia himself doesn’t know it.

That guy is a war-mad man, so if he can accompany Dadalia in a fight, this is enough to make Dadalia Ya Ping was dissatisfied.

Arecino glanced at Clolinde thoughtfully. This woman is not like this usually.

It seems that Mu Yang's reputation is really great.

But think about Mu Yang's record carefully. , he doesn’t have much face, who has more face?

Moreover, even the Water God Funina listens to Mu Yang’s words. Obviously, Mu Yang is much better than he thought.

However, if you think about it carefully, Under the circumstances where nature does not like Fontaine very much, taking refuge in Muyang, 310 is a good choice for Fontaine.

Arecino pondered for a moment and said:"In the future, I will fake Dadalia's crime Evidence, you can just arrest him when the time comes."

Funina didn't refuse this time.

Although it seemed a little bad to arrest someone for no reason, considering Fontaine's safety, Funina also chose to compromise.

Anyway, the machine was also controlled by another person. Yes, when necessary, just let Fukalos control the machine to declare Dadalia guilty.

After a few people had another meal, Funina left with Clolind.

She There were a lot of things to do, and it happened that Clolind was by her side, so she could teach her.

Clolind did not refuse. The other party was a water god, not a water god. Everyone in Fontaine owed Funina Miss!

Moreover, in the future, the other party will also live as a water god, and necessary respect is also a must!

(Have you ever seen the news about the Thunder Dragon King? Not long after he was born, he saw the thunder movie killing Orobas with one sword. , was frightened out of the psychological shadow, and then ran to the dark sea, and was bullied to run to Nata and defect to the Fire Dragon King... I don’t know if it is true or false. If it is true, the Thunder Dragon King is really embarrassed. So shameful)

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