【Asmodeus:"Lord Muyang is right, Teyvat Continent will win!"

King Dacishu:"Teyvat Continent will win!"

Navilite:"No matter which country we are from, as long as we are Teyvat Continent The creatures in the abyss must be our targets and enemies. It is our duty to defeat or even kill them."

King Daci Shu:"Indeed, after all, the abyss is our almost undying enemy. The abyss wants to destroy the continent of Teyvat. And we don’t want the continent of Teyvat to be destroyed by the abyss.

Moreover, we also want to use the abyss as our own nourishment. Perhaps the power of the abyss absorbed by the continent of Teyvat today is just a drop in the bucket for the abyss. Even

Mu Yang didn’t do it before. As I said, the speed of the abyss we absorb may not be able to keep up with the expansion speed of the abyss, but I believe that with the improvement and growth of the Teyvat continent, in the future, the abyss will also be suppressed by us.

By that time, the abyss creatures will also They will treat us as an enemy that will never stop fighting."

The two sides have different positions. Mu Yang wants the Abyss to die, and the Abyss side also wants to kill the Teyvat continent. This is destined.

And all they, the creatures on the Teyvat Continent, can think about is that they will surely win. If the creatures on the Teyvat Continent, they can only think about what they will do if they fail, and what they will do if the Teyvat Continent is destroyed..

Sorry, generally people who think like this are often people who are not firm in their stance, and the people who were pulled into the chat group by Mu Yang are all the mainstays of the Teyvat Continent. They are all the hope and future of the Teyvat Continent..

Lei Movie:"Just lock him up when the time comes. I already remember that guy Amfortas.

When the war starts in the future, I will find him as soon as possible and get rid of him."

Mu Yang:"The most troublesome thing is Reindot. I don't know how many soldiers he attacked in the abyss.

If there are a lot of people like Dulin, then we will also feel troublesome. If there are too many ants, they will bite. A dead elephant, let alone a monster.

Therefore, everyone needs to improve their strength as much as possible, and at the same time, they also need to cultivate the living forces in Teyvat Continent.

The power of living creatures in Teyvat Continent must also be cultivated. Of course, we should not blindly People like Reindot and Dotore who only know how to improve their strength but ignore their character, only know how to improve their strength and then fall."

Alice:"Hey, don't say that. In fact, Reindot is the same. In order to solve the problem of the abyss, Reindot's original intention was also good.

If people on the Teyvat continent can properly use the power of the abyss, it will also be a good thing for the Teyvat continent."

Asmodeus:" It's just idiotic dreams. If the power of the abyss was so easy to use, it wouldn't destroy worlds one by one."

Mu Yang:"Reindot is too dangerous and must be controlled."

Alice:"I went to see Nico these days. Ryan is a member of our Witches' Guild. Now the Witches' Guild is actually willing to join us."

Asmode:"Witches' Guild?

If I remember correctly, the current Reindot is still the same. A member of the Witches' Guild, right?"

Alice:"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, Reindot is also our friend, and we co-founded the Witches' Guild in the first place.

Reindot just hasn't come back for hundreds of years. , instead of actually quitting the Witches' Guild."

Asmodeus:"I feel that the Witches' Guild is not a good organization, but except for Reindot, you have not done anything to endanger the safety of Teyvat Continent, so for the time being I haven't done anything to you.

The continent of Teyvat does not block civil society organizations, but they must be legal organizations. Because of Reindot, your organization is too dangerous."

Alice:"Hey, hey, don't say that. Okay? In fact, Nikolain and the others have been trying to save the Teyvat continent in their own way over the years, okay?

Even if Reindot is our close friend, if it is for the Teyvat continent, we can also work with Reindort. The enemy.

This time, Reindot will leave the battle with the Abyss to us." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Alice was also panicked, and would always make excuses for Reindot. , I’m also panicking, okay?

Although Reindot has done many evil things, it is not the reason to implicate us!

Besides, we are all in the same group, okay?

Now I am also a member of the chat group. Logically speaking, we are our own people.

Alice always felt as if Asmode was looking for trouble for her.

Could it be that Mu Yang wanted to get rid of the situation, thinking that he was too much of a hindrance, and then wanted to groom Keli?

Suddenly, even a smart person like Alice thought of a lot of things.

Well, the main reason is that Alice is a smart person. Smart people will inevitably think too much. In fact, it is not Asmode who wants to target Alice. In fact, before Alice was taken in by Mu Yang, the relationship between Alice and Asmode In fact, there was already contact and cooperation. At this time, the cooperation between the two parties was actually quite successful.

At this time, Asmodeus would not go out of his way to kill the donkey. The main reason is that Asmodeus felt that Alice's heart was not ruthless and firm enough.

The vast majority of people in the chat group have an unyielding stance with Abyss.

Although Alice is also fighting against the abyss, if she wants to let Alice stay in the Teyvat continent and advance and retreat with them (the King's), Alice will have many fewer possibilities.

At least in Asmode's view, Alice is not one of their own.

It's okay now. Alice has been forced and seems to want to be one of their own. This is a good start.

Alice, you also want Keli to live a carefree life, so just work honestly for Teyvat Continent!

Otherwise, believe it or not, we will pull Keli to fight against the abyss.[]

With Keli's character, if she knew that Teyvat Continent was at war with the Abyss, and knew that she could help Teyvat Continent a lot, she would definitely spare no effort to help.

Keli is a kind-hearted child. Although she often gets into trouble, she is different from a naughty child in the actual sense. At least she is not annoying. 】

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