"Do you want to popularize the practice among fools?

If we do this, it will only cause huge trouble. Dadalia smiled self-deprecatingly:"Don't forget, Piero has much more control over the Fools than we do."

At that time, no one knows whether the people we teach are our own people or Piero’s people.

Alas, even the Ice Queen makes mistakes sometimes, let alone us."

Speaking of this, Dadalia also sighed for a while.

In the end, this is all Piero. Who would have thought that the number one figure in the Fools and the number two figure in the Winter Kingdom would be Canrea's undercover? If there is any problem with the Ice Queen, Piero is very likely to become their number one person.

This has been three years and three years, and Piero has almost become the number one person.

If such a thing spreads, Go out, they Zhidong Kingdom are really going to embarrass people.

No, they have already embarrassed people.

At least Mu Yang and Zhongli know about this.

Alas, they really embarrassed the fools to grandma's house Got it

"Yes, if we popularize the technique now, it will benefit Piero. Rosalin sighed softly:"But are you sure Piero has not obtained this technique before?"

You know, the Fools' infiltration into Liyue and other countries is very deep.

Not to mention other countries, even Mondstadt, all aspects have been infiltrated by the Winter Kingdom."

Speaking of this, Rosalin also hates iron. She hates Mondstadt, and she also loves Mondstadt.

Rosalind, who knows about Barbatos, does not have any hatred for Barbatos now. Such a god , indeed very great.

Barbatos just looks unreliable, but in fact, Barbatos can be called a great god if he can use his divine power to maintain the environment of Mondstadt.

But the problem still remains In Rosalin's opinion, the nobles and the Knights of the West Wind in Mondstadt deserve to die.

They can enjoy such a comfortable life now, but that's just because someone is carrying the burden for them.

The original Rustan sacrificed his life to protect these losers. In order to protect them and avenge Rustan, he became the Witch of Fire in their mouths. These bastards actually actively ostracized her.

Although Rosalin herself did not care about what these people did to her at the time. attitude and evaluation.

But Rosalin could not sit back and watch those people enjoy Mondstadt with peace of mind. Rustan protected Mondstadt at the expense of himself. Those moths are destroying Mondstadt. With the existence of these people, Deyuan has not come.

Moreover, just As far as Rosalin herself knows, many people in Mondstadt are more or less connected to the Winter Country.

On the one hand, they keep saying that the Winter Country is too deceiving, and on the other hand, they continue to sell the Winter Country well, and The fools are colluding, and everything seems to be for sale.

As long as the Winter Kingdom wants to, even Mondstadt's city defense map can be obtained directly.

Under such circumstances, if Rosalin has any interest in the current Mondstadt How much favor is there is a strange thing.

Although the so-called leader of Qin is very good personally, he belongs to the little girl's family after all. If it weren't for Qin's high quality, Rosalin said that she would not be able to approve Qin as a member of the Knights of the West Wind. Long.

Maybe after this incident is over, if I can still be alive, I will help Mond clear out those hidden dangers.

Qin, that little girl, is still not good at liar, and she is all kinds of soft-hearted.

Some things, they What she doesn't want to do can only be done by her senior.

She just wants Mond, who Rustan is sworn to protect, to be hurt because of the stupid behavior of those guys. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"By the way, it is said that Arecino just returned to Solstice Country not long ago."Suddenly, Dadalia said abruptly again

"Arecino? What kind of person do you think she is? Rosalin frowned,"Which side will she be on?""

Arecchino is a very important person, a member of the Hearth House, but he only recognizes Arecino and not the Ice Queen.

Not to mention Piero.

If Arecino can stand beside them Here, their chances of winning can also be improved a lot.

After all, within the Fools, the members of the Hearth House are indeed a considerable force, and they have one characteristic, which is unprecedented unity.

"Arecino? ?" Rosalin also fell into deep thought after hearing this:"Arecino's character has always been one that can be ignored for Fontaine.

Her purpose in joining the Fools seems to be to solve the flood in Fontaine.

Now that the flood in Fontaine has been resolved, there are still many problems both internally and externally.

Among them, we in Winter Kingdom and the Fools will bring many threats to Fontaine.

Piero wants to lead the fools to rebel against heaven and even destroy the entire continent of Teyvat. It is unlikely that Arecino will join forces with Piero."

".In this case, we can unite with Arecino against Del Piero."Dadalia also looked happy when he heard this, and said quickly

"No!"Rosalyn glanced at Dadalia with pity. This guy really doesn't have a long brain at all.

"What do you mean?"Dadalia was also unhappy to be looked at by Rosalin with such a look, and asked quickly

"I've said it before, Arecino's character is that he can do anything for Fontaine.[]

How do you know (Nord's) whether that persona is true or false? Rosalin sneered:"On the surface, it seems that Arecino is cooperating with Mu Yang and the others."

At least the last time you went to Fontaine, Arecino and Fukalos cooperated and sent you to prison.

On the surface, it seems to be good for you and to protect you.

But if Arecino is really one of Mu Yang and the others, I'm afraid I've told you before."

Speaking of this, Rosalin also felt tired for a while. Dardalia's brain is too hard to use.

It seems that she still needs to keep an eye on her more in the future. Otherwise, Dardalia will be there at any time. They may all be cheated to death.

However, the relationship between Mu Yang and the Ice Queen seems to be better than imagined!

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and automatic subscriptions. I love you!).

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