"Yes, Sora, Amfortas has become extremely powerful now, and Reindot appears with him.

It seems that Amfortas has been collaborating with Reindot for the past five hundred years.

Amfortas is no longer the Reindot he was then."Dainsreib said in a deep voice.

Kong nodded thoughtfully:"But, for me, this is also a good thing, isn't it?

If Amfortas really has the power to maintain the Heavenly Law, or even the Heavenly Law, then this time, the act of destroying the continent of Teyvat may not be successful."

"Do you really want to destroy the continent of Teyvat?"Dainsreb stared at the sky and said coldly.

"For me, it doesn't matter what the continent of Teyvat has become.

Even if possible, I hope that the continent of Teyvat can be preserved. After all, this was once my favorite world."Kongyu sighed:"But you have to know that the continent of Teyvat has been surrounded by the power of the abyss.

Whether or not to destroy Teyvat Continent is not up to us, but is the fate that Teyvat Continent itself needs to face.

Even without us, the continent of Teyvat would still be doomed under the erosion of the power of the abyss.

And what we do can make the humans on the Teyvat continent die faster. This is much more comfortable than facing difficulties and trying our best but not being able to face them.

Do you get me?

Once the power of the abyss completely enters the continent of Teyvat, it will make life worse than death for countless people.

Rather than that,If death is in our hands, this is also a kind of relief"

"If you have never resisted, how do you know you are destined to fail?"Dainsreb snorted, and then asked softly:"Is there really no way to save the continent of Teyvat? Kong glanced at Dainsreb and sighed silently. Is this guy really as gentle as he was five hundred years ago?

Even in this situation, Dainsreb still wants to save him. Teyvat Continent?

If it were Piero and the others, they all couldn't wait to destroy Teyvat Continent at this time.

Who is the normal person between the two?

After thinking about it, Sora still felt that Dains Reb was more Normal.

To put it another way, Sora didn’t actually feel much sad or sad about the destruction of Camrea.

After all, it was not his own country. The connection between him and Camrea was more about Dainsreb.

My dear friend, you are still a little too young.

Just like when the Kanria War broke out, Sora did not immediately help Kanria to fight against the power of the abyss and the maintainers of heaven.

Instead, he ran away. When we arrive in Xumi, we help the people of Sumeru fight against the dark disaster.

After all, as we all know, the Great Kindness Tree King of Sumeru is the incarnation of the World Tree. Once something goes wrong with the Great Kindness Tree King, the World Tree may also be in crisis. Once the World Tree is gone, the Teyvat Continent will also be gone.

It’s just that it’s a little difficult to locate the World Tree.

If Kong really wanted to destroy the Teyvat Continent, he would have run to Sumeru. Killed the Little Lucky Grass King.

He really didn’t believe that once the Little Lucky Grass King was gone, nothing would happen to the Tevat Continent.

At least Kong didn’t do that.

"If the maintainers of heavenly principles had not prevented us from leaving the Teyvat continent, I would not have stayed in this world.."Kong Man sighed and said:"I have no hatred against the Teyvat continent.

As for whether the power of the abyss can be solved, don't you know this?

Back then, Kanreia spent a lot of effort trying to Manipulating the power of the abyss, all the ruins guards lost control, and a large number of abyss monsters entered the Teyvat continent.

Today, there are a large number of abyss monsters attacking the borders of the world.

Even Reindot seems to have fallen into the abyss.

Do you think, under such circumstances, the continent of Teyvat still has a chance? Fanes is not weak, but in the sea of ​​​​stars, he is not really strong. I have witnessed some people who are stronger than Fanes. The world where Si Huan's powerful existence exists was destroyed by the power of the abyss."

"But there is still a chance, isn't there?

I remember that you seem to have good immunity to the power of the abyss, not only you, but also your sister Ying. If you cooperate, you may not have a chance, right?"Deinsreb seemed to have thought of something and asked quickly:"

You seem to have fallen into the abyss now, but I know that you are not actually controlled by the power of the abyss like Reindot."

".For me, the power of the abyss is just a kind of power. Although the power of the abyss will amplify some of my dark sides, for me, this is controllable.

At least it doesn't affect my consciousness. Kong said with a hint of pride in his tone:"It's not just me, it's also Reindot. I'm afraid it's the same now."

Her pursuit of alchemy deepened.

If it were five hundred years ago, Reindot, who had not been affected by the power of the abyss, might not have wanted to improve his alchemical abilities by destroying the continent of Teyvat.

But now Reindot's ambitions are getting bigger and bigger.

Her desire for alchemy is also getting deeper and deeper. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I didn’t think at first that she would return to the continent of Teyvat, but when I think about it carefully, it’s understandable. It’s not to avenge Kanria, I’m afraid it’s to Witness the destruction of the continent of Teyvat"

"But have you ever thought about your sister?

I have observed your sister, she seems to have a hatred (Zhao De's) hatred towards Kanria, and she probably knows some of the secrets from back then.

If you let her know about Piero's plan, your sister will definitely be involved."Dainsreb asked, staring at the sky.

"She's definitely going to be involved. Sora's eyes flickered slightly:"This is her journey."

Whether it is the trip to the first six countries or the subsequent trip to the Winter Solstice Country, this is what Ying needs to face.

I know that Ying formed many bonds during her travels to the Teyvat continent.

But you have to know that both she and I are just passers-by to this world."

"But you are no longer a descendant."Dainsreib said with intention.

"So I have no intention of leaving the continent of Teyvat!"Hong smiled noncommittally.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and automatic subscriptions. Oh my god, I love you!).

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