【For some reason, Ying felt that Paimon was planning something.

However, thinking about it, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing for me.

After all, Ying still trusts Paimon.

At most, it's just Paimon's own plan, at least it can't harm him.

Ying:"So what should we do now? The Winter Kingdom seems to be very dangerous. With our strength, it seems difficult to solve this matter.

Ice Queen, how about you sacrifice the Ice Dragon King? This paragraph Time is enough for Mu Yang to create a new Ice Dragon King. By then, we will have one more Dragon King-level combat power."

Ice Queen:"Back then, the Ice Dragon King was willing to entrust his life to me. How can we let it down?"

She said, didn't she want to do this?

The Ice Queen doesn't know whether the Ice Dragon King is reliable or not, but she knows that once Mu Yang is reworked, the new Ice Dragon King will definitely be very reliable, just like Zekrom and Reshiram, who are now in The world is guarded at the borders of the continent of Teyvat.

Moreover, if you really want to calculate it, it seems good to make the new Ice Dragon King look like that.

However, the Ice Queen is still very loyal to her friends.

I would rather teach the world to betray me than teach me to betray the world.

The Ice Queen is the type who would rather be bullied than bully others.

He is really a very gentle god. No wonder Morax and the others recognized the Ice Queen very much.

It is really interesting to be friends with such people.

But such a friend seems to have some problems, just like Piero's matter, which is definitely a huge trouble.

Of course, even without the Ice Queen to take Piero in, something might still happen to the Teyvat continent.

Today, Piero is still growing the power of the Abyss under everyone's noses, but if the Ice Queen had not taken Piero in, Piero would have probably secretly developed the corresponding organization.

If you calculate carefully, the current situation seems to be relatively good.

At least Piero is now under everyone's nose, and the battlefields have almost been determined, Canria and Solstice Kingdom.

Perhaps the dark disaster will affect the entire Teyvat continent, but the situations that other countries need to encounter are definitely not as dangerous as the Winter Kingdom and Kanria.

Mu Yang:"I really appreciate the character of the Ice Queen.

It's better to take it slow. Let Asmodeus keep an eye on the Winter Kingdom. When it's really necessary, Asmodeus can directly Take action, and at the same time, there is Paimon.

You won't really forget about Pamon, right?

This is the ruler of time. If Paimon is really a waste, I would have already removed Paimon from time. The power was taken away.

For me, it is very simple to take away Paimon's power and let him become a flying pet."

Paimon:"!!! Paimon is not flying. Pet."

Ying:"It is still very useful for Paimon to be by my side. Without Paimon, I will encounter many dangers.

So I'd better keep Paimon. If I really encounter danger, Paimon will also You can stand in front of me."

Paimon:"Ying, how could you do this to me? We are obviously the best partners.

How can you let me block attacks for you?

Even if you are attacked, I will do it for you. Resistance."

Ying:"No matter what, you will resist the attack for me. You take the initiative to resist the attack for me, and I pull you to resist the attack for me. You are resisting the attack for me. Is there any difference during this period?"

Paimon:"Is there no difference?"

Ying:"Judging from the results, is there any difference?"

Paimon:"……There doesn't really seem to be any difference."

At this time, Paimeng said that his little head really couldn't turn around. It seemed that there was really no difference!

Mu Yang:"Okay, Ying, bullying a fool is a crime."

Paimon:"Pamon is not a fool, Paimon is very smart, and he did not bully Paimon.

If Ying is in danger, Paimon will definitely protect her." fluorescent:"……"What else could she say at this time?

It is indeed an honor for me to have such a good flying pet, and the relationship between me and Paimon seems to be getting better and better.

Of course, Ying did regard Paimon as her best friend. Perhaps at the beginning, Ying would also doubt Paimon's position. After all, the appearance of this guy was too weird and too fantasy.

When I was fishing, I actually caught a flying pet. This flying pet was very special, and its physical strength was even better than my own.

As time passed, Ying also trusted Paimon.

But later, Ying found out Paimon's identity. This guy turned out to be the Ruler of Time, one of the supreme gods of the Teyvat continent.

Why would the ruler of time, who was so good, be targeting him? Even now, Ying can't figure it out.

Could it be that because of his extraordinary talent, Paimon directly took a fancy to him, thinking that he was a talent that could be developed and that he could help the Teyvat continent in the future?

For now, let's keep Paimon as a pet.

Anyway, it's not a problem for Ying.


Mu Yang was chatting in the chat group while analyzing the combat power issues on the Teyvat continent.

Alas, there is still insufficient time. At the beginning, Mu Yang thought he had two years, but now it is only more than a year. Fortunately, he acted fast enough, otherwise, it would have been too late. Watt Continent will be finished at this time.

As for how to improve the continent of Teyvat in the future, we will have to wait until the war with Kanria is over.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation can already be established. However, the Six Paths of Reincarnation that Mu Yang can currently establish is only the preliminary Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Although there may be some problems with the prototype of Six Paths of Reincarnation, these things must develop slowly.

For the time being, there is not so much energy in the continent of Teyvat to perfect the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

There are not so many people to maintain the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but one thing can be said, this is indeed what is needed most after the continent of Teyvat.

The six paths of reincarnation need to be established, and the eighteen levels of hell must also be established. Fortunately, Mu Yang and the Daci Tree King have made preparations long ago. There are a large number of ghost Pokémon in the World Tree, waiting for the need in the future. , they can release those ghost Pokémon at any time.

Moreover, that kind of environment is indeed the most suitable place for them.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yang thought of Hutao and the others. The organization of the Rebirth Hall was indeed good. He could also fund the Rebirth Hall. Maybe he could help Hutao open the Rebirth Hall to the entire Teyvat continent. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Forget it, let’s forget about it for now.

When the time comes, take your time and solve the problem after you find it.

After a while, a very beautiful woman - Nabu Malikata - appeared outside the Jade Pavilion.

Her arrival quickly attracted the attention of everyone in Qunyu Pavilion. Who is this woman?

Why haven't they met before, and how did the other party get to Qunyu Pavilion?

"~Miss, may I ask how you fell in love with Qunyu??"A guard from the Jade Pavilion quickly appeared in front of Nabu Malikata and asked

"I'm looking for Mu Yang. He should be here."Nabu Malikata glanced at the guard, but still explained patiently.

Nabu Malikata is still tolerant of humans. Even though she is a god and the other person is a human being, and he is not a believer in him, Nabu Malikata is still willing to explain patiently

"Yes, please wait!"When they heard that they were here to find Mu Yang, the guards at Qun Yu Pavilion had a slightly subtle look on their faces.

They also knew the relationship between Mu Yang and Ning Guang very well. In recent times, Mu Yang has been They all live in Qunyu Pavilion, and Ningguang also asks them to treat Mu Yang the same way they treat her. Obviously, Mu Yang is the male master of Qun Yu Pavilion.

As for Mu Yang's gossip, most of them are actually Everyone knows a little bit, at least the relationship between Mu Yang and Ke Qing, everyone is well aware of it, and the relationship between Ke Qing and Ning Guang, not only did not get worse because of Mu Yang's relationship, but it became... Good sisters who share the joys and sorrows.

This is something that most people never thought of.

After all, the personalities between Keqing and Ningguang are not the kind of people who would like to take second place (money).

In the past, they were not so harmonious. In the end, because of Mu Yang's relationship, the two became good friends.[]

This leaves them not knowing what to say.

The result is now good. Mu Yang's woman outside has come to the door. How can the people above Qun Yu Pavilion be calm?

However, this woman is really beautiful.

Even though they all thought that their Lord Ningguang was invincible in the world, no one was more beautiful than Lord Ningguang. After all, Lord Ningguang was their bread and butter.

Even the likes of Qing Qing Gan Yu are not as good as Ning Guang in their minds.

But after seeing Nabu Malikata this time, their hearts were more or less shaken.

There is no way, Nabu Malikata is really too beautiful. The most beautiful god in the Teyvat continent is not just a boast.

Many of the female demons are already very good-looking.

And Nabu Malikata is almost universally recognized as the most beautiful god, which is really not bad.

A moment later, someone hurriedly welcomed Nabu Malikata in.

(It seems that the app crashed. Anyway, the author's side also crashed. It seems that after uninstalling it, it can be reinstalled. This is the case with most mobile phones, but mine seems to be useless.)

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