Ying is still very confident about her future strength.

If nothing else goes wrong, even if there are no points, after he unlocks the ice element, his strength will probably be a little stronger than when he was in his heyday.

He even thought to himself that even Barbatos would not be his opponent if he did not regain all his strength.

And with his own strength, he should not be considered a weakling in the chat group.

Even in the end, they may not be his opponents. As for Dick Lapian, he has never fought against them, but without the help of the chat group, he feels that his current strength will not be better than Dick Lapian. weak.

After all, the original Dickapian did not become the Seven Gods, but instead became a stepping stone for Barbatos.

But it is also a fact that Dickapian lost, no matter how much inside information there was.

When he unlocks all the elemental powers, he must let these Muggles in Teyvat Continent know the strength of a strong man who travels across the star sea.

But very quickly, a familiar breath caught Ying's attention. After she reacted, complex emotions appeared on her face. She whispered:"Song, you guy, why are you here?" ?"

That’s right, the person who came was Kong who had finished communicating with Piero.

"I have always arranged for people to keep an eye on your whereabouts. After I found out that you left Fontaine, I guessed that you came to Nata.

When you come to Nata, you must unlock the Seven Heavens Statue and obtain the fire element.

You almost have to come here to see this statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods.

I'll be waiting for you right here."Kong looked at Ying after a long time and said in a gentle tone.

After all, his sister is still just a sister, and it's better to use your own brain!

"Is there any truth to this?"Paimeng scratched his forehead. If you put it this way, their whereabouts seem to have always been in the eyes of Kong and the Abyss Order.

This is not good news. Maybe Mu Yang is needed to take them to the space. Moved.

Especially when they go to the Solstice Kingdom in the future, if they come to the Solstice Kingdom in the future, they have just unlocked the ice element, and then they are surrounded by the army led by Piero, wouldn't it be very dangerous? ?

"You are still (bhbd) too young.

Little do you know that your behavior has always been in the eyes of some people."Kong took a deep look at Paimon, and then stared at Ying and said inscrutably.

Kong had a rough guess about Paimon's identity.

But he didn't care very much. In Kong's opinion, Paimon should She is also dissatisfied with Tianli and the maintainer of Tianli.

Otherwise, she would not have found Ying to travel with her at this time.

She has her own plans, but for now, Paimon has no ill intentions towards Ying. He wanted to help Ying.

Moreover, this guy was worn out and could not pose any threat at all.

Ying didn't care when he heard this. After all, his man was invincible.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks were Floating clouds.

The reason why she jumped out now is just as bait.

Yingying is very curious about what Sora and Piero will do in the future.

For now, it is impossible for Sora and Piero to be together. The only thing Mu Yang's opponents need to worry about is whether they will attract strong men from the abyss and cause huge trouble to the Teyvat Continent.

Both Muyang and the Teyvat Continent now need time to develop.

"Sora, you shouldn't have joined the Abyss. The Abyss is not invincible."Ying stared at the sky and said in a deep voice.

"Did Mu Yang give you confidence?

Ying, you are so naive!"Kong looked at Ying like this, with a look of sorrow on his face.

That's an abyss!

What kind of ecstasy did Mu Yang give Ying to take to make Ying feel that the abyss can be defeated?

Only if he joins like this Only after entering the abyss can you know the power of the abyss.

Even himself, after accepting the power of the abyss, his strength has been significantly improved. Even though he is not the opponent of the maintainer of heavenly law, Kong still believes that even if he The maintainers of the law are all capable of fighting against each other.

Sora feels that his strength has been greatly improved.

Of course, Sora will not allow Ying to accept the power of the abyss.

In the final analysis, Ying is still too young. Ah! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Ying saw Sora like this, he pursed his lips. Am

I naive?

No, if it were before, Ying would have felt that the abyss was invincible, even if What kind of Holy Mother is she? After knowing that the Teyvat continent is being eroded by the abyss, she will not want to stay in the Teyvat continent and go to a world that is not affected by the abyss.

But now, it is different. The abyss is just a bath. It is only the nourishment of Yang and the continent of Teyvat.

Now Mu Yang has even found a way to improve his power. As long as Mu Yang is given time, the entire abyss will become Mu Yang's nourishment.

Of course, this must also be established with enough time. Under the basics.

If you are targeted by the strong man in the abyss now, this will also be very disadvantageous.

"Sora, you are too arrogant."Ying sighed silently,"I am still very optimistic about the Teyvat continent, and I also believe that the Teyvat continent will not be destroyed by the abyss.

What's more, there are my friends and relatives in the Teyvat continent." o(TヘTo) Relatives? Hearing Ying's words, Kong couldn't help but feel tight in his heart.

In the past, he was the only family member of Ying, but looking at Ying, it seemed that he regarded Mu Yang and the others as family members.

And , Judging from Mu Yang's appearance, it seems that there are other women. Could it be that Ying has regarded Mu Yang's other women as family members?

Thinking of this, Kong also felt envious for a while, ah, bah, it's heartbreaking!

His own How can my sister do this? Is it possible that Mu Yang really has Ying Mi's fascination?

To make Ying feel that the abyss is not invincible, and to make Ying treat Mu Yang's other women as her own family, is this pua!!

If he couldn't defeat Mu Yang, Kong would definitely let Mu Yang bear the wrath of his uncle at this time. It's not enough for you to provoke my sister, but you also provoke other women.

This is simply unreasonable.

Moreover, the continent of Teyvat There is really no future, why don’t you listen?

It seems that you need to speed up your plan! []

At that time, Ying and Mu Yang will definitely listen to themselves.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and automatic subscriptions, Mmm, I love you!).

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