"Well, Nacida, you certainly did not disappoint me."Hearing Nasida's vowed words, the Great Ci Tree King also showed a satisfied look.

He is indeed his reincarnation, and he can sacrifice himself at any time for the Tevat Continent.

Just like his original self, he did not hesitate to solve the problem of forbidden knowledge. Sacrificing oneself is normal.

But now, in order to change the rules of Teyvat Continent, being with Mu Yang does not seem to be a problem. Moreover, in the eyes of the Great Ci Tree King, Mu Yang is also a good person.

Except that Mu Yang has many women. Apart from that, there seems to be no problem.

At least Mu Yang has given them the power to protect their country. This alone is enough for the Seven Gods to be grateful to Mu Yang.

Nasida must be very grateful to Mu Yang. grateful

"As for whether you can help Mu Yang, isn't it me?"Immediately afterwards, King Daci Shu continued to add

"ah?!"Nasida was a little dumbfounded. How about the help of King Daci Tree?

But there are some problems with this, right?

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem impossible if you cooperate with King Daci Tree. They are reincarnated. It is the Great Merciful Tree King, and the Great Merciful Tree King is himself. Even if both parties want to, they can be directly merged into one.

Just like in the original plot, Nasida deleted everything about the Great Mercy Tree King, but this is not the case. Didn't she delete her little auspicious Grass King?

From then on, Nasida was the Great Mercy Tree King, and the Great Mercy Tree King was also Nasida.

It was like Nasida herself had forgotten the existence of the Great Mercy Tree King, thinking that she had always been He is the God of Grass. Isn’t this a kind of covering?

Many things done by the Great Ci Tree King, Naxida thinks that they are done by herself. They are one body, so there is no problem.

In Mu Yang’s view, when When Nasida deleted the traces of the Great Ci Tree King, they were no longer them.

This is a question of logic, but even the God of Wisdom cannot accept it.

"I also ask King Daci Shu to give me some guidance~."After thinking about it, Nasida said softly to the Great Ci Tree King.

How do you want me to give you some advice? Moreover, this advice always feels weird...

Even the God of Wisdom doesn't understand something!


"Ice Queen!"Capitano arrived at the Solstice Kingdom and found the Ice Queen, saluting respectfully.

"Well, you are finally here. Capitano!"The Ice Queen nodded slightly when she saw Capitano. He is indeed her most trusted subordinate, and her strength seems to have improved during this period.

Although Capitano's progress is far behind her, Capitano Tano can do this, which is already pretty good

"Queen, what the traveler said……"Capitano stared at the Ice Queen, hesitant to speak.

Didn't you say something happened to the Ice Queen before?

Why does the Ice Queen seem to be fine now?

"The traveler is my friend. Piero did trap me before I wasn't paying attention and tried to contaminate me with the power of the abyss.

Fortunately, Mu Yang rescued me.

Otherwise I might have fallen into the abyss."The Ice Queen said with a sigh.

All of this is thanks to Mu Yang, otherwise, I am afraid that she will really be responsible for her death.

She loves Teyvat Continent and the humans on Teyvat Continent. For this reason, the Ice Queen does not mind sacrificing her life.

But if the continent of Teyvat is destroyed because of her falling into the abyss, this is something the Ice Queen cannot accept.

"Why did Piero do this?"Capitano instantly believed the Ice Queen's words. The person in front of him was indeed the Ice Queen. There was no point in running away from this, so he just had to trust the Ice Queen.

But Capitano was a little confused. Do you understand why Piero did this?

You know, Piero is already more powerful than one person in the Winter Kingdom, and the Ice Queen also has great trust in Piero.

Under normal circumstances, Piero The power in Piero's hands is almost equal to that of the Ice Queen.

But why did Piero treat the Ice Queen like this?

Is it because of the original Camrea War?

But the Ice Queen did not participate in the original Camrea War.

Why does Piero want to take revenge on the Ice Queen?

Didn't they share the same goals before?

"Piero betrayed me. We initially tried to challenge the laws of heaven and Sky Island. He also wanted to avenge Camrea."The Ice Queen's tone was very complicated.

Capitano nodded slightly, acknowledging Piero's behavior. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If the Winter Kingdom is destroyed by Sky Island, Capitano will also fight for Sky Island at all costs.

In the past five hundred years, Piero has been planning revenge on Sky Island almost all the time. Capitano can also see this.

He had previously thought that Piero would be his like-minded friend, and the previous cooperation between Capitano and Piero was also very good.

But Capitano never expected that Piero would actually do something that would hurt the ice. Something about the Empress.

This is something Capitano cannot accept.

Damn it, Piero!

".But I didn't expect that Piero's purpose was not to destroy Sky Island. No, to be precise, destroying Sky Island was just part of Piero's plan.

His real purpose is to destroy the entire Teyvat continent, including everything about the Teyvat continent, including Sky Island."The Ice Queen stared at Capitano and said in a deep voice:"He thinks Camria has been destroyed.

The continent of Teyvat has no meaning in continuing to exist."

Hearing this, even Capitano couldn't help but gasped.

He never expected that Piero would be such a lunatic.

Destroy the entire continent of Teyvat?

What a shame for Piero. Come out.

If Piero just wants to seek revenge on the existence that destroyed Canria, that's fine. But now he wants to destroy the entire continent of Teyvat. Capitano said that he disagrees.

However, if you think about it carefully, if The Kingdom of Winter has also been destroyed, so will he follow a similar path to Piero?

Capitano doesn't know for the time being.

But Piero is so dangerous that he even hurt the Ice Queen.!

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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