Paimon said that there is nothing wrong with you saying that I am a noob, but if you say that I am lazy, I will not admit it.

After all, when the other three shadows disappeared and fell asleep, he was the only one who was still taking action for mankind and protecting mankind.

Regarding this point, Paimon said that he was proud enough to last a lifetime, and as for those who complained about him, they were just a bunch of little bastards.

Anyway, Paimon said that he is a very reliable god.

It's definitely not as unreliable as others say.

【Paimon:"In fact, I can't remember many things in the past clearly. Even I have been worn out and have memory problems."

Asmodeus:"So it is not ordinary to find the ruler of death. Da, she did not appear during the war in Kanria. I suspect that she may have died or fallen into the abyss."

Although they were created by Phanes, in terms of nature and settings, , they don’t have to be loyal to Fanes. In fact, they all have their own souls.

If what Fanes does goes against their wishes and principles, it is not impossible for them to betray Fanes.

Weren't the Flower Goddess and the others originally created by Phanes?

Didn’t everyone betray in the end?

Of course, the status of the Four Consuls is obviously much higher than that of other gods.

Moreover, they themselves have a special relationship with Fanes. After all, they were created by Fanes' shadow.

Mu Yang:"Well, this is very troublesome. Of course, I can also create my ruling power of death.

Forget about this and just take it easy. It is not the time to create six reincarnations in the Teyvat continent."

The Ice Queen :"Speaking of which, Ying, I need your help."

Ying:"No problem, as long as you are against Sora, there will be no problem in calling me for such things.

In this regard, I am professional."

Ice Queen:"You are no match for Piero now. I hope you will go to Nata first, to the Ember Sea to find the captain, and then return to the Winter Country with him to preside over the overall situation."

Ying:"Are you sure the captain is yours? ?"

Ice Queen:"Well, Captain Capitano is mine, and I have confidence in this.

If he wants to be detrimental to me, he will not do such a thing, but will want to join us. Kill me.

Moreover, he is a real citizen of the Winter Kingdom, and he is the one who wants to make the Winter Kingdom stronger."

Ying:"Is that so? I don't know how strong he is."

Ice Queen:"As long as If he thinks about it, he is the number one executive of the Fools.

I heard that Piero wants to restructure the Fools.

Captain Capitano is the first executive officer set by Piero.

But the second position originally belonged to the doctor. Then there will be a vacancy."

Ying:"Capitano is so powerful?

Doesn't it mean that he has the level of a god?"

Ying feels that his current strength is still very good, and now he is stronger than the average demon god.

If he unlocks the fire element, his strength should be comparable to the Seven Gods.

Don't panic this time. If Capitano is unwilling to cooperate with the Ice Queen, then let yourself defeat Capitano and make him obedient, right?

This wave, Ying feels very confident.

Ice Queen:"Capitano is very powerful. When it comes to martial arts, he is the most powerful human being I have ever seen.

I never thought that human martial arts can reach this level.

If you don't use power If so, I should not have been Capitano's opponent in the past."

Lei Qianqian:"Martial arts? Very interesting!"

After one comment, Lei Qianqian was also moved at this time.

Ice Queen Barnabas's martial arts skills are not appreciated by Thunder Movie.

To be precise, in the entire Teyvat continent, she, Barzeb, claimed to be the second in the Teyvat continent, and no one could claim to be the first in the Teyvat continent.

Lei Film is very confident about this.

The only ones who can compare with her in martial arts are Raiden Sakura and Morax.

Of course, Mu Yang's martial arts is also very good now.

However, Mu Yang himself is not good at martial arts. As a Tianli, there seems to be no need to study martial arts in particular.

Lei Qianqian believed that Mu Yang could surpass her in martial arts, so she would occasionally give Mu Yang tricks.

More importantly, I hope that Mu Yang will not waste his martial arts. If Mu Yang really works hard to practice, Lei Qianqian feels that it will be easy to surpass himself.

Just like Mu Yang learned the martial arts of Morax and Kong before, he learned their martial arts almost in a moment.

Then he will understand it very quickly, but in the final analysis, Mu Yang is not a master of martial arts, after all, he is not a warrior.

Now when I hear the Ice Queen say that Capitano can rival the gods in a mortal body, Lei Movie is also moved.

This may be an opponent worth killing.

Ice Queen:"His path is different from yours.

Capitano's martial arts is very refined, trying to kill the strongest person with the least effort.

Without the Eye of God, Capitano With his strength, he can fight some powerful original gods.

After obtaining the Eye of God, Capitano not only developed his own martial arts, but also developed the ability of the Eye of God.

Regarding the development of the Eye of God, I believe In fact, you all understand.

If you really work hard to develop it, you may not be able to become a god through the Eye of God.

It's just that everyone has developed the Eye of God too weakly."

Wendy:"Hey, related I am not deceiving you about the legend of the original god.

But if it is not developed properly, after all (Li Zhao) will be just mortals. In the end, they will use the energy they have developed, including their souls, to become the nourishment of the Teyvat continent.……"

Mu Yang:"It's understandable. After all, the Eye of God itself is also a power sentence that is part of this world. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Let the original god develop this part of the power. For the continent of Teyvat Said, naturally there are benefits. After all, after they die, this will all belong to the Teyvat continent.

But for thousands of years, there are not many people who have truly developed the Eye of God correctly. Of course, it seems that those who have correctly developed it No need to die……"】

(When this book was written, Piero was still the commander-in-chief. At that time, everyone thought that Piero was the first seat, and Captain Capitano was most likely the fourth seat, the strongest human being, eh , this is how I calculated it at the beginning.

The novel also set that Capitano was not number one before, but now it needs to be changed again.)

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