"What?"Even Sora couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing Dainsreb's words.

Even though he had previously expressed doubts about Paimon's identity and even suspected that Paimon was related to Sky Island, he couldn't help but exclaimed. He didn't expect that Paimon was the ruler of time.

Naturally, Kong was no stranger to the so-called ruler of time.

Kong didn't know who was stronger and weaker than the ruler of time and the maintainer of heavenly principles, but he knew that he was the ruler of time. He is very afraid of the maintainer of heavenly principles who easily crushed him and his father, and seems to be one of the four rulers.

It seems that Asmodeus is the ruler of space.

As the ruler of time, Paimon is no better than Asmodeus. How much weaker is Maud?

"It turned out to be the time ruler. No wonder nothing happened to Ying. Sure enough, there was Tianli and their plans. Not long after Ying just broke the seal, they directly arranged for the time ruler to follow Ying.

In order to lower Ying's wariness, Tangtang Shi was in charge, even pretending to be an idiot."Speaking of this, Sora began to grit his teeth.

It was not that he had ever suspected Paimon before, and even wanted to get rid of Paimon, but considering that the other party's existence may be related to Sky Island, and his sister Ying is still Quite witty, at least he is more thoughtful than his elder brother. It is very difficult for his sister to trust a stranger. At least Sora does not think that his sister will be deceived at will.

She is deceived. The probability is much smaller than the probability of being deceived.

This is also the main reason why Sora can sit back and watch her travel on the Teyvat continent.

Since Sky Island is willing to let her travel, they have also arranged a time for the ruler to follow her. Around him, the other party must have a target.

Ying has obviously become the target of the other party's deliberate gaze.

But this is not very important. After all, for Sora, protecting Ying's safety is the most important.

If Paimon is If time governs, then my impression of Paimon needs to change.

As a time governor, it doesn't seem to be difficult to change one's appearance and even keep oneself as a child.

If Paimon can't do it This is a strange thing.

Fortunately, he didn't rush over and take care of Paimon. Otherwise, Sora didn't know whether Paimon would be fine, but he might be sent Paimon is beaten up.

It is obvious that the guy named Paimon is just a pet in front of Ying.

"maybe!"Deinsreb glanced at Sora. This guy seemed to have misunderstood something, but even if he wanted to explain something to Paimon, Sora probably wouldn't accept it, right?

"If we have another strong man on our side who is comparable to Asmodeus, perhaps it is not impossible to win against the Abyss.

At least against people like Piero, there is a certain possibility of victory. Kong paused and continued:"But don't forget it."

Even if we help Teyvat Continent defeat Piero and the others.

However, the power of the abyss will continue to infect the Teyvat continent, and the Teyvat continent will still be destroyed.

Even many people on the continent of Teyvat will be infected by the power of the abyss and eventually fall into the abyss.

Of course, if you can fall into the abyss, it is actually good. For most people, the final outcome is just to become the nourishment of the abyss, to become an existence in the abyss that is neither human nor ghost, and lose themselves."

After hearing this, Dainsreb was silent for a moment and said:"How could I not understand this, but I believe that everything depends on man-made efforts.

If those people really fall into the abyss, I will save them.

But now they have not fallen into the abyss, and I cannot directly get rid of them just because they may fall into the abyss in the future. Kong smiled noncommittally when he heard the words, but it was indeed something Dainsreib would do. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even after five hundred years, he His home has also been destroyed, but Dainsreb still maintains his original attitude.

Thinking of this, Kong glanced at Dainsreb meaningfully and said:"If my guess is not wrong, Dainsreb Your identity shouldn't be simple either, right?"

Dainsreb also fell silent upon hearing this.

What is his identity?

"how? Aren't you going to make it clear to me now? Kong stared at Dainsreib and said in a deep voice:"You know, if we want to fight Piero and the others, we also need to trust each other.""

Dainsreb took a deep look at Kong and said in a deep voice:"Did you know that Tianli Fanes has four shadows?"

Kong Wenyan also narrowed his eyes. Four shadows?

He has heard such legends about this, but he has not investigated much about this matter.

After all, this is the core of the Teyvat continent. One of the secrets

"Time rules, space rules, life rules, death rules.

Among them, the ruler of space is Asmode, the maintainer of heavenly principles, and the ruler of time is Paimon.

And the ruler of Sheng fell in the thousands of years of war between the First Throne and the Second Throne.

In the end, his origin gave birth to Baal and Baalzebul."Dainsreb pondered for a moment and then slowly said.[]

"What?"Kong was also surprised when he heard this. He was actually no stranger to Baal and Balzebul.

But there didn't seem to be any hostility between the two parties.

At least Kong had never gone to Inazuma to cause trouble before.

Except in Yuanxia Palace. Some things about Inazuma interest Sora, but other things about Inazuma are not noticed by Sora at all.

"Five hundred years ago, in the Kanria War, the thunder god Baal fell. I suspect that this was a scheming, in order for Baalzeb to obtain the origin of Baal, so that she could become the true ruler of life."Dainsreb paused and continued:"Now at the border of Teyvat continent, there is a thunder and lightning general fighting.

From what I understand, that doesn't seem to be Balzebul"

"According to Piero's investigation, the thunder god Barzebul created an alchemy doll to work on his behalf."Speaking of this, Kong's expression was also subtle for a while:"You don't want to say that the person fighting on the border of Teyvat Continent is actually a puppet of Balzebub, right?

Dainsreib nodded slightly and said,"I think so.""

(Please give me flowers, please give me monthly tickets, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all! Part 2).

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