"where are they? Arecino took a deep breath and asked Mu Yang.

Now that she knows that the Star-Eating Whale is the culprit and Dadalia is the hidden danger, she cannot ignore these things at this time.

If possible. , Arecino even wants to get rid of the Star-Eating Whale.

If the Star-Eating Whale is eliminated, can the prophecy be completely eliminated?

Although now Fukalos and Navilet have already eliminated the damage of the prophecy It has been reduced to the lowest level.

But if possible, Arecino doesn't even want the flood to appear. Whoever causes the flood is her enemy.

At this time, let alone the star-eating whale, the opponent is the ice With the Queen standing in front of him, Arecino would take action without hesitation.

"In the original sea of ​​​​fetus! Mu Yang said with a subtle expression:"It should be said that the reason why the Star-Swallowing Whale can swallow the primitive sea of ​​​​wombs of so many planets is that it does have its own special ability, and it can circumvent the boundaries of the world and the protection of the false sky. , came to the continent of Teyvat.

Even taking action against the original tire sea.

This is not just a problem for Dardalia, the Star-Eating Whale also has its own special methods."

Arecino was also shocked when he heard this. If he was just outside, Arecino would still want to fight the Star-Eating Whale, but if he went to fight in the primitive sea of ​​​​wombs, Arecino said, this would It's really a bit difficult for her.

Even if she can explode with strength comparable to the devil, but if she runs into the primitive sea of ​​​​fetus to fight 16.

It seems that Arecino can't do it at all.

"Lord Muyang?"Navia looked at Mu Yang nervously.

The original embryonic sea is not only important to Fontaine, but also very important to the entire Teyvat continent, right?

"Let me think."Mu Yang looked thoughtful. If it was just the Star-Eating Whale, Mu Yang could easily solve it.

Before, Mu Yang thought that the Star-Eating Whale would be very powerful, but after seeing the fight between the other party and Dadalia, Mu Yang also saw that the Star-Swallowing Whale is indeed very troublesome, and its ability is very troublesome, but if we only look at the combat effectiveness, even the current Fukalos can single-handedly brush the Star-Swallowing Whale. The problem is that the Star-Swallowing Whale is very troublesome. The Star Whale has a large amount of primitive fetal sea water in its body, which should be the primitive fetal sea water of other worlds.

In addition, it has now begun to swallow the primitive fetal sea water of Teyvat Continent, which will make the Star-Swallowing Whale very Difficult to kill.

If you want to kill the Star-Eating Whale, you need to remove the original fetal sea water from the Star-Eating Whale's body.

But it is somewhat difficult to do this.

This time, on the Teyvat Continent, There are only a few people who can do it, and they also need to specialize in the art.

According to Mu Yang's estimation, the only ones who can do it currently are Mu Yang and Navilette.

As for whether Fukalos can do it Mu Yang didn't know this either.

When Villette was not a perfect dragon before, he could increase his power through points and become a perfect dragon.

The powers of the Seven Gods were intercepted from the Seven Dragon Kings by Faness. Yes, theoretically speaking, the Seven Gods can also make up for the complete power.

In other words, the Seven Gods also have the possibility of becoming a dragon king.

It is just that this is very difficult, otherwise, it is impossible for Fanes to just He robbed part of the power of the Seven Dragon Kings, but killed them all.

Obviously, the Seven Dragon Kings cannot be cut off at will.

According to Mu Yang's understanding of Fanes, that guy is definitely not a good man and a believer, and the other party does want to protect Ti There is nothing wrong with Watt Continent, but at certain times, Fanes seems to be quite cruel.

However, relying on points, the Seven Gods can also complete their duties and bring themselves to the level of the Elemental Dragon King, and they are still at the level of the Ancient Dragon.

"Is there a way to stop the Star-Eating Whale?"Arecino looked at Mu Yang nervously and asked.

"There are still ways."Mu Yang thought for a moment:"Since the Star-Eating Whale has come to the Teyvat Continent, there is no need to leave.

The key is to lure the Star-Eating Whale out of the primitive womb sea. Otherwise, it will be troublesome to kill the Star-Eating Whale.

On the contrary, it is easier to seal. However, I feel that it is better to kill this kind of thing."

"How to do it?"Navia asked quickly

"Just make it impossible for the Star-Eating Whale to absorb the water of the original womb sea in Teyvat Continent.

I can hide all the water of the original womb sea, and then forge the water of the original womb sea in Fontaine."Because of Villette, all the original fetal sea water in the Fontaine people's bodies has disappeared.

Therefore, it stands to reason that this place will not be particularly attractive to the Star-Eating Whale, but Mu Yang can completely attract the Star-Eating Whale. Come to Fontaine

"this……"Arecino wanted to dissuade Mu Yang.

She didn't know where the original fetal sea was, but according to the information told by Fukalos and Mu Yang before, the original fetal sea should be related to Fengdan, and it could even be said to be closely related. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even now Arecino suspects that the original sea of ​​​​fetuses is under Fontaine.

In other words, under the sea area of ​​​​Fontaine is the primitive fetal sea. Otherwise, the first generation water god would not be able to use the water of the primitive fetal sea to create the Fontaine people so easily.

And the water of the original fetal sea will not threaten Fontaine.

At this time, even if Arecino wanted to stop Mu Yang from doing anything, he couldn't find any other good way. There was no way he could tell Mu Yang to stop causing trouble in Fontaine and lure the Star-Eating Whale to other places. How about going to that country and then solving the Star-Eating Whale?

However, after some hesitation, Arecino still did not do so. She also knew that she did not have much say in front of Mu Yang. Moreover, Fontaine was a country, so was his home just a home?[]

【Mu Yang:"The Star-Swallowing Whale has entered the Primordial Womb Sea. Fontaine needs to be careful. I am going to lure the Star-Swallowing Whale out and then get rid of it. What do you think of Villette and Fukalos?

" Carlos:"Huh? Can you still force the Star-Eating Whale out!?

And why can the Star-Eating Whale appear directly in the primitive sea of ​​​​wombs? Why didn't we know about it before?"

As the current Water God, she Although he cannot be as good as his predecessor, the Water God, he is not without merit.

At least I still have some understanding of the original womb sea, especially after the secret of the flood was revealed, Fukalos has been investigating this matter during this period.

It's just that Fukalos didn't expect that when he was staring at the primitive fetal sea, the star-eating whale could actually come into the primitive fetal sea without him knowing.

So am I too useless? ?

Navilite:"What do we need to do?"

Compared to Fukalos, Navilite is much more decisive. As an elemental dragon on this planet, Navilite naturally knows the importance of the water of the original womb sea. If given the choice between the original tire sea and Fontaine, Villette would choose the original tire sea without hesitation.

This does not mean that Villette has no feelings for Fontaine. In fact, Villette still regards himself as a member of Fontaine.

He was very satisfied with the role he had played in the past five hundred years.

Now he doesn't need to worry about his own power, nor does he need to worry about Fanes. The hostile forces have also become an abyss.

Then Villette felt that he was actually quite relaxed.

After all, he now has a direct boss. If the sky falls, won't Mu Yang still be in charge?

But in the final analysis, Fontaine is only a part of the Teyvat Continent, and it is impossible for Mu Yang to really drag the entire Fontaine to death.

Perhaps this is the best way to deal with the Star-Eating Whale580.

Mu Yang:"I plan to take the Star-Swallowing Whale out of the Original Womb Sea first.

Next, I will temporarily take away the water of the Original Womb Sea. Once the Star-Swallowing Whale discovers that there is no water in the Original Womb Sea, The water will run wild.

When the time comes, we will try our best to find places with traces of the original womb sea water, and Fontaine will become the first target of the Star-Eating Whale.

I will also send a message to Dardalia to let According to my plan, he brought the Star-Eating Whale over."

Navilet:"Do you take the initiative to place the battlefield in Fontaine?"

Fukalos:"Although Fontaine is well prepared, there is no other way. Have you?"

Mu Yang:"This can be considered a part of completing your destiny, right?

Although I feel that the destiny of the Teyvat continent has changed now, after I came to this world, the so-called destiny is also in my hands. In my hands, there are still things to do.

The Star-Eating Whale is just a pawn. It does not pose much of a threat to the Teyvat Continent. At least Navilette and I can solve it, but the people behind him are Must be disposed of"】

(The coding speed was faster yesterday, and the new book is also being prepared. The plots of 4.1 and 4.2 have been completed. Many people said that something was wrong here and there, and I’m sorry for Funina and so on. In fact, the author feels that it is not wrong. , I personally think it’s quite exciting, even though I’m heartbroken with the fools, I can’t get used to it. At the same time, I also think it’s a bit disgusting to let the Star-Eating Whale go.

In addition, I feel more and more that Sora is in third place. The possibility of the arrival is getting higher and higher. Maybe Ying is also aware of this, and his attitude is becoming more and more subtle. Even Paimon seems to have discovered something, or Paimon seems to be guiding something. The game plot seems More and more, he is the descendant, and he is just a witness in the Teyvat continent. There is no obvious faction camp on the road.)

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