"Wait, if I remember correctly.

Surturoch seems to be your master, right?"Mu Yang's expression changed slightly and he asked quickly.

Did he hear something wrong?

Could it be that Si Keke had a bad mind ?

"This doesn't seem to be a very strange thing. Since you have heard of my master, you should also know what kind of person he is, right?"Si Keke spread his hands and asked Mu Yang.

"Actually, I don’t know much about it, I just know that the Star-Eating Whale is related to Surturoch.

This time, the Star-Eating Whale appeared on Fontaine's side, and they also wanted to wait and wait for Soult Lodge to take action."Mu Yang chuckled lightly. He didn't hide much about Silk.

Everyone is smart. If you don't pretend to understand, it will be Mu Yang who will be embarrassed.

"Is that so? It seems that you got the information from other sources."Si Keke nodded thoughtfully.

Mu Yang is very powerful, and his power is what countless people dream of. No, it should be something that no one even dares to think about.

Absorb the power of the abyss and strengthen yourself!

As we all know, the abyss Power is the most terrifying power, and it will cause people to be affected by the power of the abyss subtly.

Even Silk is actually affected.

"This is inevitable, after all, I can be regarded as the natural law of this world."Mu Yang spread his hands:"However, I still know more about the Star-Eating Whale. As for Surte Lodge, I don't know much about it."

"As for the master, he is considered a strong person in the abyss, and his strength is even higher than mine."After hesitating for a while, Si Keke hesitated again and said:"It should be similar to you now."

There is a saying that after seeing Mu Yang's strength, Silk was also shocked.

Mu Yang was still far behind Surte Lodge before, but as a result, Mu Yang has improved in a short period of time. So much strength.

This is beyond Silk's expectation. Maybe Mu Yang's strength can be further improved.

"Is it similar to my current strength~?"Mu Yang also understood for a while after hearing this.

Is he strong now?

He is the law of the Teyvat continent, so his strength is naturally very strong, even he is much stronger than Fanes.

But among the outside world in the world Among them, Mu Yang's strength is definitely not strong. After all, what kind of strength can Mu Yang have?

It's just that he is in the God Transformation stage.

As for the specific realm, Mu Yang doesn't know. He just knows that masters in the God Transformation stage , definitely not his opponent.

But to what level he has reached, Mu Yang feels that he still has to create the corresponding skills to know.

But by that time, his strength may have surpassed this level.

After all, he It's the law of heaven. The entire Teyvat Continent is his fault. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Mu Yang has made trouble for the Teyvat Continent, but these people who have made trouble are also good for Mu Yang.

"Yes, Surturoch's strength should be about the same as yours. He may be stronger than you, or he may not be as strong as you.

I don't know who will win and who will lose."Si Keke said with a complicated expression.

But even so, there is a huge difference between himself and Mu Yang.

Originally, Si Keke wanted to take the Star-Eating Whale away by force, but considering Mu Yang's Attitude, Si Keke is still somewhat timid.

"If that's the case, that's not bad."Listening to Si Keke's words, Mu Yang was also a little satisfied.

Although Si Keke's words could not be trusted by Mu Yang, it would not be wrong to work hard to improve one's own strength.

All he had to do was improve his strength..As for other things, let’s talk about it later.

"However, Surturoch is your master, why do you want to get rid of him?"Mu Yang then asked Si Keke again.

Si Keke considered his words and said,"You should know Reindot, right?"

Mu Yang nodded slightly and said:"The best alchemist in the history of Teyvat Continent."

"Indeed, Reindot is indeed qualified to be called the best alchemist."Sikkik said with deep understanding:"Similarly, Reindot is the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to pursue the so-called knowledge.

She knew that the power of the abyss was not something she could easily come into contact with, but she still came into contact with it, and at most she fell into the abyss."

Even you, a person who uses the power of the abyss, do you call people who use the power of the abyss fallen into the abyss? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) At this time, Mu Yang really wanted to ask Si Keke such a question

"Perhaps some people think that Reindot was a man who was accidentally bewitched by the abyss.

But I have studied her, and she is essentially willing to fall into the abyss."Sikkik chuckled and said:"And my master Surte Lodge is essentially the same kind of person as him, a person who will do whatever it takes to improve his strength.

For Surturoch, whether it is the power of the abyss or other means, as long as it can improve his strength.

He can use it, even if it means destroying world after world, Surturoch can accept it.[]

The world I once lived in was destroyed by Surturoch. Mu

Yang was also aware when he heard this, and then asked with a strange expression:"Does Surte Rocky know that your world was destroyed by him?""

"You know, he doesn't care, as long as I do things for him.

Even he is still developing my strength. Silk nodded slightly and said,"After all, according to what he said, my talent is very good and my physique is special." available to him.

Over the years, I have indeed done a lot for him."

"……"Mu Yang thought of a certain purple potato spirit at this time, and this was definitely not his routine.

He destroyed the other person's world and his home.

Then he adopted the other person, taught him skills, and accepted him as his disciple. What a familiar rhythm this is.

"I have been accumulating strength before, trying to find opportunities to kill Surturoch, but if it is you, I think you have a good chance."Sikkik stared at Mu Yang and said in a deep voice:"

Surturoch has set his sights on this world, and it is impossible for him to let go of Yang of the Teyvat continent.

Your cooperation with me to kill Surturoch is the best choice for this world."

"That's true in theory, but to be honest, I don't trust you."Mu Yang stared at Si Keke and said in a deep voice.

Si Keke's words made his heart move, but this was also based on the fact that everything was true.

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