Alice also started to become anxious at this time.

Mu Yang is going to take action against Reindotte. From the perspective of heaven and earth, it is reasonable for Mu Yang to take action against Reindotte.

If it were Alice herself, she would probably want to get rid of Reindot, but Reindot was Alice's good friend.

Before Reindot didn't apologize to Alice, Alice would not take the initiative to apologize to Reindot.

At least Alice doesn't want Reindot to die now.

【Alice:"Hey, don't go too far. Mu Yang promised me before that he would spare Reindot's life."

Mu Yang:"I didn't scare you, let alone deceive you.

I just think that Reindot It’s so cheating.

Moreover, by that time, for Reindot, living will also be a kind of torture.

What’s more, if Reindot leads a large number of abyss monsters to invade the Teyvat continent, then we will To fight Reindot or not to fight Reindot?

You should have noticed the monsters on the border of Teyvat continent.

Are those monsters really not related to Reindot?"

Alice:"Okay, regarding this, I don’t know very well, but if it is really Reindot that invades the Teyvat continent, I will take action against Reindot myself later." Alice

’s strength of 770 was originally about the same as Reindot, and Alice was very confident about this.

Although her own alchemy is not as good as Reindot's, in terms of all-around, Alice still claims to be better than Reindot.

Mu Yang:"That's okay.

No matter how powerful Reindot is in the future, he can't be the opponent of Alice now."

Although Alice is usually not showy, there is still no problem with her strength.

Before joining the chat group, Alice had a strength that was comparable to the Seven Gods. Even if it was slightly inferior to the veteran Seven Gods, Alice was indeed a good combat power.

If the God of Fire hadn't already had someone else, Mu Yang would even want Alice to be the God of Fire temporarily.

After all, aside from Alice's trouble-making personality, she is indeed the most suitable candidate to become the Vulcan.

As for trust, when Fanes was choosing the Seven Gods, did he choose someone he trusted?

Is it okay for the seven gods of Teyvat continent to have an average of 25 children per capita?

Alice:"In a one-on-one situation, I am confident that I can deal with Reindotte now, but if Reindotte is prepared, I am not his opponent."

Mu Yang:"It's okay, anyway, you have a witch guild over there, they You probably don’t really want to see the continent of Teyvat destroyed by Reindot and the others, right?"


I'm so angry, this guy Mu Yang really likes to hold the Tiwat continent hostage to control the witch.

It seemed that he had held Keli hostage before.

But when faced with Mu Yang's request, she had no idea what to do.

After all, Mu Yang is the most powerful. Only by understanding Mu Yang can we know how powerful Mu Yang is.

And, the most important thing is, looking at Mu Yang's appearance now, as long as Mu Yang is given time, even if the entire abyss comes to trouble Mu Yang, they will be eliminated one by one, but this will take time after all.

Of course, in Alice's mind today, Reindot cannot be Mu Yang's opponent. As long as Mu Yang wants to, it is not a problem to eliminate Reindot.

So sometimes, it's better for Alice to take action herself.

Otherwise, Mu Yang's action was careless, and Reindot would not have known how he died.

Alice would rather let Reindotte become Mu Yang's flannel ball than let Reindotte die.

Fing:"If Reindot appears (bhfb), we may have some trouble dealing with Piero and the others in the future.

Abedo is very capable. If Reindot can create several people like Abedo, it will be good for us It also poses a lot of threats."

From Ying's point of view, Reindot's creation of several abyss monsters is nothing. Such existences can be killed directly.

Before, Du Lin could be eliminated on the Tevarin continent, but was Barbatos and Tevalin combined to eliminate them when Barbatos and the others were weak?

Now that there are so many strong men on the Teyvat continent, it is possible that they still cannot destroy those dragons. Reshiram and Zekrom did not raise them in vain.

It's just that Reindot can also create cyborgs like Albedo. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They not only have great strength, but also excellent wisdom.

Yingke has witnessed Albedo's alchemy skills. Currently, the only one on the Teyvat continent who can compare with Albedo in alchemy is Lei Movie.

Well, this woman is also a freak.

If an existence like Abedo could continuously create, and then let Abedos continue to create monsters, then this would be an endless barrage of violent soldiers.

Such an existence is still very dangerous. If you give them time, no one knows what level they will develop to.

Mu Yang:"Well, Reindot is indeed dangerous, but having said that, I remember there was a person similar to Albedo on the snow mountain."

Qin:"Is there such a person on the snow mountain?

Why don't we know about it?

If it's true If there is such a person hiding, it will also be a huge danger to the Teyvat continent."

Qin still trusts Abedo, who also used his own ability to gain Qin's trust before.

Albedo helped Mondstadt a lot with his alchemy.

Even many of Mondstadt's weapons and medicinal materials were made by Albedo.

Without Albedo, Mondstadt's situation might be even worse than what happened before.

It was for the sake of Alice that Albedo was admitted into Mondstadt and became a member of the Knights of the West Wind.

And the other party did help Mondrian a lot.

Even if Albedo goes to Liyue now, Mondstadt can still benefit from Albedo's research results in Liyue.

In Jean's opinion, it was all worth it.

If there is someone comparable to Abedo on Longji Snow Mountain, he must be dealt with.

At that time, whether it is killing or conquering, this will need to be studied slowly by them later.

Youla:"I have been stationed in Longji Snow Mountain for three years, and I have never seen such a person."】[]

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