Looking at the anxious scenes of Ying and the Star-Eating Whale, Dadalia also felt envious in her heart.

It would be great if I also had such a weapon.

The next time I see Mu Yang, I will ask if I can build a weapon like this for myself. The power of this weapon is indeed very powerful!

Dadalia asked herself, if he had a weapon like the Original Sword... well, he would not be a match for the Star-Eating Whale!

The power that Ying is exploding now is already comparable to that of the Demon God. Even in Dadalia's view, this blow cannot be exploded by ordinary Demon Gods, and it may have touched the threshold of the Seven Gods.

Dadalia was also envious of her, were all the descendants so terrifying?

He knew that the reason why Ying's strength improved so quickly was because Ying was recovering her strength, and her strength itself was still higher than his.

Maybe even a being that was originally comparable to the Seven Gods.

However, Dadalia was also confused about how to improve his strength.

In order to improve his strength, Dadalia has never minded doing some dangerous things. Among the current Fool Executives, he is the one who uses the evil eye the most skillfully.

He even developed the Demon King's weapons.

But the ability of the evil eye has been developed to the extreme by Dadalia. Dadalia feels that he needs to obtain more powerful strength, otherwise he will be severely left behind by others.

When you have the opportunity, go back to Liyue and ask Mr. Zhongli if there is anything else that can help you become stronger.

As for why he didn’t ask the Ice Queen, it’s naturally because the Ice Queen doesn’t have time to teach him now!

Moreover, if the Ice Queen had such ability, I am afraid that she would have taught herself long ago and would not have retained it until now.

After all, the Ice Queen gave them everything she could, including power and weapons, but it seemed that there was nothing else to give.

In Dadalia's opinion, the Ice Queen has been extremely kind to her.

As for Mr. Zhongli, he was both a teacher and a friend. Even in Dadalia's heart, Zhongli had gradually surpassed Silk.

If Zhongli doesn't mind, it's not impossible for Dadalia to become Zhongli's apprentice.

Dadalia has been wandering for half her life, only regretting that she has never met her master. If he never abandons her, he is willing to be his adoptive father!

Just when Dadalia was about to help Ying continue to deal with the Star-Eating Whale, the figure of Villette appeared not far from Ying and said softly:"Back off, you evil beast~!"

Along with that Villette stretched out his right hand, and a surging water element burst out from Villette's body, impacting the Star-Eating Whale. The several-hundred-meter-long body of the Star-Eating Whale was directly knocked away by this terrifying energy. Got out

"This is the supreme judge Navilette!"Dadalia couldn't help but shuddered when he saw this.

Zhongli had told Dadalia before that Villette was the Water Dragon King and was very powerful, at least not weaker than the Seven Gods.

This also made Dadalia Ya was very concerned about Villette, and even planned to inquire about Villette after coming to Fontaine, but he did not expect that he would be arrested immediately after coming to Fontaine.

Clolind is also very powerful. Even if there was no problem with her Eye of God at that time, she might not be Clolind's opponent.

Although she was unwilling to give in, Dadalia was convinced, Clolind His strength is indeed a little stronger than his own. If there is a chance in the future, he must fight back.

However, this will have to wait until his own strength becomes stronger.

But he did not expect that he would see Villette take action at this moment. , such terrifying water element energy, such terrifying elemental control. Sure enough, as Mr. Zhongli said, Mr. Villette is a being comparable to the Seven Gods.

Only existences at the level of the Seven Gods can do this. It's one o'clock. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dadalia couldn't help but licked her lips. If she could challenge Villette, that would be great.

Being defeated by Villette Such a repulse also made the Star-Eating Whale furious. Endless water elements spread around him, even affecting the entire Fontaine area. The sea level rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, and violent winds and rains broke out.

"It’s a bit tricky indeed!"Seeing this scene, Villette's expression became solemn. He was thinking about how he should deal with this Star-Eating Whale if he was still the same Navilette.

It seems that there is no way, maybe he really has to sacrifice Fukalos..At this time, Funina also started to take action. She stood in the huge square and whispered to Fukalos in her body:"Please, another me!""[]

"give it to me!"Fukalos' voice rang in Funina's mind:"I didn't expect that one day we would be reunited. Moreover, after merging with you, I feel that my strength has been greatly improved.

Maybe it's because we are one, only in this way are we complete.

Of course, because of Mu Yang, I also have my own body, but we are still incomparably compatible."

Even Fukalos didn't expect that when he and Funina merged, there would be a picture where 1+1 is greater than 2.

"If I am stronger, can we become stronger when we merge?"Funina asked quickly.

What are they now? Super Fukalos?

Fukalos also said with some uncertainty:"I don't know about this. The only thing that is certain is that (Zhao's) now I should be stronger than when Villette first came to Fontaine."

Among the seven gods, Fukalos itself is not strong. In essence, she is not even comparable to Nasida. The only one who can compare with her is Barbatos.

But is Barbatos the same thing?

People Becoming a wind god can almost be said to be an imperial decision.

Moreover, Barbatos is not an ordinary wind elf. He has obtained the power and power of the tornado demon god. Fukalos only obtained the godhead at that time. After all, the first water god was She is also weak among the seven gods, and she is not a demon god herself.

Naturally, she does not have much power to give her.

Compared with the seven gods from other countries, Fukalos feels that their Fontaine is the real starting bowl!

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