"Have most people integrated into Liyue's life? that's enough."Heulia breathed a sigh of relief.

When she was killed by these people for the sake of these people, Heulia didn't think that every one of her people could get good treatment. Morax might Although they accept some people, they will not take good care of everyone.

Moreover, even the gods cannot treat them equally. It is impossible to treat them better just because they joined halfway, or even Obtain superhuman status?

Haha, in this case, what should the people of Liyue do in the past?

They all followed the Yan King Emperor to conquer the world. As a result, the treatment they received was not as good as those who joined halfway. Most people simply didn't Unacceptable.

If it were Heulia herself, if the status of the new humans surpassed the original people, Heulia would not do such a thing, which would chill her people.

After all , After all, Heulia is not completely mindless. As for those forces that prefer friends to domestic slaves, they will be finished sooner or later.

How can you show your sincerity and make others feel like they are following you? There are benefits to being mixed, but isn’t it sacrificing the interests of one’s own people?

So sometimes, this is a difficult thing to balance. The only thing that can be done is to develop oneself well.

"However, after the establishment of the Seven Kingdoms and the establishment of the Seven Rulers of the World, a lot of things happened. Zhongli paused, pointed to Mu Yang and said,"This is the current Tianli of Teyvat Continent." It was He who resurrected you"

"Heavenly justice?Σ(Д)"Heulia's whole body was in bad shape.

As a little shrimp among the demon gods, Heulia said that she only knew that there was the existence of heavenly law and that he was the most supreme god in the world. As for seeing it, he had definitely never seen it. He just knew that there was the existence of heavenly law.

Even the keeper of heavenly law, a little shrimp like Heulia, is not qualified to know.

"So at this time, should I kneel down?"Heulia asked quickly.

It's not that Heulia is not bold, this is a more powerful existence than Morax and the others.

Even though he is just a weakling, Heulia has seen Morak at least before. The earth-shaking power of Si's attack made Heulia feel that she could not be her opponent at all.

And Tianli was a god more powerful than Morax and his immediate boss, which made him feel How could Heulia not feel shocked?

Why did Tianli want to resurrect her?

"unnecessary."Mu Yang waved his hand:"I don't like those messy things. After sizing up Heulia for a moment, Mu Yang asked:"Betrayed by your own people, but you still care about your people."

What do you think now, if you had another chance, would you do it again?!"

Heulia was silent after hearing this. It was enough courage to die once.

But if she had to commit suicide again for humanity, even Heulia herself didn't know if she could do it.

Moreover, At this time, my own life should no longer be the decision of my own, right?

"It seems you don't know either. Seeing Heulia like this, Mu Yang also chuckled:"Demon lover, in fact, I feel that for the Demon God, this is not a curse.""

Mu Yang's words attracted the attention of Morax and Heulia. After all, no one had ever said that this was a curse before.

"The devil's kindness to humans is a little too much."Mu Yang sighed softly:"I don't reject the devil's love. After all, it is good for mankind, but the problems are also not small.

Sometimes humans have no bottom line. Just like when those humans assassinated you, Heulia, I felt it was too much. There was really no need for these people to survive.

As far as I know, the descendants of those guys seem to be a bunch of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, right?"

As he said that, Mu Yang looked at Morax on the side and asked. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhongli nodded slightly:"There is a saying circulating in Liyue recently, that is The Demon God of Salt Heulia is a very powerful god. In order to defeat Heulia, the Rock King Morax used a despicable and shameless assassination method. Otherwise, the God of Rock would not be Morak It's Heulia"

"ah! ? Morax assassinates me? Heulia was dumbfounded:"You don't need to assassinate me if you want to kill me, you can easily kill me directly.""

When talking about the latter part, Heulia was about to cry.

So Tianli and Morax resurrected themselves in order to show a miracle in front of their people?

It proves that Morax wants to kill Heulia. In fact, there is no need to assassinate, just kill openly and honestly.

Heulia said that it was too difficult for her. She was finally resurrected, but in the end she had to be used to prove that she was not Morax's opponent.

But If I want to escape, I don't seem to have the strength or opportunity.

"I don't really care about these things."Seemingly feeling Heulia's emotions, Morax said lightly:"Now we don't have enough manpower. I remembered that although your strength is weak, you also have certain methods in governance, so I resurrected you."

"I am weak and I am really sorry for you!!"Heulia couldn't help but complain, and then noticed something was wrong with herself. The two people in front of her were Morax, who was extremely terrifying during the Demon God War. The other was the entire Teyvat continent. The highest boss is Tianli. Facing these two people, he has no chance to jump.

"There is nothing you can do about it. Strength or anything like that is not important to me. As long as I want, I can help you become as strong as Morax at any time. Mu Yang chuckled and said

"A strong man like Morax."Heulia's eyes trembled.[]

She would not deny Morax's strength.

But if he could gain the same strength as Morax, would he be able to do a lot of things, and even protect his people?

Oh, by the way, now I have no subjects.

Thinking of this, Heulia also sighed silently:"So what can I do now?"

(My home is about three kilometers away from the ancient tea and tea roads in the town. In the past, I could order takeout and have it delivered. , but I haven’t given them away recently. Have you all gone home to celebrate the New Year? It’s really hard to live without milk tea. (inch).

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