"Human beings have ambitions, so they need good guidance. If gods exist, even if they do something wrong, there will still be gods who can guide them, just like Liyue.

Even though many people in the Seven Stars and Eight Sects are ambitious, they are worried that they can only lie dormant while Emperor Yan Wang is still there.

After it was reported some time ago that Emperor Yanwang was contaminated by the abyss, some people jumped out. Mu Yang smiled mockingly:"But they were all blocked by the Three Eyes and Five Manifestations Immortal, and even cleared away by Ning Guang and the others."

In fact, to a certain extent, Liyue is already the best at this aspect.

They are a country that walks with the gods, and Morax is also very qualified as a god.

But other gods can't all be like Morax. Of course, this is actually relatively good. Facts have proved that as long as there are gods watching over the country, it is actually not particularly bad.

Except, of course, the country of Balzebul"

"No, Balzebul has actually done a pretty good job."What Mu Yang didn't expect was that Nabu Malikata vindicated Lei Qianqiu;"She is not a god who is good at governance, but she protected Dao's wife with force.

Because she knew that she was not very good at governing the country, she delegated her power to humans, while Baalzebul only served as a guarantee for humans.

It's just that Balzebul didn't expect that human ambition would be so huge.

The failure of Rice Wife is not the failure of Balzebul. This proves that without the guidance of gods on the continent of Teyvat, mankind will eventually lead to self-destruction."

Speaking of this, Nabu Malikata also sighed:"As a fairy, my history surpasses most of the gods on the continent of Teyvat. I have also witnessed the rise and decline of countless civilizations.

Even my own people, after losing my guidance, took the wrong path and were eventually destroyed.

Without the guidance of gods, humans will eventually perish on their own."

"Maybe so."Mu Yang couldn't help but sigh when he saw this. Nabu Malikata did see well.

Many things on the continent of Teyvat show the greatness of human beings. There are many people who show that they can rival gods with mortal bodies. Yes, even to a certain extent, Funina can be regarded as a human being.

She is the personality of the water god Fukalos. Of course, she is different from normal humans.

However, Mu Yang will not deny Funina The fact that I was once an ordinary person without power

"Human beings have ambitions, infinite ambitions, and perhaps some humans have very noble characters. I will not deny this. There are some selfless great people among humans in every world.

But compared to great people, selfish villains are the majority after all.

It's like this for Daozhu, like this for Xumi, like this for Liyue, like this for Mond, and it's like this for Kanria.

Human beings need the correct guidance of gods. Even in the future, after human beings' power increases, I will not cancel the guidance of gods for human beings. Even the entire continent of Teyvat will establish a whole set of systems just to prevent human beings from misbehaving.

Human beings will become stronger and stronger, but it doesn't matter. I will also continue to improve the strength of gods.

Humanity needs the correct guidance from the gods, otherwise the next Kanria will be born.

Once one Kanria is eliminated, there will be another."Mu Yang nodded in approval.

"how about you? As a natural being, you are also a human being, and you will make mistakes. What if you make a mistake?

Once you make a mistake, the entire continent of Teyvat will suffer."At this time, Nabu Malikata stared at Mu Yang and said

"……"Mu Yang blinked his eyes. He did not expect that Nabu Malikata would be so bold. At this time, he would actually say such words to himself, a man of heaven.

Is this to divide one's own power of heavenly law?

Do you want to check and balance the laws of heaven, or do you want to sleep obediently? If there is nothing important, it is best not to show up?

For a moment, Mu Yang couldn't grasp Nabu Malikata's thoughts.

"Adults are human too and make mistakes too."After a pause, Nabu Malikata continued to add:"In fact, not only humans, gods also make mistakes, but gods live longer than humans, know more things than humans, and have more profound knowledge.

Gods are supervised by heavenly principles and maintainers of heavenly principles. If they want to do messy things, they need to be careful about the ideas of heavenly principles.

But your thinking is different.

You are the law of heaven, even if you are the maintainer of the law of heaven, you are just your subordinate. you should know what i mean"

"So you want to limit my power?"Mu Yang looked at the bold Nabu Malikata speechlessly.

It should be said that Nabu Malikata was really bold.

Of course, it can also be said that Nabu Malikata was prepared for a rainy day.

After all , The laws of nature also make mistakes, even Mu Yang thinks he will make mistakes

"Shouldn't there be restrictions?

In today's Teyvat continent, there is no second voice at all. Asmodeus will never go against your will."Nabu Malikata stared at Mu Yang and said in a deep voice.

"This is true, but I will also refer to their opinions."Mu Yang frowned. At this time, Mu Yang couldn't figure out what Nabu Malikata was thinking. Could it be that he wanted to limit his power?

But who are you and why do you want to limit me ? power?

Girl, although you are beautiful, you seem to want to be even more beautiful! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is that so?"Nabu Malikata frowned:"But I feel it's not enough. I want to guide you by your side. This is my duty and mission."

Mu Yang looked up at the sky silently after hearing this. This woman seems to be overestimating her abilities. You guide me? Why?

Moreover, there are countless women around me helping me, okay?

Sister, you don't want to Putting your status too high.

In fact, you really are nothing

"But you know, you don't really matter to me."Mu Yangyi said pointedly:"Maybe you think you are a fairy, you are the three gods of Sumeru, but to me, you are just Nabu Malikata.

You should understand this. If even Balzeb and Buyer can't persuade me, you won't be able to do anything."

"So I am willing to be your person, whether it is a dependent or anything, even your woman. Nabu Malikata stared at Mu Yang:"Both humans and other intelligent beings will make mistakes."

You and I are no exception, and once you make a mistake, the entire continent of Teyvat will suffer.

Although I can't guarantee that I am right, I want to be by your side to help you."

"Well……"Mu Yang looked at Nabu Malikata's extremely serious look and didn't know what to say.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this fits the character of Nabu Malikata.

Although this woman likes to cause trouble, and is even the originator of the Sumeru self-destruction system, in the end, Nabu Malikata did not die at the beginning.

There is no real death for the Red King[]

If you don't get involved, Buyer will die...

Buyer, look at what Nabu Malikata did, and then look at what you did.

Forbidden knowledge is not so easy to touch. Whoever touches it will die!

However, Nabu Malikata's behavior was such that Mu Yang could not be punished.

Are you trying to be my woman on purpose?

Or for the continent of Teyvat?

If that licking dog of the Red King knew about your behavior, he would probably burst into tears, okay?

However, the Red King is gone. Mu Yang will not give the Red King a chance to resurrect. After all, in Mu Yang's view, the Red King is just a mad dog, not the kind of mad dog that likes to bite others, but likes to bite himself. Human dog.

Keeping such a dog would be a disaster. It would only bring harm to the continent of Teyvat, but not much good.

Even though the Red King has good strength and he himself is considered brave and resourceful, Mu Yang will not let the Red King go and will not accept the Red King as his subordinate.

No one knows what kind of things this guy will do after his strength improves.

As for Nabu Malikata, there was a story. For a moment, even Mu Yang didn’t know how he should face Nabu Malikata and what attitude he should maintain.

"Since you said you want to guide me to govern the Teyvat continent, how do you think the Teyvat continent should develop next?"After careful consideration, Mu Yang decided to give Nabu

Malikata a chance.

After all, Nabu Malikata's ability is indeed good. A Nabu Malikata who doesn't want to cause trouble, for Mu Yang , is indeed a good helper and can become his right-hand man.

Although Mu Yang’s right-hand man may be a little more, he may be the Thousand-Armed Guanyin...

But if Nabu Malikata is willing to help him, Mu Yang I don’t mind giving Nabu Malikata a little convenience.

Although this woman will be beaten very much, if she can do things honestly, she will bring a lot of help to the Teyvat continent.

"Kanria and the Abyss pose too great a threat to the continent of Teyvat. Nabu Malikata stared at Mu Yang and said,"I can feel that you are not afraid of the power of the abyss, and you can even give this power to others."

If my guess is correct, the current Teyvat continent is actually not very afraid of the abyss, right?"

(Please give me flowers, please give me a monthly ticket, please give me automatic subscriptions, I love you all!).

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