The husband of Phukalos, the water god?

This may directly shock many people into speechlessness.

Although in the hearts of most Fontaine people, Funina does not have the majesty of a god, but is more like a big star.

But everyone still regards Funina as the water god. After all, during the previous floods, Funina showed the power of the water god. Everyone has also seen Funina's side as the water god. Naturally, it is impossible to really Treat each other as a big star.

Of course, in fact, many people began to doubt Fu Nina's identity before, but they just didn't bring it up. On the one hand, it was because Fu Nina had indeed lived for hundreds of years. In this regard, if Fu Nina is not a god, then it is not Don't go there.

On the other hand, it is actually due to profit. For the Fontaine people, especially the Fontaine nobles, such Funina is actually quite good.

Even if Fu Nina is a fake water goddess, they must think that Fu Nina is real.

After all, what bad intentions could Funina have?

She just wants to maintain the superficial dignity of the gods. In this regard, they can satisfy Fu Nina, and even cooperate with Fu Nina to play the role of the water god.

And as long as the real water god does not appear, then Fontaine is not the final decision of noble men like them?

Of course, these people did not expect that Villette would appear. The appearance of Villette at that time was indeed beyond everyone's expectations. After all, this person did not look like an ordinary person at first sight, and some even suspected that in fact, that Villette Villette is the water god.

Fortunately, after Navilette came to Fontaine, he only served as the supreme judge. He did not compete with Funina for power, nor did he do anything beyond the duties of the supreme judge.

However, what they didn't expect was that Fu Nina turned out to be the water god, and Villette also showed a strength that was not inferior to the water god Fukalos.

Moreover, after the legendary flood ended, they would join forces to settle accounts with most of the nobles in Fontaine.

Although this is a trial, the prosecutor is the water god Fukalos, and the judge is Navilete. Moreover, the other party has produced corresponding evidence before, so how can we start a lawsuit with them?

The nobles of Fontaine thought to themselves that even if they invited Yan Fei, the best lawyer in the entire Teyvat continent, it would be difficult to win this lawsuit.

"That seemed to be Mu Yang, from Daozhu, who was said to be the royal husband of General Thunder and Lightning."

It didn't take long for someone to recognize Mu Yang. After all, for the continent of Teyvat, Mu Yang is actually a celebrity and has even been featured in the Steam Bird News

"Isn't this a rumor?

I have heard that he and Liyue's Yu Hengxing are lovers.

But now it seems that they are all rumors. Mu Yang and our Lady Funina are a couple."

"Do you think this is possible?

Mu Yang is not only related to Yu Hengxing, but he is also a couple with General Thunder and Lightning?"

"Damn it! Is this a scumbag?"

"How can you say that? I heard that Mu Yang's strength is even higher than that of the Seven Gods, and we, the Water God, are so powerful that even the men of General Thunder and Lightning are directly snatched away.

I don’t know when the Seven Gods will be judged."

The whispers in the opera house were naturally heard by Fu Nina and Mu Yang, which made Fu Nina's face stiffen.

Judgment of the seven gods?

Are you afraid that you don't want me to die?

Just your own words, Of all the Seven Gods, she can't defeat any of them.

Even if she adds another self and transforms into the super form of Fukaros, Funina feels that they can only defeat the Vulcan.

As for whether they can defeat Nasida , Funina doesn’t know either.

But there seems to be nothing to be proud of in defeating Nacida. After all, Nacida seems to have been almost the same as herself in the past five hundred years.

If she is asked to judge the Seven Gods, she really can’t do it!!

The boast that was made at the beginning is really that Yuan will not come back.

Mu Yang looked at Funina with amusement,"Judge the Seven Gods"?

On his side, he can give Funina a"Judgement of Thunder" movie and the Great Merciful Tree King. Opportunity.

Well, give Fu Nina a chance to participate. I don’t know whether Lei Movie and King Daci Shu will judge Fu Nina, or Fu Nina will judge them.

"quiet!"Fortunately, Mu Yang likes to go to the theater, but that is not the case with Villette.

After knowing what happened to Funina, Villette also raised Funina as a daughter. Do you agree with your words about my daughter?

Of course, what Villette didn't know was that Fukalos also raised him as a son.

As for who is older and who is younger, this is a matter of judgment.

Villette's loud voice was instantly heard. Let the people at the scene stop the noise.

If it were just Funina, there would still be people who would dare to mess around, but Navilette is different. The prestige of these hundreds of years has given Navilette enough status.

No one is willing to provoke her Navilette, and it was still during this trial.

They knew that for Navilette, the trial was a very serious matter, even if Funina seemed to regard the trial as entertainment.

But the trial of Fontaine was still quite sacred

"Take the prisoner!" Navilette released a trace of the pressure belonging to the Dragon King, and said in a cold tone:"Bring the suspect up."

As Villette's words fell, he saw a large number of nobles being brought up in great embarrassment under the leadership of Clolind.

"That seems to be Sir Diana"

"I also saw Ms. Antoinette, my God, she is the most noble woman in Fontaine!"

"What are you talking about? The most noble woman in Fontaine is Lady Funina."

"Lady Funina, is that a human being? She is a god! cannot be confused with"

"That's what you said."

While the audience was talking a lot, Mu Yang also turned his attention to a beautiful woman. The woman was about 25 years old and dressed gorgeously. Although she was going to face trial, the other party still raised her head and placed it on the other party's neck. There is also a blue eye of god.

Mu Yang can feel that the opponent's strength is good, at least stronger than the condensed light when he just saw it. The opponent is obviously not a vase.

But the opponent is obviously not in the situation of fighting. Next, take the initiative to accept the trial.

This makes Mu Yang very interested in the other party.

"That was Antoinette, a very interesting woman." Seemingly noticing Mu Yang's gaze, Funina also opened her mouth to explain.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and automatic subscriptions. I love you! Bu).

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