"Hey, the rules of overlord-colored domineering, if this thing is integrated into the world rules, Teyvat continent will also have overlord-colored domineering in the future. This thing seems to be good.

It can be regarded as improving human strength.

Next time, I can incorporate this thing into it."

"Neptune-like genes.

These things seem to be good as meat.

At present, the food on the Teyvat continent seems to be a little bit inferior, at least the nutrition is gradually starting to fail.

Although due to the existence of spiritual energy, ordinary creatures will become more and more nutritious in the future, it seems necessary to get some special food.

However, Neptune species cannot overflow in the ocean of Teyvat, otherwise, the marine life of Teyvat continent will be subversively changed.

Well, just conduct the experiment on the other side of the dark sea. Anyway, there are not many edible creatures on the other side of the Dark Sea because it has been affected by the resentment of the demon and the power of the abyss all year round. When the time comes, they will be specially bred in the Dark Sea, and a setting will be added to them. They will not be able to go to other sea areas, but there is no need to worry about the big damage caused by the Neptune species. Humans on the continent of Teyvat also have energy-rich food


"The godhead of Gaia, Mother Earth?

If you have this, can the God of the Earth be born?

Isn't this even more awesome than the Rock King Emperor Morax?

Forget it, I’ll keep it for now. I don’t know who I want to be the so-called Mother of the Earth for now. I haven’t even found the God of Fire."

"Teacher Xiaohua’s teaching video, well, I’ll keep it for now, and then show it to other girls so that they can also learn."

"A collection of dances by awesome female stars?

This stuff is pretty good, so I passed it on to Kamisato Ayaka and others and asked them to upload it.

Although Bangzi’s only traces on the Teyvat continent are the Treasure Thief Group, I can also give them some new traces."

"The data of moonlight grass absorbs the essence of the sun and moon between heaven and earth to help practice. Well, it is indeed a good spiritual grass. It can make this kind of fairy grass appear in the continent of Teyvat."

"Sailor Moon's transformation device? What's the use? Although the sailor suit is very fragrant, in this world, Sailor Moon's strength seems to be nothing, right?

Is it possible to turn Keqing into Shui Bingyue? Wait, this seems to be pretty good too...

If you have a chance, you can make it and have a look."

"Sento Isuzu's original magic gun...a magic gun is just a magic gun, why do you need to add the word"original"? I always feel like these two words are implying something."

"Um? Zanpakutō among the Shinigami?

In the future, if I want to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation, I can arrange for a group of Shinigami who have mastered the Zanpakutō to serve as ghosts."

Mu Yang felt that he was too smart. Most people would never think of this.

Then, Mu Yang looked at the remaining forbidden knowledge.

Forbidden knowledge is a good thing, but he just wants to attract forbidden knowledge. , but it was a bit difficult. This also reminded Mu Yang of the Flower God. It would be great if the Flower God was willing to cooperate with him and bring a steady stream of forbidden knowledge to himself and the Teyvat Continent.

Alas, forget it, let’s continue. Unlock the rest of the forbidden knowledge. There is a lot of forbidden knowledge, but most of it is useless. Mu Yang's desire to find something useful is like searching for that drop in the ocean.

Just when Mu Yang is about to focus his mind again When I was immersed in forbidden knowledge, someone in the chat group was frantically reminding me of something.

【Clolind:"Muyang, Fukalos, Navilette, Ice Queen, what's wrong, something happened to Dadalia."

Mu Yang:"Something happened to Dadalia? Is it possible for that guy to escape? Merlot Petersburg?

With his strength, it seems that escaping from Merlot Petersburg is a normal thing, right?"

It has been more than ten days since Dadalia was imprisoned in Merlot Petersburg.

During these ten days, neither Arecino nor Mu Yang paid any attention to this matter.

To put it bluntly, Dadalia is quite pathetic.

He was still thinking about Mu Yang coming to save him.

As a result, Mu Yang had long forgotten about him, and even when Dadalia entered Merlot Petersburg, there was Dadalia's shadow behind him.

Ice Queen:"As far as I know, Merlot Petersburg seems to be one of the safest and most dangerous places in Fontaine, right?

The entire Merlot Petersburg is located in the sea. It is said that it was built by the first generation of water gods with divine power..

Even for Dadalia, it is very difficult to escape from the seabed."

Navellet:"Melo Petersburg is indeed located in the sea, and it is also very difficult to enter and exit Merlot Petersburg. The entrances and exits are also controlled by a large number of people.

Even Dardalia cannot escape from Merlo Petersburg without alerting everyone."

Clolind:"Reindot suspected Dardalia. Dalia left through the waterway.

There are ways to escape from the water, but ordinary people cannot do it. Moreover, there is no one in Fontaine who can respond to Dalia."

Fukalos:"Dada Leah was sent in with the help of Arecino.

It seemed impossible that she would help Dadalia escape from prison.

And the fools in Fontaine were all under the control of Arecino. Indeed, no one We can help reach Dalia at this time."

Navilette:"Could it be Silk?"

Mu Yang:"It's impossible. If it's Silk, I won't feel anything at all if he enters Fontaine. No.

Unless Silk's strength still lies with me now.

Now the world boundary of Teyvat continent has been strengthened by me.

Anyone who appears in the false sky and contains a lot of abyssal power will be the first to Time is sensed by me (bgcf).

Silk's strength is even higher than that of a complete dragon. It is impossible for me not to feel it.

Moreover, I am very familiar with her aura."

Nasida:"Then Could it be the Star-Eating Whale?"

Mu Yang:"The Star-Eating Whale? But I still don't have the corresponding feeling. There are Star-Eating Whales outside the world, but there is indeed no Star-Eating Whale inside the Teyvat Continent.."

King Daci Shu:"Since we have guessed that Dadalia is related to the Star-Eating Whale before, maybe the other party really has the ability to take Dadalia out of the world. It is not impossible. (It’s so cool to watch.) For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Na Villette, can you feel the breath of the primitive sea of ​​​​wombs?"

Na Villette:"Is it the original sea of ​​​​wombs? Let me feel it and let me see."

Na Villette Wright:"If it were before, I wouldn't be able to sense the breath of the primitive sea of ​​​​fetus, but now I can. The current primordial sea of ​​​​fetus is indeed much more active than before.

Moreover, the sea water in Fontaine is also mixed with A certain amount of original fetal sea water[]

It is almost certain that the water of the original fetal sea has begun to flow into Fontaine and into the sea water of Fontaine."

Fukalos:"Fortunately, all the original fetal sea water in the bodies of the people of Fontaine is gone. Otherwise, Fontaine will be doomed this time.

Nasida:"It seems that all this is the work of the Star-Eating Whale. You should be careful in the future."

Or you can place the battlefield outside Fontaine or even the continent of Teyvat."

Navilet:"There is a slight movement, but once I leave the continent of Teyvat, my strength will be greatly weakened.

My Dragon King authority will be subject to certain restrictions.

Alice:"There's nothing to worry about. I'll just go find out the information for you."

This time, I just wanted to see the legendary Silk.

After all, my position is different from yours.

Qin:"But if it's Miss Alice and you go there, will it cause unnecessary trouble for you?"

Alice:"Don't worry, my strength is also very strong now, and I have already reached the Nascent Soul Chapter.""

Wendy:"!!! Have you also cultivated to the level of Nascent Soul?

Alice:"Yes, it has greatly improved my strength. You seem to be studying the Nascent Soul chapter that suits you, but I feel that Mu Yang's technique is quite suitable for me.""

Mu Yang:"After all, in order to improve the universality and to suit everyone in the chat group, this is not 100% suitable for you.

However, I also achieved more than 90%.

Zhongli:"In terms of universal rationality, as a popular technique in the chat group, this is already the best."

Perhaps if it weren't for the purpose of allowing us all to practice the corresponding exercises, it would be easy for you to create the corresponding exercises.

Mu Yang:"Yes, but at most I can only spread it to people in the chat group."

Fortunately, after entering the chat group, it will be much easier for you to practice by relying on points. Even if you are not compatible, you can directly succeed in practice.

This is also good news.

If you are willing, you can modify my immortal cultivation method to make it suitable for you.

Of course, if you don't have the corresponding confidence and foundation, you can practice me, it's just a matter of fit."

Lei Movie:"Didn't someone make certain changes?"

Ke Qing:"???"

Condensing light:"???"


Kamisato Ayaka:"……"We all practice cultivation directly!

And we didn’t feel there was anything wrong with it.

Zhongli:"Maybe this is also the relationship between us demon gods. After all, we are not human beings. In the Nascent Soul Chapter, I need to make certain changes to become suitable for me.

Fortunately, it has been successful now. Later, in the God Transformation Chapter, I can almost practice directly."】

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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