"Mu Yang?!"The corner of Kong's mouth twitched slightly. Regarding Mu Yang, Kong's thoughts were also very complicated.

Like Piero, Kong also suffered heavy losses because of Mu Yang's relationship. Even the Abyss Cult, which had a great family and business, was defeated by Mu Yang. It would be very painful for Yang to do this.

But Kong said, what does the loss of the Abyss Religion have to do with him?

As long as Mu Yang can join his side, then no matter how much the Abyss Religion loses, it has nothing to do with him?

What bad intentions could he have? He just wanted to send his sister away from the Teyvat continent. As for Piero, this guy is a lunatic. If he really wanted to destroy the Teyvat continent, why would he need Piero's help?

What he only cares about is Ying.

Moreover, seeing that the relationship between Ying and Mu Yang seems to be good, it is naturally impossible for him to go to Mu Yang for revenge.

As for the people of the Abyss Cult, they will die if they die.

Although the other party is also He was once a Kanrean, but Sora said that he was not a Kanrean either.

"I'm no match for him. Kong sighed softly and said pointedly.

"Our opponent is not Mu Yang, but Sky Island and Tianli. Piero shook his head slightly:"Wait until Sky Island wakes up."

Mu Yang couldn't stay out of it.

After all, Sky Island cannot ignore him. When the time comes, if he doesn't stand on our side, he will have to stand on our side."

Kong also nodded slightly when he heard the words. Since Mu Yang doesn't want to cooperate with them, or even looks down on them, then he will force Mu Yang to cooperate with them.

Such behavior is a bit despicable, but Kong said that he can still Accept it.

After all, it won't do any harm to yourself, nor will it do any harm to Ying. Maybe Mu Yang will be in tragedy by then, but compared with Ying, it won't be the same thing.

However, considering that Ying's power is not yet After unlocking it, Kong hesitated for a while and then said:"It's not the time for me to start a war with Sky Island yet, and, in my opinion, we still have to wait until the barrier at the world boundary disappears.

You should have seen the Kanria War before. Neither I nor you can be the opponent of the maintainer of heavenly justice.

Not to mention it is the law of heaven.

Moreover, how do you want to deal with the matter of the Seven Gods? Piero smiled noncommittally:"

Fools gather the hearts of gods, which are the remains of the third descendant."

In the initial assumption, the Seven Gods should not be willing to continue holding this thing. As long as the Ice God opens his mouth and the fools gather the God's Heart, they will naturally succeed.

I just didn't expect that nearly a year has passed, and the number of God's Hearts we have on hand has not increased. The only God's Heart we are sure to obtain now is the one in the hands of the Ice Queen. butI've already broken up with the Ice Queen.

I just don't know how much the ice goddess has been eroded by the power of the abyss."

Listening to Piero's words, Sora's eyes narrowed slightly.

This guy is really cruel.

After knowing the purpose of the Ice Queen, Sora actually still fully recognizes the Ice Queen, even if it is As an enemy, the other party is indeed a god worthy of respect.

For the sake of all mankind, even his own country can be sacrificed.

But the other party still underestimated the human heart, and also underestimated Piero's ambition and madness.

Piero, this guy, Maybe in order to avenge Camrea, he wanted to directly destroy the continent of Teyvat. Even the Ice Queen directly betrayed her. Even the Ice Queen was tricked by Piero. Now I don’t know what happened, whether Eroded by the power of the abyss.

If even the Ice Queen, who is the Ice God, is eroded by the power of the abyss, then the continent of Teyvat will be completely hopeless.

This does not seem to have anything to do with me, even if it is against me in the future. If he is dissatisfied with his behavior, Sora can definitely tell Ying that this is all Piero's fault.

"As the Seven Gods are polluted by the abyss, the order of the Teyvat continent will also undergo huge changes, but for now, I don't seem to feel this power. Kong paused and continued:"I tried to pollute the Wind God Barbatos through the Seven Heavens Statue."

But after being polluted for a period of time, it was discovered that Barbatos was not as polluted as imagined.

At least I can't see it yet.

Piero looked at Sora speechlessly:"Can Barbatos and the Ice Queen be the same?"

After all, he is also one of the first seven gods, and he is also related to the rule of time.

No one knows how much background Barbatos has.

You are not going to pollute Barbatos directly. It is not difficult to give Barbatos a period of time to purify the abyss breath on the Seven Heavens Statue.

Although the power of the abyss is extremely terrifying, no one can avoid the pollution of the abyss.

But as long as Fanes has not completely fallen, it is almost impossible to contaminate the Seven Gods through the Seven Heavens Statue."

At this time, Piero also despised Kong countless times. No wonder Kong has accomplished nothing in these five hundred years.

Should I say that this guy is a loser? Or a waste?

After hearing this, Kong thought for a moment..

It seems that this is really true, maybe I am overthinking it. Forget it, now that the Ice Queen is polluted, it seems that it doesn’t matter if the pollution does not pollute Barbatos.

Barbatos seems to have a relationship with Ying Yes, if he had taken the initiative to kill Barbatos, he really would not be able to give an explanation.

Anyway, it was Piero who did the bad things. What does it have to do with him, a clean prince of the abyss?

".However, things are different here with the Ice Queen. (Qian Nuo Zhao) I directly sealed her away from the country.

Even as one of the Seven Gods, she couldn't break free.

Over the years, I have been consuming the Ice Queen's divine power intentionally or unintentionally. Her wear and tear may be even worse than that of Morax and the others.

I think it won't be long before the Ice Queen will be completely corrupted by the abyss."Piero then said with full satisfaction.

Although he felt a little sorry for the Ice Queen, Piero felt that he had repaid the Ice Queen.

After being eroded by the power of the abyss, the Ice Queen's strength would also be reduced. Will be promoted, and even if the continent of Teyvat is destroyed in the future, the Ice Queen will still have a chance to survive.

This is my reward to the Ice Queen.

Well, there is no need to thank myself, I have good intentions!!

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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