On the current continent of Teyvat, Navilite is definitely a strong man.

After all, he is a perfect dragon, even though the current Navilite is still not as powerful as the first generation Water Dragon King.

Well, that is, the Water Dragon King before Fanes came to the continent of Teyvat. That was the Water Dragon King in its heyday.

Today's Navilete is not as good as the Water Dragon King in that state. After all, Navilette is only the second generation Dragon King. Even if his power returns, Navilette still needs to accumulate strength and improve some combat experience if he wants to return to that state..

Of course, he can also purify more abyss power and improve his own strength.

As for whether the current Navilite can defeat the Fire Dragon King, in Mu Yang's opinion, this is for sure.

After all, the Fire Dragon King is not in its prime.

Moreover, at the critical moment, you have to take action yourself!

However, Navilet today is indeed stronger than Morax before joining the chat group.

The Dragon King is indeed a special group of beings.

Before coming to the continent of Teyvat, Mu Yang thought that the Seven Gods were the strongest below the maintainers of heaven and earth.

After all, the Rock Dragon King Ruotuo Dragon King is also said to be about fifty-fifty as powerful as Morax.

But the strength shown by Tevalin seems to be a bit stretched. For example, is the Demon Dragon Dulin really that powerful?

At least in Mu Yang's view, Du Lin's strength is comparable to that of the Demon God, which is already very valuable.

If there is a strength comparable to the Seven Gods, then Mu Yang said that it would be difficult for him to accept it.

Unexpectedly, Tvarin is really the Dragon King, but this Dragon King is a little timid...

But if the current Navilette goes to fight Silk, I'm afraid he will still lose.


"You are here!"When Mu Yang brought Navilette to the vicinity of Diluc, Diluc also said hello to the two of them.

"Well, what about Lisa? Didn't you form a team before?"Mu Yang looked around and asked Diluc.

"Together we are looking for traces of the Knights of the West Wind.

But it was too dangerous here, so I asked her to leave first.

Lisa's strength is good, but her mobility is not good, so I asked her to leave first." Diluc shook his head slightly and said.

Today's Diluc is pretty good.

He has even practiced the Golden Elixir Chapter. It can be said that Diluc now has a strength comparable to that of a weak demon.

Of course, he wants to To really make up the distance between yourself and the devil, you still need to put in a lot of effort.

But Diluc is already very good. After all, the previous Diluc was just a human being.

He is also in the chat group, The first human to cultivate from human to golden elixir. Even Ke Qing cannot compare with Diluc in this regard.

However, this is understandable. After all, Diluc has been in Jinji for the past few months. In the sea, there is a large amount of abyssal power.

Diluc can purify these powers almost all the time.

Although Keqing is in Guiliyuan, the demonic resentment of Guiliyuan has always been suppressed. Only through some special points, Only then can Keqing purify the resentment of the devil.

This also prevents Keqing from purifying these powers all the time like Diluc.

Of course, Keqing herself has also practiced to the Golden Elixir Chapter.

Coupled with the relationship between the Noble Phantasm created by Muyang, If Keqing and Diluc really fight, Diluc still can't beat Keqing.

"Well, Lisa's mobility is indeed a bit lacking. Mu Yang nodded slightly and said,"This point really needs to be strengthened.""

Then he looked at Navilette on the side and asked,"Do you want to go up now?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Villette's expression also became extremely serious. He stared at the location of the Fire Dragon King and said:"Let me go there by myself."

"good!"Since Villette has said so, Mu Yang will not refuse.

Then in front of Mu Yang and Diluc, Villette canceled his human form and transformed into his true body. A huge blue dragon, after letting out a roar, Villette headed towards the location of the Fire Dragon King

"The Water Dragon King seems to be different from Tevalin."Looking at Villette's huge body, Diluc couldn't help but exclaimed.

Tevalin's appearance is not a secret in Mondstadt.[]

But the looks of Tevarin and the Water Dragon King are completely different. If Tevarin hadn't said it himself, they would not have believed that Tevarin was also the Dragon King.

"There's nothing strange about this."Mu Yang shook his head slightly,"You can actually find out if you go and see Dragon King Ruotuo.

He actually doesn't look similar to Navilette and Tvarin."

If you really think about it, Villette seems to be a bit like a water snake. Well, I don't know why. After seeing Villette, Mu Yang thought of Menas. It is indeed very similar.

But, having said that, Mu Yang Yang Ke had heard that the dragon lizard clan had always wanted Navilette to pay attention to them and take care of them.

But Navilette didn't pay too much attention to them. On the contrary, he liked Meilu Xin.

In order to please that Villette, the dragon lizard directly changed from a macho man to a beauty...

Muyang finally knew Villette's xp.

If the dragon lizards all look like Menas, I believe that Villette doesn't either I would mind giving them shelter.

After all, the appearance of the dragon lizard is indeed somewhat different from that of Villette.

This does not poke the XP of Villette!

".Um!"Diluc nodded thoughtfully. He had seen the photo of Zekrom sent by Mu Yang before.

There is also a big difference between the other party and Villette.

"By the way, have you investigated anything else in the Ember Sea during this time?"Mu Yang still has great faith in Diluc's abilities.

At least among humans, Diluc is definitely a hero.

Although Qin is Mu Yang's own woman, in Mu Yang's view, Diluc is a hero in many aspects. , are both better than Qin...

Even to become the leader of the Knights of the West Wind, Diluc is more suitable. If it is Diluc, many dirty things of the Knights of the West Wind will probably be exposed directly. Solve it.

This may plunge Mondstadt into a civil war, but if you think about it carefully, Mondstadt cannot be in chaos. After all, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are nothing.

When Duan continues to suffer from it, Qin is in This aspect seems a bit indecisive.

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