Don't underestimate Mu Yang's purification ability , which has doubled from 1000m to 2000m.

If Mu Yang wanted to now, he could easily create an existence comparable to the Seven Gods.

And the consumption during this period is nothing more than one or two days' income.

It can be said that the growth rate of Teyvat Continent will also become faster and faster.

"How does it feel?"Seeing that the aura on Mu Yang's body calmed down, the Daci Tree King asked Mu Yang curiously.

"Very good, my power has doubled. A hint of a smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yang's mouth:"Moreover, my control over the Teyvat Continent is also greater. Not only can I control the False Sky, but I can also control the earth's veins."

My control over the earth's veins seems to be greater than that of Dragon King Ruotuo and the others."

The Daci Tree King nodded thoughtfully and gained control over the earth veins. This matter may seem meaningless, but in fact the impact is still huge. In other words, if Mu Yang wants to, he can change The entire continent of Teyvatweather.

Just like the reason why it snows all year round in the Winter Country, it's not because there is too much ice elemental energy there. It has something to do with the earth's veins.

At the same time, the birth of the Ice Queen is also related to this. It is difficult to change such weather.

Not even the Ice Queen can change it.

But Mu Yang can change now

"So do you know what your future path will be?"The Daci Tree King knows that Mu Yang is very powerful. In fact, the Da Ci Tree King is not very concerned about how much Mu Yang's strength has improved this time.

After all, the current Da Ci Tree King doesn't know how to evaluate Mu Yang's combat power. Is it possible? Can't it be described as one Farnese or two Farnese?

It is known that Mu Yang had the strength of about 1.5 Farnese before. Now Mu Yang's strength has been significantly improved. So now Mu Yang's strength has been significantly improved. How many Fanesses does Yang have?

This kind of thing seems exaggerated when you think about it, right?

Even the Great Ci Tree King said that he didn’t dare to imagine it.

"Well, but let's see how it goes first. Mu Yang shook his head slightly and said,"If my guess is correct, expanding the area of ​​the False Sky and then expanding the area covered by the earth veins can expand my power."

Before, I only controlled the area of ​​the False Sky.

I also want to expand the area of ​​Teyvat continent, but the land lines are limited.

Although I can control part of the power of the earth line through the World Tree, that is, your help, and with the help of Ruotuo Dragon King, I can slowly build the earth line.

But this speed is too slow.

Moreover, it is difficult to derive and construct ley lines.

At least for Ruotuo Dragon King, it is difficult!

But after I control this power, no matter how big the continent of Teyvat is in the future, I can also derive the earth veins there.

Coupled with the false sky, my power can also be improved.

Of course, your strength can also be improved"

"I don't really care about my strength.

But if it increases your power, that's even better."The Great Ci Tree King said in a gentle tone.

As long as Mu Yang's power can continue to improve, then they can also become stronger faster. When the time comes when the Teyvat Continent starts a war with the Abyss, there will be a lot more information.

"But how is your recovery going?"Mu Yang chuckled when he heard this. At this time, he wants to create Reshiram as soon as possible. At the same time, if possible, it seems good to create some more gods. The war with the abyss is about to begin. It was about to begin, and even Mu Yang felt a sense of urgency.

Hearing what Mu Yang said, why didn't the Great Ci Tree King understand Mu Yang's intentions?

What was this 1sp going to do!

However, they did this to improve themselves. Teyvat Continent

"My divine power has been restored, and my strength has also improved. Not long ago, I had reached the Nascent Soul Chapter."King Daci Shu didn't hide anything and said directly.

"Have you cultivated to the level of Nascent Soul?"Mu Yang looked at it and yelled, it's really like this.

This is something Mu Yang didn't expect. After all, there are many people in the chat group, but there are very few people who have cultivated to the Nascent Soul Chapter.

Even Morax has not cultivated to the Nascent Soul Chapter.

However, Morax just doesn’t want to practice.

As long as Morax wants, he can practice the Nascent Soul Chapter at any time.

Even Mu Yang noticed it before That guy Morax has also mastered the physical training techniques at the Golden Core stage...

Mu Yang even feels that even if the Great Ci Tree King has practiced to the Nascent Soul stage, his strength may not be as strong as Morax's now.

"Well, after all, through the World Tree, if I take the initiative, I can also connect to the power of the abyss."Daci Shuwang Yubu said surprisingly:"Therefore, when I am free, I am also purifying the power of the abyss. I have been practicing to the Nascent Soul Chapter, but it is actually a bit slow."

"This is not bad, then let’s work hard to create Reshiram, and at the same time change more of the rules of the Teyvat continent!"Mu Yang said and pulled King Daci Shu into his arms.


【Asmodeus:"The speed at which Teyvat Continent absorbs the power of the abyss has become faster. It seems that Muyang's power has been improved again."

Ying:"How is it? Is it improved much?"

Asmodeus:"About an increase It's twice as fast!"

Ying:"Double? So much? How terrifying!"

Finally:"Suddenly increasing the speed by so much, will it attract the attention of some people in the abyss?"

Alice:" It seems to be okay for the time being, but everyone has to improve their strength as soon as possible.

If you want to count, the power of the abyss also tried to penetrate the continent of Teyvat before. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In mention In the Watt Continent, the power of the abyss can also be seen from time to time.

When a world is about to collapse, there will often be a lot of abyss power infiltrating the world, and then slowly causing the world to fall into collapse. Under normal circumstances Next, if the power of the abyss invades this world in a large scale, this world will soon be polluted by the abyss.

If it is only for a short time, the people in the abyss will feel that the continent of Teyvat is about to end.

The False Sky will soon protect it. I can’t live in this world anymore[]

But over time, they will also feel abnormal.

At that time, it will also be the time when the war between Teyvat and the Abyss begins.

Leiden Zhen:"That is to say, under normal circumstances, we still have time, right?"

Alice:"There is indeed time. Even now, I am quite optimistic about the continent of Teyvat. As long as Mu Yang can find a way to improve his power and make his purification ability better and better."

Then there is hope that Teyvat Continent will start a war with the Abyss. Maybe it will be a big war by then, but it is still certain.

What Teyvat continent needs most now is time."

Eighth Son of God:"So the key is time. It would be great if Mu Yang could come to Teyvat Continent five hundred years earlier."


Are you saying something bad about my former boss?

However, even Asmodeus admitted that if Mu Yang could come to the Teyvat continent five hundred years earlier, there would seem to be no threat from the abyss.

It's just a pity that there is not much time left for the Teyvat continent now.

Kamisato Ayaka:"Everyone still needs to improve their strength as soon as possible. If conditions permit, we can go outside the abyss and fight those abyss monsters."

Raiden Shin:"What Ayaka said makes sense, but we can go there first. Beyond the Dark Sea.

In addition to demon gods, there are a large number of monsters there. They are a good group of opponents for you."

Asmodeus:"If necessary, I can make a few monsters there. A teleportation anchor point, so that it will be much easier for you to go to the dark sea."

Keqing:"Huh? Isn't the teleportation anchor point related to the earth's veins?

Why can you make it?"

Asmodeus:"The teleportation anchor point is indeed Utilizing the power of earth veins, but don’t forget that I am the ruler of space.

It is not difficult for me to make such a teleportation anchor point."

Ke Qing:"If this is the case, then it will be too troublesome. You."

Gan Yu:"Ke Qing, if you want to go directly to the dark sea, wouldn't it be too dangerous?"

It is true that Ke Qing's current strength is very good.

But that is the sea beyond darkness!

Not to mention other people, even demon gods can be found everywhere in the dark sea.

The Seven Gods went to the dark sea, and if they were not careful, they would be in danger.

Fox Sai Palace:"It doesn't matter. In the future, Shenzi will be in the Dark Sea for a long time."

Yae Shenzi:"Hey, when did I say that I was going to the Dark Sea!"

Fox! Saigiya:"After all, this is also to improve your strength. Son of God, your strength is already very good. You can even stand up to the Seven Gods, but you haven't experienced many battles since you were a child. Go and fight those demon gods." , is also pretty good."

Yae Shenzi:"……"

If possible, Yae Shenzi really wanted to refuse at this time.

But considering that the other party was Fox Sai Palace, Yae Shenzi was momentarily speechless.

If he doesn't agree, Huzhai Palace will probably think of countless ways to target him in the future, right?

She thought she was very disdainful, but compared with Hu Zhai Palace, the gap between the two parties should not be too big! 】

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