Of course, the Ice Queen didn't know whether to complain about Dadalia's luck or not.

Had Dardalia not been related to the Star-Eating Whale, she would not have been accepted as a disciple by Silk.

If Dadalia had not gone to Fontaine, it would have been impossible for the Star-Eating Whale to find the breath of the water of the original womb sea and enter the original womb sea.

Regarding this, even the Ice Queen can only say that this is all fate.

However, the Ice Queen is still quite relieved about Dadalia.

"It's not bad to be able to fight such a big guy."Hearing the words of the Ice Queen, Dadalia was not angry at all, but said helplessly:"I just don't know if I can fight such a monster in the future.

No matter how hard I fight, there are opponents like this that I can't defeat. Every one of them is very precious.

I also want to fight back when I become stronger in the future."

Seeing Dadalia like this, the Ice Queen wanted to remind her, kid, wake up, you can't beat any of them. Although she also values ​​Dadalia's talent, Dadalia does Not the captain.

If Dadalia had the talent of a captain, he wouldn't have to worry about it. He could just ignore 997 and Piero and do it.

It's a pity that Dadalia is just Dadalia. Although Leah is very talented, it is still quite difficult to reach the level of captain.

"If you have the chance, you can go to Zhongli or Muyang to learn. I believe they won't mind teaching you."The Queen of Ice glanced at Dadalia and silently lamented that fools are blessed.

At least the other party has a good relationship with Mu Yang and Morax, and in today's Teyvat continent, she can be regarded as having a gold medal to avoid death.

For Dadalia, this is also a good thing. Moreover, judging from Dadalia's appearance, even if she does not join the chat group, there will be no problem in following Mu Yang and Morax to cultivate immortality.

"Can it really be learned?" Dadalia also looked happy when he heard this. Before, he was worried that the Ice Queen would suspect that he had betrayed the Winter Kingdom because he learned the skills from Zhongli.

Although Dadalia did not betray, he did not. In the Winter Kingdom, Zhongli is the Immortal of Liyue, why should he help him?

But now (bhfj) Dadalia no longer needs to worry, he can legitimately practice the techniques given by Zhongli in the future.

"Well, Liyue's magic was created by Morax, but because of Mu Yang, some magic has been improved. You can practice these magic and give it a try."After thinking about it, the Ice Queen reminded Dadalia.

After all, Dadalia is also one of her own, and those who should be reminded should be reminded.

In the end, Dadalia is still a bit stupid to go out like this. It's a bit embarrassing.

Moreover, it's his own face that's being embarrassed. Everyone knows that Dadalia is from the Ice Queen.

"yes!"Dadalia quickly discovered Hua Dian:"Wait, Mu Yang improved the magic?

Sure enough, he had a very good relationship with Emperor Yan Wang, otherwise, he would not have helped Liyue like this.

However, what is his status?

Moreover, it seems that the relationship with the Seven Gods is quite good."

Seeing Dadalia like this, the Ice Queen sighed silently in her heart. How could this idiot have discovered that Mu Yang's identity is different now!

"Mu Yang is an unparalleled genius. He can learn even Liyue's magical skills in the blink of an eye and transform them.

I have never met a more outstanding person than Mu Yang."Speaking of this, the Ice Queen also sighed for a while.

Should it be said that it is the law of heaven? If it were Fanes, they would probably be helpless when facing the abyss.

After all, Fanes's three-axe, in fact, everyone also Everyone knows that everything is undecided, and the Nail of Cold Sky is waiting!

But whether it is possible to suppress the Abyss, in fact everyone also knows that Fanes has no way to control the Abyss. The most is to seal it for a period of time, until Fanes can no longer seal it. When the time came, the continent of Teyvat would naturally disappear.

Thinking of this, the Ice Queen was also extremely grateful to Mu Yang. No matter whether they could fight against the strong men of the abyss in the future, they might even fight against the strong men of the abyss one day in the future. He died in the battle.

But Mu Yang's appearance gave everyone hope.

Dadalia's eyes flickered slightly. Indeed, Mu Yang was excellent, so Ice Queen, why don't you Has Mu Yang been accepted?

As long as you have accepted Mu Yang, the relationship between Winter Kingdom and Mu Yang can also be harmonious, and even Teywat Continent can become Mu Yang's help.

As we all know, Dao Wife The general of thunder and lightning is Mu Yang's woman, and Mu Yang has a very good relationship with the Ice Queen and Fukalos.

Xumi's Grass God Nasida was also rescued by Mu Yang.

In other words, Mu Yang only needs to After capturing all the high-ranking women from other countries, it will be up to Mu Yang whether the entire Teyvat continent is in chaos. Therefore

, Mu Yang is not doing it for his own selfish desires, but for the sake of the entire Teyvat continent. Peace. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is really great

"The contact internal skill you practice is what Mu Yang created."After thinking about it, the Ice Queen said to Dadalia again:"However, this set of exercises can be regarded as Mu Yang's experimental work. It is relatively more suitable for the people below and suitable for popularization.

Their truly good skills have not been spread.

Although I have also practiced some skills, according to the deal between me and Mu Yang, I cannot spread these skills. The key is to get Mu Yang's consent."

"Even the queen, you have practiced Mu Yang’s skills! ?"At this time, Dadalia was also excited.

He must practice Mu Yang's skills, and Dadalia also wanted to become a strong man.

Now after hearing what the Ice Queen said, Dadalia He expressed that he was moved.

When he returned to Liyue, he went to find Mu Yang. The other party was too lazy to teach him, so he could also go to Mr. Zhongli. In this regard, Mr. Zhongli was still very good to him.

But Dadalia didn't know The thing is, the cultivation of immortality skills will be gradually promoted, and Dadalia is just lucky.

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