【Finally:"Don't worry, your strength is no longer weak.

The Jingji Sea is not so dangerous that you can't deal with it.

There is a presence of Diego Rapian over there."

Nilu:"Otherwise, also Add me to the list. On Sumeru’s side, I don’t have many chances to fight, and I’m not like my seniors who can help Mr. Little Lucky Grass King.

I also want to help everyone."

Navia :"The matter on Fontaine's side is over.

I am also willing to participate in the affairs of the Jingji Sea."

Clolind:"The Jingji Sea seems to be a very interesting place, and it also makes me have a deep understanding of the Jingji Sea. Hai is interested.

Maybe that is a good trial place."

Ke Qing:"It's a pity. If possible, I also want to participate in the"183" battle in Jingji Sea. But Gui Liyuan cannot do without me."

Shen He:"So, how about I go to the Jing Jing Sea? My strength has improved a lot recently, and I had promised before that I would go to the Jing Jing Sea."

Ning Guang:"Oh. , It's a pity that we are not very suitable for fighting.

After the death of the Fire Dragon King, the Sea of ​​Ember is indeed the most suitable place for us to test.

Our strength has improved very quickly, and there are no demon-god-level opponents there.

At least on the surface. There are not many strong people at the level of demon gods in the world, so it is a suitable place for us to test."

Fukalos:"If there is no other way, I will also participate. Although my strength is at the level of the so-called Seven Gods.

But I am not He is not the first generation water god, and has never participated in the demon war.

There is Villette on Fontaine's side, so there is no need for me to worry, so let me participate in the war on the Jingji Sea.

It just so happens that there is someone on the other side of the Jingji Sea. A large amount of abyssal power is exactly what I need now."

Funina:"But don't you want to transform the law into hybrid energy?

This is not a simple matter, right?"

Fukalos:"Transforming the law into chaos Energy is indeed not a simple thing, and if I want to transform law into hybrid energy, it will also consume a certain amount of energy for me.

I also need to absorb the power of the abyss to strengthen myself. The stronger my strength is, the more energy I need to transform into law into hybrid energy. The easier it is."

Zhongli:"In this case, I will trouble you when the time comes. Fukalos."

Ice Queen:"I thought that the chat group had enough members before.

But I didn't expect that now I have to fight with the abyss forces. The war has begun. We are still short of manpower.

But with the help of Fukalos and Diehlappian, the Sea of ​​Ember Silence can be completely suppressed. From now on, the cancers in Teyvat Continent will also be eliminated one by one.."

Ying:"Yeah, whether it's the Abyss Cult, the Fools, or the monsters contaminated by the abyss, they are all the objects we need to destroy."

Ice Queen:"……"Why do you feel like you are offended?

Yora:"If necessary, I can go to the Ember Sea to participate in the battle."

Diluc:"No, you need to sit in the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, where there are the remains of the demon dragon Dulin.

It is difficult to protect the abyss The people in the religious sect don’t want to do anything to Du Lin.

Moreover, there is a young master Abei on the other side of the Longji Snow Mountain.

Everyone has an impression of Abe Duo’s ability, and this young master Abe’s ability is almost the same. Where are you going?"

Yula:"Master Abe?

Well, it is indeed a bit tricky, but if he appears, I will catch him."

If it were an ordinary enemy, Yula would not hesitate. If you kill the opponent, it will be a disaster if you keep him alive.

But if the other party is related to Reindot and Albedo, then Yura said that she needs to catch the other party and conduct experiments under her nose.

Everyone knows how capable Abedo is.

At least now Abedo has made great contributions to the development of Liyue and even the continent of Teyvat. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As long as they give a proposal, Abedo will work hard to complete it. Even if it is a biochemical man, Abedo's hair has decreased a lot during this period.

However, everyone is still quite satisfied with Abedo. As long as Abedo is honest, they will not take the initiative to attack Abedo in the future.

If there were another Mr. Abe, it would be a bit satisfying to think about it.

Qin:"Yura, I'll trouble you then.........

Sorry, I can't help you much."

Yola:"It doesn't matter. Besides, it's not bad at Longji Snow Mountain. Dulin's heart actually has a lot of energy. I can convert it into points."

If I weren't worried about ruining the overall situation, I would even want to completely purify Dulin."

Wendy:"Hey, Dulin's heart also has certain benefits. At least the energy emanating from it can bring a certain temperature to Longji Snow Mountain.

The power of the Cold Sky Nail is very powerful, and the temperature in Longji Snow Mountain is even lower than that in the Winter Solstice Kingdom.

Asmodeus:"Dragon's Back Snow Mountain?"

When they used the power of the earth's veins, Sky Island punished them. This also warned the people of Teyvat that they must not use the power of the earth's veins."

No one denied Asmodeus's words.

Leylines are too important to the continent of Teyvat.

Maybe some people used to think that there is so much power in the leylines, what's wrong with using a little bit?

Anyway, you can't use it up yourself..

But if you think about it carefully, if everyone holds such an attitude, then the power of the Teyvat continent will be in danger, and it will even be all used up sooner or later.

Moreover, the Teyvat continent is everyone's choice. In the Watt Continent, everyone has the obligation to protect the Tewatt Continent.

5.3 Whoever uses the power of the earth line will be the sworn enemy of everyone.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, if they do not have the power of the earth line, the final outcome will be Death.

But since these places are not suitable for human survival, why do you have to go there to survive? []

Man is determined to conquer nature, are these words really so easy to say?

And in the future, Muyang is also determined There is a rule that anyone who rashly uses the power of earth veins will be punished by heaven.

It’s just that Mu Yang’s method of heaven’s punishment is different from Asmode’s method. Mu Yang’s side is raining down thunder, while Asmodeus likes to drive nails.

Although Mu Yang can also drive nails, Mu Yang doesn’t like it. If possible, he prefers to drive thunder from the sky!]

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and automatic subscription, okay, love You guys!).

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