In the past, Arecino admired the Ice Queen very much, thinking that she was the most responsible among all the seven gods.

But the current Fukalos obviously opened up Arecino's eyes, especially after seeing Fukalos display the power of a god with his own eyes.

After Dadalia disappeared, Arecino looked at Mu Yang not far away and asked:"Master Mu Yang, what should I do next?"

"You?"Mu Yang looked thoughtful when he heard this:"I don't know yet.

I'm curious, what do you want to do next? Arecino pondered for a moment and said softly to Mu Yang:"I want to support the Ice Queen against Piero.""

"Is there a conflict between the Ice Queen and Piero?"Mu Yang looked at Arecino with some fun and asked.

"Well……""One-Five-O" Recino didn't know what to say for a moment.

After all, there are some things that Mu Yang seems to have told him intentionally or unintentionally.

Now Mu Yang is asking himself, is he testing himself in school, or is he making things difficult for himself?

Or maybe I thought wrong?

No, even if I think wrong, I still have to support the Ice Queen to fight against Piero.

Only in this way can the flames of war not reach Fontaine.

"Okay, I'm not interested in the affairs of the Solstice Kingdom for the time being. I have only one request, and that is that neither the Abyss nor the Kanria people should live on the continent of Teyvat. Can you understand?"Mu Yang pointed at Arlecino.

What? You said that Kaia is also from Kanria?

Sorry, Kaia's current bloodline is also from Mondstadt, but she has part of the bloodline from Kanria. That’s it.

The impact is not very big

"this……"Arecino was also shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that Mu Yang would have such hatred for the Kanreians.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems understandable.

The most trouble-making people on the continent of Teyvat are the people of the Abyss Order, followed by the Fools.

These two organizations have caused wounds that are difficult to heal to every country on the Teyvat continent.

And these two organizations are actually the same family, both related to Kanrea. It seems natural that Muyang hates Kanrea.

However, what made Arecino a little confused was why the Ice Queen asked Piero to join the Winter Kingdom in the first place. Isn't this the danger of raising a tiger?

If Piero had died at the beginning, not so much would have happened.

Now it seems that the Ice Queen is obviously being used by Piero.

I just don’t know if the Ice Queen knows Piero’s plan.

Maybe she knew, but just didn't care.

Indeed, according to the Ice Queen's plan, even if the Winter Kingdom is defeated, Sky Island will still be defeated.

However, Arecino once heard that Mu Yang said something, and she felt it made sense.

No one has been in heaven from the beginning, not you, not me, not even God, but the excruciating vacancy of the throne of heaven is coming to an end. From now on, I will be at the top!

Obviously, Mu Yang actually wants to ascend the throne of that day.

Even now Mu Yang may have regarded Sky Island as his own territory, even if Mu Yang has not yet occupied Sky Island.

In Mu Yang's view, whether it is Sky Island or Teyvat Continent, it will be his territory sooner or later.

Thinking of this possibility, Arecino also sighed silently. Maybe Mu Yang had reached a cooperation with the Ice Queen a long time ago.

Otherwise, Mu Yang would not be able to tolerate the existence of Dadalia and Rosalin all the time.

Since Mu Yang wants to deal with the Fools, it is impossible to tolerate them. Therefore, Mu Yang has long known that there are problems within the Winter Kingdom.

Moreover, Mu Yang is on the side of the Ice Queen.

Fortunately, Mu Yang didn't know what Arecino was reasoning about. If he had known, he would probably feel that such a spy was so evil.

It's no wonder that Arecino ranks among the fools like this. Not to mention the use of force, just this kind of espionage method is enough to leave other countries defenseless.

Among all the executives of the Fools, Arecino is a very troublesome one.

Sure enough, none of the executives who can be fools is simple. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I will try my best to finish it."Without any hesitation, Arecino agreed directly. Anyway, it was the Canreans who died, not the Fontaines. For the safety of Fontaine, all the Canreans were killed. Arecino It's also acceptable........

What's more, looking at Mu Yang's posture, I'm afraid the real war is about to begin.

"Well, behave well!"Mu Yang put his hand on Arecino's shoulder.

Before Arecino could react, she felt a wave of energy flow into her body through Mu Yang's hand, and her original thousand The body riddled with holes began to be repaired quickly under the influence of this energy.

"this?"This scene caught Arecino off guard.

Mu Yang could actually repair his body. He was going to die soon, but Mu Yang gave him hope.

Who can understand this feeling?

"Your body is indeed not in good shape, and this should be related to the original experiment. Mu Yang took his hand back and warned Arecino:"I repaired your body, but you are not completely healed."

You may need long-term repairs later, otherwise your lifespan will still not be extended much."

"Thank you, I understand!"As an old Jianghu, Arecino naturally understands what Mu Yang means. This is to control himself. For this, Arecino has nothing to refuse.

After all, who wants to die if he can live?

Moreover, judging from Mu Yang's appearance, the relationship with Fukalos is still very good. Even Master Fukalos is Mu Yang's woman.

If this is really the case, it seems justifiable and natural for him to work for Mu Yang. It should be.

As long as you don't let yourself push the butt for Mu Yang, that's it.

"Piero dared to be so careless in the Winter Kingdom. He must have been prepared. Without strength, he could not fight against Tianli and Sky Island.

I need you to investigate carefully. You are a professional in this regard."After thinking about it, Mu Yang warned Arecino again.

"yes. Even if there is no conflict between the Ice Queen and Piero, I will try to create a conflict between them." Arecino tried.

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