"Will the Red King's body be made into a doll?"Mu Yang was stunned for a moment when he heard this. For other people, using the body of a god as a battle doll would be a bit unbelievable.

But if it is a Lei movie, it can still be done..

After all, the body of the original General Raiden was made by Raiken based on his own body.

Now that Raiken has become the new ruler of life, coupled with his alchemy attainments, if the body of the Red King falls into In the hands of Lei Movie, it is definitely possible to make a human doll, and a doll that will not rebel against Wa Da.

It’s just that such behavior is somewhat inhumane.

After all, the Red King is also a famous demon god, and everyone in Sumeru has it. With his extremely high status, even now, many people in Sumeru still believe in the Red King.

If it is revealed that Lei Movie made the Red King into a battle doll, then Inazuma's side will become Even if the enemies of the Xumi desert people do not lead to war between the two sides, conflicts are inevitable. Moreover

, there is no guarantee that other people will not think of anything. If Lei Movie takes out their parts and makes them into weapons, This is acceptable to the demon gods of"490".

After all, if they had defeated their enemies, they would have done the same thing. This is everyone's normal operation.

But if they want to make the opponent If you are an adult doll, then this is somewhat unworthy of a human being.

Scholars cannot be killed and humiliated. Those demon gods are willing to be killed, but being humiliated like this is not what they are willing to bear.

"Forget it, although the Red King's strength is pretty good, in ordinary times, it is the strength of the veteran Seven Gods.

The previous explosion of Dragon King's strength was only due to the extraction of the power of earth veins. Mu Yang thought for a moment and then waved his hand and said:"The power of the earth veins is very important to the Teyvat continent. I will not allow humans and others to use the power of the earth veins at will."

I managed to control Teyvat Continent to become stronger, but as a result, the people inside overstretched the power of Teyvat Continent. Do you think I can accept it?

The Red King cannot reach the height of the Dragon King by relying on his own strength. To reach that step, he must overdraw the power of the earth veins. Moreover, this overdraft cannot be achieved overnight and can be achieved all at once.

In order for the Red King to maintain that power, it requires the power of earth veins. With this power, I might as well create some gods of my own."

Nabu Malikata was silent when she heard this. She also knew that Mu Yang could create the devil himself.

For example, Reshiram and Zekrom were created by Mu Yang according to the authority of the Dragon King. The created gods are quite powerful, and they seem to have been given power by Mu Yang. Fighting in the abyss, their power is almost endless. In other words, as long as Reshiram and Zekrom , do not feel tired, they are almost perpetual motion machines. In the abyss, these are definitely war weapons.

If Mu Yang can create a large number of such war weapons, it seems that there is no need for the Red King. This is much easier to use than the Red King.

However, at this time, Mu Yang showed a hint of contemplation. In fact, there are goddesses of March on the continent of Teyvat. According to his intelligence, these gods, In fact, he is also related to Fanes, and even to Asmodeus.

But after coming to the continent of Teyvat, Mu Yang did not discover these three moon goddesses. Perhaps it was because of his relationship that the world was in chaos. Are there no such goddesses anymore?

Mu Yang can only attribute the reason to himself. There is no other way. It is actually because of some settings of Teyvat Continent and various analyzes he has read online before, as well as the games he plays. The analysis done is very different.

"If so, I am talking too much."Nabu Malikata admitted her mistake.

As for what happened to the Red King's body, neither Mu Yang nor Nabu Malikata seemed to care. After all, he was just a dog-licking tool. Nabu Malikata has no idea of ​​continuing to use the Red King.

Of course, even if she wants to use it, the Red King has completely fallen, and even if Nabu Malikata wants to use it, she can't find the body.

Besides, Shenabu Malikata isn't a demon, right?

"It's okay. If you have any suggestions that you think are good, you can put them forward to me and I will consider them."Mu Yang shook his head slightly. Little did he know that at this time, Mu Yang did regret a little and directly crushed the Red King to ashes. The

Red King's authority was more or less related to the sun, although there was nothing on the Tevat continent. The real sun god.

The sky of the Teyvat continent is false. Can the sun in the false sky be real?

But with Mu Yang adding the power of the lunar and the sun to the Teyvat continent, if the Red King If he is still alive, then as these two forces increase, the Red King will become stronger and stronger, but the Red King himself cannot wait for this time. The Red King and Mu Yang are not related, nor are they related to each other. Mu Yang's younger brother is unwilling to stand on the side of Teyvat Continent, fight for Teyvat Continent, and even likes to cause trouble. Facing such a person, it would be a strange thing for Mu Yang to have a good impression of the Red King..

And that guy, the Red King, is also obsessed with Nabu Malikata and is not a good bird.

If the Red King's body is left behind, when he wants to create the Sun God, the power consumed will be greatly reduced. Less.

Forget it, this is not my own problem. The main reason is that the power of Nasida and the Great Ci Tree King is insufficient. Otherwise, I would have created gods every minute.

Think about it carefully, in fact, the gods that are missing on the Teyvat Continent are still There are quite a few. In the future, Mu Yang also wants to turn the starry sky of Teyvat Continent into a real starry sky. At that time, a god will be assigned to each star. In other words, in mythology, how many stars come to the sky every week?

360 or 365? However

, this is not important. No matter what, it is still very important for Muyang to gather the thirty-six Tiangang and the seventy-two Earthly Demons, right?

But Muyang does not have so many People, Muyang doesn’t have enough people. Not to mention Muyang’s talent pool, there don’t seem to be so many truly outstanding talents here in Teyvat Continent. Regardless of the current Teyvat Continent, there are a lot of so-called talents.

Join the chat group Everyone is a talent from the Teyvat continent, but if you want to gather so many people, the members of the chat group are far from enough. Muyang can't get so many people into the chat group for the time being.

In the beginning, Muyang also has a limit on the number of people he can invite into the chat group.

This is not because Muyang does not want to attract more people, but because his ability is limited. After all, after joining the chat group, they will also get Mu Yang's power, even if Mu Yang is the law of heaven, it is impossible for him to release his power endlessly.

As Mu Yang's strength becomes stronger and stronger, the number of people who can release power gradually begins to increase. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now Mu Yang can also issue powers to continue, but he has to gather one hundred and eight generals in one breath, which Mu Yang cannot do now.

At the same time, those magical powers created by Mu Yang The treasures also need the power of Mu Yang. Without the power given by Mu Yang, their strength will not be able to continue to improve and become the mainstay of the Teyvat Continent.

Mu Yang created these Pokémon in the Teyvat Continent. It’s just to let them act cute, but to let them contribute to the Teyvat Continent.

Since Muyang wants to create gods, these gods will become the mainstay of the Teyvat Continent in the future. Their original strength is actually not important. With Mu Yang's help, even if they are weak, Mu Yang can help them become strong.

The reason why Pokémon was created was mainly because Mu Yang had a good impression of them. After all, playing so many Pokémon games in his previous life was not in vain.

At this time, if we don’t create Pokmon, do we still need to create the fantasy beast Palu?

"In this case, I will go to Sky Island first."Nabu Malikata's eyes flickered slightly. Now standing in front of Asmode, can she stand up straight?

After all, Asmode does not seem to be Mu Yang's woman. Although she got Mu Yang in 4.0 Yang's power, but Muyang was willing to accept Asmode, probably because Asmode himself is the maintainer of heavenly principles.

After learning about the death of Faness, Asmode saw Mu Yang's ability, He surrendered immediately. There was no other way. If Asmodeus did not recognize Mu Yang, then the Teyvat continent was doomed.

Mu Yang was indeed the one most suitable to become Tianli, and with Mu Yang’s help, Ah Only Asmode could solve the dilemma at that time.

In this way, Asmode chose Mu Yang.

But Asmode only helped Mu Yang and continued to be the maintainer of heavenly principles. To a certain extent, Asmode Virtue is the housekeeper.

But she is not Muyang's woman, but she is Muyang's woman and Muyang's dependent. This status should be no worse than Asmode's. When the time comes,

I will meet him in person. When Smulder was here, he had to straighten his back.

But having said that, how could Sky Island become like this now? []

Nabu Malikata felt that she needed to do something.

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