Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Keli's role as Vulcan was a bit ridiculous. After all, the other person was just a child and not a director at all.

The original Nata was chaotic enough.

If there is another god like Keli, no one knows what level of chaos Nata will be in by then.

Moreover, Keli is a Spark Knight, and she is usually under the control of Qin.

After following Mu Yang to Liyue, Grandma Ping took her with her and became an immortal disciple.

Nowadays, Keli is naturally more of a director than before.

But Kelly is still Kelly.

It is almost impossible for Keli to grow up like Nacida. Nacida only looks like a child, but is actually a 500-year-old monster.

In the past five hundred years,"390" Nasida has also been trying hard to learn to become a god. Based on this, even Fukalos would probably be ashamed.

He is the God of Wisdom after all!

Even if the path she chooses allows Nacida to grow according to her original development trajectory, it will be difficult for her to become an excellent god.

After all, Keli is still Alice's daughter, and the liveliness in her genes is unavoidable. Even though they can teach Keli what responsibility is, it is very difficult for Keli to truly grow up.

The main reason is that Mu Yang can't find a trustworthy holder of the Fire Elemental God's Eye for the time being.

Of course, some people joked that Bennett was actually the God of Fire. This was a joke, and Mu Yang had not seen Bennett much in Mondstadt for so long.

Only when Mondstadt was fighting monsters did Bennett take part in the battle.

Mu Yang didn't know whether the personality of Vulcan could suppress Bennett's bad luck. If the personality of Vulcan directly improved Bennett's bad luck, then would Nata still need it?

The continent of Teyvat may even be affected by Bennett.

Mu Yang didn't dare to bet on whether Bennett's luck would affect him, so not bringing Bennett into the chat group seemed to be a very risky thing.

"Forget it, let’s talk about all this later, after I improve my strength."Ying pondered for a moment and then said helplessly:"Originally, I planned to incorporate the Abyss Cult for my use.

By then I will also be a powerful person.

But now it seems that is no longer possible."

Lack of power is also Ying's trouble, which makes Ying have to rely on other people's power.

Just like at this time, she needs to shoulder many positions.

But if she has enough power, where will she need these false names

? In Ying's heart, Kong's power is his own. As long as he wants, the Abyss Religion can be used by him.

Ying believes that as long as Kong is willing to surrender, he can conquer the Abyss Religion. After all, Kong is his own.

What's yours is yours.

It's just a pity that Mu Yang wants to kill all the Kanria people. According to Ying's understanding of Kong, Kong will probably resist by then.

A battle is inevitable, but in Ying's view, Kong simply doesn't There is no possibility of winning.

Not to mention Mu Yang, even Asmode and Kong have no possibility of winning.

No one knows what level Asmode’s strength has reached now, perhaps surpassing Fane at his peak. It is not impossible.

After all, Asmodeus is usually purifying the power of the abyss. According to her own words, the other side of the abyss is also eroding her all the time.

This is because she does not want to gain points, and others are in the abyss. The rhythm of giving points to Mu Yang.

Even Ying is envious of it. If he only becomes the Lord of the Eighteenth Level of Hell, the power of the abyss will try to invade him all the time, and then be converted into points by himself, right?

"The Order of the Abyss? Mu Yang's eyes flickered slightly:"Do you think you can do better than the Ice Queen?"

Although the current Ice Queen seems to have messed up a bit. But the Ice Queen is indeed one of the gods I admire most."

Among the seven gods he has seen so far, Morax is worthy of respect, and he is almost a perfect benchmark for gods.

Barbatos' words may seem unreliable, but the other party has indeed fulfilled his promise. He created a country where no one can claim the title of king.

At the same time, he used his divine power to maintain the great music for thousands of years and maintain the ecology of Mondstadt. If it were not for Barbatos, Mondstadt would have become a piece of frozen soil......

Lei's movie shows that although he is aloof, he also uses force to scare the surroundings.

Although Fukalos didn't show much, everyone knew what she did. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If we really want to count it out now, it seems that Nasida is the most eccentric.()~

This is not an insult to Nacida, but it is reasonable based on the current facts.

The Ice Queen is indeed a very excellent god. No matter what she has become now, the original intention of establishing the Fools seems to be good.

"Compared to the Ice Queen?"After hearing Mu Yang's words, Ying Ye was silent for a while, and then she smiled self-deprecatingly:"Indeed, the Ice Queen is a very great god.

I also discovered that the gods on the continent of Teyvat seem to have a special preference for humans.

It can even be said to be indulgent.

I feel like this is wrong. You may want to change the gods’ ideas. After all, human beings’ ideas are often wrong."

"I know that I understand human beings better than anyone else. Mu Yang shook his head slightly:"Actually, Zhongli and the others have also changed."

While they were wandering around in the world of their own country, they had no experience of them."

"Is this 1.7 like?"Ying nodded thoughtfully and agreed with Mu Yang's words. This matter does make sense.

For the continent of Teyvat, what Zhongli and the others are doing is also a good thing.

"Okay, let’s get on with things! Let me show you something good."Suddenly, Ying's eyes turned and she took out a fox tail from somewhere. Seeing this thing, Mu Yang instantly understood what it was used for.

"Is this the same model as Yae Shenzi?"Mu Yang was also shocked when he saw this. Is Ying so good at playing?

"Yes, why did that woman Yae Kamiko keep giving me trouble when I was in Inazuma?

I see you also like to stroke Yae Kamiko’s tail, right?"

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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