The Ice Queen's words silenced Dadalia.

Damn Piero!

If it weren't for Piero, their Winter Country would never be like this.

Dog Day Canrea.

Dadalia hesitated for a moment and asked the Ice Queen:"Queen, what will we do if the people from Camrea are involved in the war with Piero?" The

Ice Queen saw Dadalia like this He looked noncommittal and smiled noncommittally:"Then let's fight.

Don't worry, I have arranged for your younger brothers and sisters to be taken care of by people in Liyue. You don't need to worry about their safety."

"Already in Liyue? When and why didn’t I know?"Dadalia was also surprised when he heard this and asked quickly.

He really cares about his younger brothers and sisters. As for his parents... well, I won't discuss it anymore.

"When you enter Merlot Petersburg, since the death of the rooster, Piero and his group's control over the Winter Kingdom has also dropped a lot.

I'm afraid I still don't know that your younger brother and sister have already gone to Liyue."After pondering for a moment, the Ice Queen continued:"Now that you have gone to Merlot Petersburg, your younger brothers and sisters are no longer so important to Piero."

Dadalia was silent when he heard this, damn Piero!

If it weren't for Piero, their Solstice Country wouldn't be like this. Even at this time, they may be the strongest country.

"Take care of your younger brothers and sisters. We won't let our heroes cry and bleed!"The Ice Queen looked deeply at Dadalia and said


On the other side, after Mu Yang comforted Ying, he silently took out the forbidden knowledge and analyzed it.

"This is forbidden knowledge, and it has a strong aura of the abyss."Ying lay down and stared at the thing in Mu Yang's hand and said curiously.

"Well, the powers of the abyss add to this knowledge.

In fact, I also gave them the forbidden knowledge to the Great Ci Tree King before. Even with my power, I still couldn't decipher the forbidden knowledge.

It seemed like I was the only one who could crack these things."Mu Yang separated some of the forbidden knowledge and handed it to Ying.

Ying tried to take the forbidden knowledge from Mu Yang's hand, but when she was about to touch the forbidden knowledge, she retracted her hand.

She frowned and said :"No, I can't touch this forbidden knowledge.

I have a hunch that even if I come into contact with forbidden knowledge, I will still be affected by them."

"It seems that neither can you."Mu Yang also understood for a moment after hearing this.

Ying's personality is very special. Normally, Ying should have no problem. Even if it is the power of the abyss, Ying has strong resistance, even a small amount of abyss power. , Yingdu has the ability to solve and even purify.

This was before Ying obtained Mu Yang's power.

"Well, I really can't."I am not a man, so I don't need to worry about whether to admit that I am not good enough."

Ying then continued:"However, I am very curious, in the future, will the continent of Teyvat develop toward immortality and even prehistoric times?" ?"

"Prehistoric? Mu Yang's eyes were full of longing and he said:"If one day the Teyvat continent can develop into a prehistoric state, I will naturally be very happy. After all, it is a prehistoric state.""

Ying was silent when he heard this. Indeed, after all, it was a prehistoric world!

Even Ying didn't know whether Mu Yang could turn this world into a prehistoric one after turning the entire abyss into the nourishment of the Teyvat continent.

But People always have to try.

I feel that they can still try, at least it is not completely hopeless.

"Cultivation of immortality is definitely the mainstream, but I will also join other systems. Mu Yang said while deciphering the forbidden knowledge.

As he said, he took out a ball of forbidden knowledge and said to Ying:"Guess, what are these rules?""

"What?"Ying was also curious for a while.

Could it be something extraordinary?

"Ultraman's rules.

As long as this rule is in place, it is possible for Hikari to become Ultraman. Mu Yang chuckled:"In other words, you can also become light.""

The corner of Ying's mouth twitched slightly. She certainly knew what Mu Yang was talking about. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But if it's Ultraman, then the opponent doesn't seem to be able to just brush the Teyvat continent. What's the problem?

At least in Ying's opinion, it's not difficult for an Ultraman to destroy the continent of Teyvat.

"Don't you feel strange?

The so-called light is actually the power of the human world."Immediately afterwards, Mu Yang said in a meaningful way.

"Human power? The power of the mind?"Ying's eyes flickered slightly, and she understood Mu Yang's meaning at this time. She asked in disbelief:"You really want to create an Ultraman, right?"

"Well, with this idea, considering the current situation in Teyvat continent, there is no problem in creating a Gaia and Agur.

Of course, the premise is that I am willing to invest resources. If enough resources are invested, I can create even the Ultra King.

But now in Chapter 167, I want to create a protective god, and then humans will rely on light to enhance their strength.

After all, it is well known that Ultraman is idealistic, and when it comes time to go to war with the Abyss, they can also play a good role."Mu Yang said with anticipation.

"But if this is really the case, then the Ultraman world will not be destroyed.

You can't find this information in the abyss either."Ying couldn't help but remind.

Mu Yang's idea is somewhat whimsical. How can the abyss be so easy to deal with?

Of course, it seems good to have a few shining Ultraman.

For example, a Shining Tiga, in Ying It seems that it can fight against many monsters in the abyss.

It is even more effective than the current Raiden Sakura.

Moreover, this trick is given by humans.

But an Ultraman seems to have no impact.

"Alas, forget it. Then take your time!"Mu Yang silently withdrew this law, and then studied the forbidden knowledge.

"Speaking of which, when are you planning to take action against Fukalos?"Just when Mu Yang started to work hard, Yingyu asked endlessly.

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