The opera house in Fontaine was packed with seats today, and there was no way around it. What happened today was really too big, and it could even be said to be the biggest trial since the founding of Fontaine.

Fontaine will judge a large number of nobles!

Not long ago, the flood predicted by Fontaine broke out. As a result, Lady Funina unleashed the power of the water god and the supreme judge Navilette stopped the flood that was enough to destroy Fontaine. They were still rejoicing before.

As a result, he did not expect that Fontaine's unprecedented trial was coming.

Moreover, it was Lady Funina and Lady Navilette who jointly arranged for the people from Shadow Chaser Court to arrest those nobles.

Such a thing naturally makes Fontaine's senior officials panic, and at the same time makes the civilians below excited. Is it finally their turn?

If it were before, they would not be so excited, but Fontaine is the mouthpiece of the entire Teyvat continent, and they also know the situation in other countries.

Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, and Xumi all had attacks on nobles some time ago, some of which were spontaneous by high-level officials, and some of which were directed by gods.

They also saw that the nobles of those countries were doing stupid things.

After all, when Fontaine's Steam Bird News reports on events in other countries, they usually report based on facts. No one will stand up to deny this.

After all, these things are facts. It is not that the nobles of Fontaine have not thought about stopping these things, but considering Funina's character, they also acquiesced to these newspaper reports.

Funina won't do anything to them.

These nobles control nearly two-thirds of Fontaine's industry. If all of them are dealt with, Fontaine will all be finished.

Moreover, Funina doesn't seem to have such courage.

I just didn't expect that as soon as the flood receded, Villette would arrange for people to arrest people.

This also made the noble men of Fontaine feel cold. To be honest, they really didn't expect that Villette would be so powerful.

They only knew before that Villette's identity might be very special, and he was most likely a dependent of the water god Fukalos.

But they had easily suppressed the whale before, and the strength they showed made them feel like they couldn't defeat it no matter what they did.

As a dependent, Navilite has such a strong strength, so as the water god, Fukalos cannot be worse than Navilite, right?

At least they don't think that the strength of the dependents can't be stronger than the water god, right?

The strength of these two made countless people in Fontaine despair.

It was not that no nobles resisted during this period. After all, there were still many clockwork mechanisms in the hands of many nobles and wealthy people.

When these clockwork mechanisms are added together, they can also explode with powerful strength.

Those noble gentlemen had not thought of using this to bargain with Fontaine officials, but no one thought that Clolind, who was responsible for arresting them, would be so powerful.

Give them time, let them gather together, gather the clockwork mechanisms together, and then Clolind solves all these clockwork mechanisms with one person and one sword.

This directly shocked countless people.

They all knew that Duel Agent Clolind was powerful, but at that time, they didn't feel that Clolind was really powerful beyond imagination.

But now it seems that although Clolind is not as good as a god, she is not comparable to ordinary people.

In today's Fontaine, will anyone be Clolind's opponent?

In the face of Clolinde's almost crushing strength, these noble men were all cowed. Anyway, although Fontaine had the death penalty, it had never been tried.

As long as the industry and life are still there, even if you enter Merlot Petersburg, you will naturally be able to come out after a while.

Of course, there are also some people who know that they have done many excessive things. If they are tried, they will be severely judged even if they can survive. This is something they cannot accept, so they choose to drag their families and leave overnight..

For these things, Villette did not stop him.

After all, where could they run to?

Almost all those who leave now have huge problems, and there will be no problem in executing them directly.

Moreover, they are all allies with Liyue, Mond, Daozhi, and Xumi.

It seems that these people have no place to go except to Nata and the Solstice Kingdom.

And Arecino, the executive officer of the Fools of the Winter Kingdom, was also very unhappy with these people. After all, she herself was a victim of the nobles.

If he saw these people in other countries, Arecino would definitely not mind taking action against them.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need to guard them strictly. If you confess and resist, you will be given leniency. If you cooperate with Fontaine officials at this time, you can still be tried to some extent. According to Fontaine's laws and regulations, if you escape Fontaine, then these guys will not be able to do anything. Want to live.

Clolind will also go to other countries to hunt down these people. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, for most civilians, this is a good thing, and for some nobles who maintain their nature, this is also a good thing.

After all, the cake is only so big. If someone is gone, then others can take advantage of these interests.

Although they cannot occupy all the benefits, they can still enjoy some benefits.

For this, Fukalos and Navilet don't mind. As long as what they do is legal and compliant, then they can acquiesce in these things happening.

After all, Feng (Zhao's) Dan is a just country.

If these people's behavior complies with the law, then attacking them rashly would not be in line with Fontaine's justice.

At least neither Fukalos nor Navilet will allow it. They can deal with these guys by improving laws and regulations.

But it is impossible to rob their interests through plunder and robbery. After all, as bosses at a higher level, they still have face and have their own principles.

Under the spotlight, Funina came here with Mu Yang. Along the way, Funina continued to explain:"The trial that awaits may be a bit dramatic, but there is no way. The past me must Such a disguise.

After all, I have no strength, and people from Fontaine also seem to like drama.."

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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