【Even if you say it out loud, most people would not believe that the Dark Sea has become a training ground.

Although the Thunder Dragon King has fallen.

But there are still a lot of demons on the other side of the dark sea.

Although these demon gods are all losers in the demon god war, they may not be anything in the minds of the first generation of seven gods, but to the creatures of Teyvat continent, they are a group of strong men.

Even these demon gods, most of them are now horribly worn out, and some even lose their consciousness.

But it is not easy to deal with these demons, at least it is very difficult for ordinary people.

Keeping these demon gods can also help the strong people in Teyvat continent level up.

Through Mu Yang's power and points, people in the chat group can grow up quickly in a short period of time, but they also have a fatal flaw, that is, their lack of combat experience.

Strength comes too quickly and easily.

On the contrary, they don't have much combat experience, and fighting the demon is the best way.

The demon gods in the Dark Sea are good choices, and there are not only demon gods in the Dark Sea, but also many monsters, all of which are targets for training.

However, given Inazuma's current situation, clearing the dark sea is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

In fact, it's not like Nacida and the others have never thought about going to the dark sea to fight the devil.

Alice was previously responsible for observing the monsters in the dark sea, which was an agreement between her and the maintainer of the law of heaven.

But things are different now. Since Mu Yang has taken charge, the Anwaihai Sea is no longer a thorn in the side of Teyvat Continent, but just a training ground.

Therefore, for Alice, whether to return to the dark sea or not does not seem to be a problem.

Compared with returning to the dark sea and searching for information in the abyss, finding information about Reindot is obviously much more important.

Of course, Alice also wants to improve her strength. After all, with her current strength, she may not really be able to defeat Reindot.

At the same time, Alice also thought about whether to bring all her old friends into the chat group.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, the Teyvat continent has become Mu Yang's world.

If they want to do well, they must become regular soldiers.

Joining a chat group can also improve the strength of your friends.

But Alice didn't know how to tell Mu Yang that the Witches' Association was indeed a powerful force.

Many of them have strength comparable to that of the Demon God.

Of course, Alice also knows that the Witches' Association was very powerful in the past, but now it is nothing.

After all, most of the people in the chat group have reached the level of demon gods.

She can also spread the immortality cultivation technique that Mu Yang wants to popularize and pass it on to the people of the Witch Association. However, one thing must be admitted. Without Mu Yang's power, she would not be able to practice the immortality cultivation technique. , is very difficult.

This requires a lot of time and resources to improve strength.

Resources can be found in the future, but time is indeed what they lack most.

But is Muyang willing to give his power to the people of the Witch Association?

Alice has no way to guarantee this. After all, no one in the Witch Club is simple. Almost everyone has their own purpose and pursuit. It is almost impossible for them to work hard for the Teyvat continent.

Alice is like this, Reindot is like this, and most of the others are like this.

Family, country, world, etc. are still a bit too far away for them.

If given the chance, they also want to leave the Teyvat continent.

Maybe they will stand up against the abyss in the future, just because they want to live and don't want to be contaminated by the abyss.

This is the witch guild!

It is difficult for people like them to join Mu Yang's side.

Alice could also see that the people Mu Yang brought into the chat group were all willing to risk their lives for their own country and the Teyvat continent.

Mu Yang should also know this.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the other party not to be attracted to the witch.

Alas, it’s a bit difficult! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even as the elder and one of the founders of the Witches, Alice has little confidence in the Witches.

Zhongli:"The Dark Sea, Kanria and the Jingji Sea are our main attack points now, but I don't know which problem you plan to solve first, Mu Yang."

Lei Dianzhen:"We can attack the Dark Sea on our side. The outer sea is solved. As long as we send a large army there, with Ying taking the lead, and then calling Sakura back, it will not be a problem to solve the outer sea of ​​darkness."

Asmodeus:".Kanreia is a bit troublesome, I will set up a final attack on Canrea , or at least we have to solve the problem of Canria after solving the problem of the Sea of ​​Embers.

As for the Dark Sea, there seems to be no need to clear it in a short time.

After all, it takes time for the earth veins and the false sky to spread..

Inazuma's side is already doing a good job of annihilating the monsters and demons in the newly expanded areas every day.

Oh, by the way, the sea water and land there also contain the resentment of demons and the aura of the abyss that need to be purified."

Mu Yang:"That's it. As far as the current situation is concerned, I use the energy I purify every day to expand the earth veins and the false sky in a certain proportion. I can almost expand the Teyvat continent by more than ten square kilometers every day. Over time, this is actually not a small number..

My power is also strengthening.

In the future, if the accumulated power is large enough, I will occasionally speed up the expansion of the false sky and the bottom of the earth.

After a year, I am even confident that I can Expanding to more than 10,000 square kilometers."

Ying:"If it's on Blue Star, 10,000 square kilometers doesn't seem like much.

But if it's on Teyvat Continent, it seems to be comparable to Narukami Island, right?"

Mu Yang:"Well, although I really don't want to admit it, the area of ​​Teyvat Continent is indeed a little smaller. I also want to expand it as much as possible. Expanding the area can also increase my power.

But this cannot be done overnight. Completed."

Ying:"Oh, it's a pity. It would be great if your power could continue to increase. Of course, if the area of ​​Teyvat Continent grows too fast, I'm afraid there won't be so many people to guard it. d"]

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