【In the eyes of everyone, Reindot is definitely a model of a mortal standing shoulder to shoulder with a god.

At the same time, he is also a troublemaker in the Teyvat continent.

This woman is indeed a great threat to the continent of Teyvat.

If it weren't for Alice and the Witches, Reindot's future would only be death.

I just don’t know how useful Alice can be in this war, which is related to Reindot’s future destiny.

And Alice will not be lazy in this matter, and will even try her best to do it well.

Even the Witches Coven usually doesn't want to get involved with the Seven Gods or Sky Island, but if Reindot really wants to destroy the Teyvat Continent, they will have to take action.

After all, most people in the Witches' Association don't actually want the continent of Teyvat to be destroyed.

Mu Yang:"Ice Queen, when do you plan to take action?"

Ice Queen:"It depends on when Ying enters the Winter Kingdom. I need Ying to attract Piero's attention for me.-"

Ying:"Am I here to attract attention?

Are you afraid that you don't want me to die?

Although Piero and Sora are in a cooperative relationship, this cooperative relationship is not foolproof. If I really make Piero angry, he will There is also a possibility that you might have murderous intentions towards me."

Ice Queen:"No, at most they will just want to capture you, and with the power of the Winter Kingdom, to be honest, as far as I know, I can't do anything to you. , wait until you have obtained all seven elemental powers, and then use the points gained during this period to improve your strength.

As far as Piero's current fools are unable to harm you, I want to use your means to see Piero's method.

At the beginning, I also planned to let you hide, as a surprise soldier, to play a role at the critical moment.

But after knowing that when Ying comes into contact with the statue of the Seven Heavens, it will cause huge commotion, so Ying this The elite soldiers must be used as soon as possible, and they must be used as a bright card."

Ying:"Oh, it seems that I will be summoned by various orders again.

But there is no way, who makes me just an ordinary traveler What?

Moreover, my brother is also going to bring huge trouble to the Teyvat continent?

It is not impossible to let me attract attention when the time comes.

But you have to know that sometimes I will make things uncontrollable.

When the time comes Don't blame me, you may even need Mu Yang to clean up the mess."

Zhongli:"We need to hide our clumsiness when facing the abyss, but we can't hide our clumsiness blindly.

We can't expose our strength too much in front of the abyss, but similarly, too It’s not enough to be too weak.

Moreover, Piero will definitely cause harm to our seven countries. Over the past five hundred years, Piero has made preparations in various countries, I am afraid not only the Fools but also the Abyss Order People.

So everyone must be prepared. This time, although there is a high probability that it will not be as good as the Black Disaster, I’m afraid it won’t be much worse."

Lei Movie:"Is it the Black Disaster?"

Hu Zhai Palace:"But now We are not who we were before."

Five hundred years ago, Hu Zhai Palace sacrificed his life to protect Ina Wife, but now, Hu Zhai Palace said that a mere dark disaster was nothing.

With the current strength of Foxai Palace, if Inazuma were to have another dark disaster comparable to the previous one, it could be solved by just one fox.

Not to mention her, even Yae Shenzi can probably deal with these people.

Mu Yang:"If there is a strong person in the abyss, heaven's punishment will also come, and it will also be restricted by the rules of Teyvat Continent.

Don't worry about this. The Teyvat Continent is now much stronger than before.."

Finally:"Okay, then we'll wait and see."

Zhongli:"But we still need to be more vigilant on the Layer Rock Abyss. A Ping, you guys, please pay more attention when the time comes."

Grandma Ping:"Okay!"】


On the other side, Mu Yang and the Daci Tree King also restrained their minds. They were not unprepared, but had made various preparations for the power of the abyss.

For example, Mu Yang can now control the power of the earth veins at any time to prevent them from being used by those alchemical creations. The monsters in the abyss will also be under pressure after entering the Teyvat continent, and their energy cannot be used. Get restored. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If a person who uses the power of the abyss is too powerful, he will even be punished by heaven.

Once they use the power of the abyss, they will also be sensed by Mu Yang and Asmode.

In other words, Muyang added a radar function inside Teyvat Continent, which is also very important for Teyvat Continent.

"I didn't expect that these things consume so much energy."The Daci Tree King lay in Mu Yang's arms and said with a sigh.

"There is no way around this, after all, it is integrated with the system of the entire Teyvat continent.

Moreover, during this period, a Keldeo was created, which was the familiar that had been promised to Fukalos."Mu Yang rubbed the head of the Great Ci Tree King and said softly.

At this time, Mu Yang felt that he was a scumbag.

After all, Fukalos is his woman, and the Great Ci Tree King is also his woman.

This is different from spending his girlfriend's money. , what’s the difference between a scumbag who buys gifts for another girl?

You know, in order to create Keldeo, the Great Merciful Tree King spent a lot of money.

"When do you plan to reorganize the distribution of Teyvat continent next?"Then King Daci Shu asked Mu Yang again.

The size of the Teyvat Continent is limited. Sooner or later, Mu Yang will also reorganize the Teyvat Continent. At first, everyone thought that Mu Yang would Choose to enlarge at the same scale. After all, no matter how you look at it, this seems to be the most time-saving and labor-saving.

There is no need to re-plan the entire continent of Teyvat.

But this is obviously impossible. Not to mention other things, even roads and the like have to be re-planned. After it is built, won't Keqing and the others have to go on the road of either building roads or building roads?

Isn't it embarrassing to live like this?

Therefore, in Mu Yang's view, the Seven Kingdoms will still be divided again in the future. For example, Inazuma needs to create a few more islands.

Other countries can expand their borders as much as possible.[]

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