In the continent of Teyvat, the Dragon King represents the original authority.

In Mu Yang's view, the power of the Dragon King is closely related to the power of the earth's veins, just like the Dragon King Ruotuo is the incarnation of the mountains and rivers of Liyue. Although other Dragon Kings cannot control the earth's veins like the Dragon King Ruotuo.

But it also has a very powerful influence on the earth's veins.

It's like Tevalin was the leyline that influenced Mondstadt in the first place.

If Reshiram becomes the God of Fire, there will be no problem.

However, Mu Yang still decided to let Reshiram go to the border with the Teyvat continent and fight side by side with Zekrom. This was the best place for Reshiram to go.

With their strength, they are more than enough to deal with some ordinary abyss monsters, and in the future, their strength will become stronger and stronger.

"I feel like I still have some supernatural powers."The Great Mercy Tree King felt his own situation and said to Mu Yang with some trepidation.

Every time he communicated with Mu Yang in depth and helped Mu Yang gain control of the Teyvat Continent, the Great Mercy Tree King consumed a lot of money.

However, with the After his strength improved, even after creating Reshiram, the Great Ci Tree King still felt that he still had a lot of superfluous divine power. He could even create some gods.

"Hmm... let me think."Mu Yang thought for a moment, and he was also thinking about what to do.

At this time, Mu Yang was also a little regretful. He couldn't kill the Ice Dragon King. If he could, he would kill the Ice Dragon King himself.

By then, Dao's wife would There are islands made by the Fire Dragon King, Ice Dragon King and Thunder Dragon King.

This is the Teyvat mainland version of the Ice Island, Fire Island and Thunder Island.

You can completely create the Freeze Bird, Flame Bird and Lightning Bird. Come out.

Mu Yang also has the genes of the three divine birds. It is not difficult to create them.

But to be honest, Mu Yang doesn’t like these three stupid birds...

Fortunately, fortunately, Mu Yang They can also be deleted and modified.

Just like the battle between Reshiram and Zekrom over their ideas, Mu Yang can solve it. The problem of the three stupid birds does not seem to be a problem anymore.

However, Mu Yang has some perfectionism and does not have The body of the Ice Dragon King, he also didn’t want to create all the three divine birds.

"Why not create a few more Celebi?"After thinking about it, the Great Ci Tree King suggested to Mu Yang:"Since having Celebi, Nasida is obviously much happier than before.

Moreover, Nasida really needs help now.

In Fontaine, Fukalos still had Navilette's help, but Nacida was different, and I couldn't go out to help Nacida.

There are still too few people in Sumeru who can help Nasida."

"Weren't there three holy beasts before?"Mu Yang was a little speechless when he heard this.

He and the Great Mercy Tree King actually created quite a few three holy beasts. There seemed to be five teams, and the strongest one was left behind the World Tree. , guarding the World Tree.

If Nasida is in need, she can arrange for them to come out to help.

This group of three holy beasts also has demon-god-level strength, and they are the strongest.

This strength, in Teyvat today In the mainland, it is definitely a good combat force.

Compared with Nasida, the Ice Queen is the tragedy.

The Ice Queen has been in the chat group for a long time, and in name the Winter Kingdom is also a crouching tiger. Dragon, Fool, all the executive officers are powerful, but except for the Ice Queen, no one in the Winter Kingdom has entered the chat group.

Sometimes, even Mu Yang feels sad for the Ice Queen.

Alas, what if The Ice Queen can just hand over the Ice Dragon King.

Mu Yang can make the Ice Dragon King into Kyurem, and he can also use it to help the Ice Queen deal with Piero and the others.

"The three holy beasts are indeed good, but according to Nasida, they are the guardians of the World Tree, and they cannot be sent out because of Xumi's affairs. This is the rule!

Many times, if there is one, there are two.

If one day the Three Holy Beasts happen to be sent out, and the World Tree is in danger."King Daci Shu said in a gentle tone.

Even she fully agreed with Nasida's statement.

After all, this is the rule

"Is that so? Then create a group of three holy beasts specifically for Nasida's use, and then create a Celebi.

Think about creating Lugia later.

After all, they still have to rule the Dark Outer Sea and the Sea of ​​Ember Silence. Mu Yang said after thinking for a moment.

"Are Lugia arranged separately in the Sea of ​​Darkness and the Sea of ​​Silence?

If it were just the strength of the Demon God, it would not be able to solve the problem there.

Even in the dark sea, even one's own safety may not be guaranteed."King Daci Shu reminded Mu Yang

"I know, but it's not a big problem, they are still very smart.

Moreover, the Anwai Sea is right next to Inazuma. As far as Inazuma's situation is concerned, sooner or later, you will have to go to the Anwai Sea to earn points."Mu Yang chuckled lightly;"Now that I have mastered the False Sky, I am expanding towards the dark sea almost all the time.

By arranging Lugia to go there, you can also let it use this time to purify the Dark Outer Sea and improve its strength."

"If that's the case, that would be great."Hearing Mu Yang's words, the Great Ci Tree King smiled. Her arms like lotus roots hooked around Mu Yang's neck and cooperated with Mu Yang. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"Um? Are you out yet?"Outside Jingshan Palace, Naxida finally calmed down her emotions.

When Mu Yang and King Daci Shu changed the world, Naxida was not feeling very well.

Whenever this time, she could not devote her mind to At work.

However, after seeing Reshiram's white body, even Nasida's eyes lit up.[]

It's not like Nacida hasn't seen pictures of Reshiram before, but after seeing Reshiram with her own eyes, Nacida felt that the Fire Dragon King was more beautiful than in the picture.

When Reshiram saw Nasida, he felt that she and the Great Ci Tree King, one of his creators, had the same aura. He nodded slightly, then raised his head, spread his wings, and flew towards the sky.

"Left? Going to Sky Island or World Border?" Nasida showed a curious expression.

"Nasida!"At this moment, Mu Yang suddenly appeared next to Nasida, and beside him there was a group of three holy beasts and a Celebi.

The strength of these three holy beasts did not reach the level of a demon god, but they It will not be much worse than the original Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun who did not enter the chat group.

In Liyue, he is considered to be a relatively powerful immortal.

And Celebi is similar to the previous Celebi. They are all almost at the demon god level.

However, they do not have much combat power. Even if they have demon god level strength, they may not be suitable for them in terms of combat.

"Nasida, these are the newly born Celebi and the three holy beasts, who will become your helpers in the future."Mu Yang smiled at Nasida and said

".OK, thank you very much."Nascida is the God of Wisdom after all, and she understood Mu Yang's intention in an instant.

Having said that, if she still cannot maintain the safety of Xumi with such help from Mu Yang, then her little Jixiang There is no need to be the Grass King.

Just imprison yourself in Jingshan Palace and let the Sumeru people govern Sumeru by themselves.

She is just a waste anyway.

"No need to be polite to me."Seeing Nasida who already looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, Mu Yang felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

If the Daci Tree King is the image of a mature royal sister and a confidant elder sister, then Nasida is now a walking figure. With a youthful and sweet style.

Unknowingly, Naxi Da also grew up!

I still remember the scene of Mu Yang rescuing Naxi Da from the Jingshan Palace. Who could have imagined that Naxi Da could do so in such a short period of time? How has it grown to this point?

"Then I'll leave first. free to talk."Seeing Naxi Da like this, Mu Yang thought of the previous scene of studying root packing with the Daci Tree King, and quickly said hello and left the scene.

This made Na Xi, who originally had a thousand words to tell Mu Yang, Da was also stunned.

Why did she seem to be running away from herself?

But she was also the God of Wisdom after all. She quickly understood and showed a playful smile.

This was thinking that she was the Great Merciful Tree King. Are you worried about"making a mistake" (li Zhao)?

But she doesn't mind. After all, she is the reincarnation of the Daci Tree King, so there is nothing to mind.

Moreover, when the Daci Tree King accepted Mu Yang's test, She Nasida also feels the same way, okay?

There is nothing to worry about.

Maybe she should find an opportunity to talk to Mu Yang about this matter.

Nasida, who made a decision in her heart, looked at the big-eyed and small-looking person with her again. Eye-catching Celebi, as well as Sui Jun, Yan Emperor and Thunder Emperor standing like bodyguards.

It seems that this is not bad.

On the other side, Mu Yang came directly to Feng Dan and at the same time asked the Ice Queen in the chat group

【Mu Yang:"Ice Queen, are you really not going to hand over the Ice Dragon King's egg?

I can reshape it for him."

Ice Queen:"Sorry, I promised the Ice Dragon King before.

The Ice Dragon King also He has never done anything sorry for me.

I can't hand him over directly."

If possible, the Ice Queen would not mind handing over the Ice Dragon King's egg. If Mu Yang wanted to take action on the egg, even if she added The Ice Dragon King also has no ability to resist.

It's just that this egg has been with him for hundreds of years. Although he didn't hatch it, he still has feelings for it. 】

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