【King Daci Tree:"For now, there is no such record in the World Tree. If there is, then this may be a record before the World Tree existed."

Mu Yang:"I am just guessing. , I just want to say that the earth veins are much more complicated than what they thought in the end. It’s not that we don’t help with some things, it’s really impossible to help. Don’t forget that the earth veins are flowing.

If the earth veins are static, as I am now With the computing power and working around the clock for a year, you may be able to find the soul you are looking for.

But you have to know that the earth veins are flowing."

Finally:"I see, I'm sorry, I forgot that the earth veins are still flowing.."

Mu Yang:"……In fact, I don't think you will forget this with your IQ."

In the end:"……"

If you see through it, don't tell it. At this time, what else can you do if you finally say that you can do it?

If you say that you really forgot this, wouldn't it prove that your brain is not good enough?

But if you don't admit it...

Well, Mu Yang is not as good as everyone said, and he is not considerate at all.

Zhongli:"Ahem, don't embarrass Mu Yang on this point.

It takes several years to search for other people's souls, which is more or less worth the loss. With this time, Mu Yang can completely deduce the subsequent powers. It's over."

Finally:"I understand this, but I'm just a little unwilling to do so."

The main thing is that I feel that Mu Yang is actually very talkative. Except for being a bit 1sp sometimes, he is simply a leader in his mind.

If Mu Yang can really save those friends from back then, at worst, she can become Mu Yang's woman.

After all, those friends really made her miss them very much.

Of course, after all, she knew that if she asked this, she would be easily disliked by others, but she still asked.

In terms of IQ, she is only higher than Morax, but it can only be said that she really wants to resurrect her friend.

Another crazy person.

Regarding this, Mu Yang was a little helpless.

This world still lacks the Six Paths of Reincarnation. If there were Six Paths of Reincarnation, I'm afraid these guys... well, even if there were Six Paths of Reincarnation, these guys would definitely not be allowed to do whatever they want.

Otherwise, if you resurrect one person today and I resurrect another the day after tomorrow, wouldn’t it mean that the people everyone cares about don’t need to die?

Will this world be over by then?

Although Mu Yang also hopes that there will be more and more strong people in this world, when strong people can trample life and death at will, then Mu Yang feels that this world is unfair.

Although Mu Yang himself would not give everyone absolute fairness, Mu Yang also did not want to see that in the future Teyvat Continent, there would always be people who wanted to use the Six Paths of Reincarnation to resurrect.

Therefore, the Six Paths of Reincarnation must be established, but similarly, the law enforcement of the Six Paths of Reincarnation must also be fair.

As for now, resurrection is resurrection.

How can it be so easy for these people in the chat group to resurrect people?

It would be difficult for them to find those souls, otherwise, they would have done so long ago.

After the six paths of reincarnation are established, the issue of resurrection is what needs attention.

Ice Queen:"I'm about to take action here. Please send Dadalia to the Winter Country for me. I have something I need him to do.

As for Arecino, see if you can Arrange for her to hide Dadalia's traces."

Fukalos:"This may be a little difficult, right?

However, if it is Mu Yang, it should be possible."

Mu Yang:"Are we going to start taking action?

I'm somewhat looking forward to it. After all, the Fools are also a huge hidden danger to the Teyvat continent.

If it weren't for the fact that the Ice Queen was one of my own, I would have set a nail on the Winter Kingdom long ago.

In my opinion, the Fools are a huge threat to the continent. By the way, even if they are all killed, at most 10% of the Fools are innocent. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, the organization of the Fools, and the Ice Queen, as you originally imagined Going in the opposite direction.

It has long become Piero's tool to destroy the Teyvat continent. It can be said that the current fools have no effect on the entire Teyvat continent."

Ice Queen:"……"

Mu Yang said this, what else could she do?

I trusted the wrong person! [ ]

In the end, it was all Piero's fault.

Mu Yang:"After that, I will arrange for Dadalia to return to the Winter Kingdom. How to arrange it after that is your business."

Ice Queen:"Okay, by the way, I also ask you to create a weapon suitable for Dadalia." The Noble Phantasm used.

His strength needs to be improved."

As a qualified god, the Ice Queen is still very good at being a loyal subordinate to her.

It is impossible to ask a horse to run and eat grass at the same time.

At least according to the Ice Queen, this is not allowed.

As for whether it was a bit bad for her to ask Mu Yang for something like this, she had other ways.

Ice Queen:"When the Ice Dragon King died, I collected a lot of useful things. I used a lot of them to make weapons for the Fools. The remaining materials can also be used to make some treasures. I hope you don't dislike it.."

Mu Yang:"Ice Dragon King's materials?

Then I'm still very interested. Okay, leave Dadalia's Noble Phantasm to me.

By then, I'll ensure that Dadalia's combat power can be further improved. Of course, There is no way he can be Piero's opponent."

Ice Queen:"I never thought that Dadalia and Rosalin would be Piero's opponent...

You, traveler, are interested in becoming a fool. The general officer?"

Ying:"General officer? Me?!"

Ying was also confused. Originally, she thought that she would be able to become an ordinary executive officer when she came to the Fools..

I never thought about becoming a governor.

But now, listening to the words of the Ice Queen, can I become the commander-in-chief?

It seems okay. In the Winter Kingdom, this is a position that is lower than that of one person and higher than that of ten thousand people.

Soon, Ying felt relieved again. The Ice Queen probably wanted to let herself deal with Piero.

Although I don’t know why the Ice Queen didn’t take action herself, logically speaking, with the Ice Queen’s ability, she should be able to suppress Piero at any time, right?

Why do you have to deal with Piero yourself?

Wait, is Sora also in the Winter Kingdom at this time? 】

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, okay, I love you! Spoon).

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