Silk took a look at the Star-Eating Whale and saw that he was not dead, but if he wanted to recover, he would probably need a lot of water from the original womb sea.

Things like the Star-Swallowing Whale are relatively easy to feed. As long as they are still alive and have enough water from the original womb sea, they can be restored.

But things like the water of the original womb sea are very rare.

This is the biggest problem. Fortunately, Silk still has a lot of stock of the original womb sea water.

"My master is still in seclusion and has no time to take care of the Star-Eating Whale for the time being."After hesitating for a while, Si Keke still said to Villette:"You should be from Muyang, right? I can make a deal with him."

Before Villette could say anything, Mu Yang's figure appeared not far from Silk.

His sudden appearance shocked Silk"Nine-Nine-Seven", as Mu Yang had spatial abilities. , Si Keke also knew it.

He even thought that Mu Yang's space ability was not inferior to his.

But this time Mu Yang appeared, Si Keke was still shocked. This silent ability is really powerful..If

Mu Yang wants to kill himself, he will probably die too.

"How come your strength has improved so much?"Si Keke looked at Mu Yang in disbelief and asked.

"There is no limit to my strength, no upper limit."Mu Yang pretended to be cool without hesitation.

It's actually very satisfying to show off in front of someone like Silk. Even though Silk is very powerful, Mu Yang believes that he can do it easily. Kneading each other's.

Humph, it's just little Silk. It's possible that it can turn the world upside down. It's ridiculous.

Silk's eyelids jumped when she heard this. She had heard similar words from other people. It seems that he is his stupid disciple.

However, Dadalia has his limits, but Mu Yang seems to have no limits.

At this time, Si Keke really thinks that Mu Yang's strength is no better than his master Surturoch is weak.

In the past, Silk felt that this was a bit of a fantasy, but now, it seems to be really possible.

After a while, when we meet Mu Yang again, will the other party’s strength be Just crush Surtroch directly?

"Is it convenient to find a place to chat?"After pondering for a moment, Si Keke glanced at the others and asked Mu Yang

"Can!"Nowadays, Mu Yang is naturally not afraid of Si Keke. Just kidding, what can this woman do to herself?

"master……"Dadalia looked at Silk with worry. Dadalia was still very confident in her master's strength.

Even though Mu Yang is very powerful, in Dadalia's mind, his strength may not be as good as that of his master.

Dadalia did not expect that the whale was related to his master. The master who accepted him as his disciple was probably also related to the whale.

"Stay calm and don't bother me!"Sikkik glanced at Dadalia and said coldly.

Dadalia, who was fearless, turned into a quail at this time.

The master is still the master, and he will criticize himself whenever he disagrees.

But Mu Yang is The master's opponent?

Dadalia expressed doubts.

But at this time, Dadalia could not do anything. Mu Yang directly opened a space door and pulled himself and Silk in.

"Are they leaving now? Ying blinked, looked at the Star-Eating Whale not far away and asked softly:"Do you want to kill this whale?""

Based on Ying's understanding of Mu Yang, if Si Keke goes directly to Mu Yang, Mu Yang might really let go of the Star-Eating Whale.

"Let’s not kill him for now."Navilette also said at this time.

Then he looked at Dadalia aside. Such a scrutinizing gaze made Dadalia feel tremendous pressure.

It's not like he has never seen a strong person. , but Villette is obviously at the top.

He seems to be a criminal in Fontaine. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Dadalia!"Immediately afterwards, Villette said again

"how?"Dadalia took a deep breath, stared at Villette and said,"Do you want to take action against me? Although you are very powerful, I will not be afraid of you. Navilette shook his head slightly and said:"We have never been enemies. We imprisoned you in Merlot Petersburg to protect you.".......

You should understand the specific reasons."

At this time, no matter how stupid Dadalia is, he still understands.[]

Mu Yang has always been in Fontaine, but did not show up to help him, and judging from Mu Yang's appearance, he seems to have a good relationship with Villette.

Mu Yang's status in Fengdan seems to be quite high.

When I was in Merlot Petersburg, I also ate and drank well. Except that I couldn't go out, everything was good.

From Dadalia's point of view, he felt like he was traveling.

At that time, Dadalia also wondered if someone was taking care of him.

If it is Mu Yang, then everything makes sense

"In other words, Piero and the others arranged for me to come to Fontaine to harm me."Dadalia quickly thought of other things.

He entered Merlot Petersburg. Although he lost his freedom, his safety was guaranteed.

For this, he was still very grateful.

As expected of Mu Yang, he A good friend!

He actually thought of such a way to protect himself.

However, this does not seem to be a good thing. After all, he is safe here, but Piero and the others may not have used their methods against him.

Is it possible? Do you want to live in Merlo Petersburg for the rest of your life?

This is not what Dadalia wants for 5.6. He doesn't want to be a coward.

When his body recovers, he must first deal with Alechi. Only Nuo can do it.

As the executive of the Fools in Fontaine, if Piero really wants to take action against him, Arecino must be the executor.

Only Dadalia's brain, I'm afraid he can't know if Piero really wants to take action against him. Hierro arranged for Dadalia to be killed in Fontaine. At that time, the person who was most suspected was Arecino, which did not do any good to Arecino.

"Maybe so, or maybe Piero wants to take action against Fontaine, and you are the best way."Navillet said pointedly:"Maybe there are some things that you don't even know, but Piero noticed it."

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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