Wendy's words caused an uproar in the group at once.

In addition to so many monsters on the other side of the abyss, there is a big move, this time, can Mondstadt withstand it?

As a large amount of leyline power was extracted, a huge spatial passage appeared about five kilometers outside of Mondstadt.

An angry roar sounded from the spatial passage, and a behemoth about forty or fifty meters long emerged from the spatial passage.

[Zhongli: "This is the Golden King Beast, it is the creation of the Golden Reindot, you should be careful, if you are injured by the Golden King Beast, you will be polluted by the abyss breath. "

Muyang: "I didn't expect that they even summoned the Golden King Beast." Tricky opponents indeed!"

Keqing: "Such a guy, even an immortal is probably difficult to deal with, right?"

Mu Yang: "Immortals should be able to deal with, but it takes a lot of effort. "

Madame Ping: "Humans may not be able to fight against the Golden King Beasts, but there were also many Golden King Beasts that invaded Liyue during the original disaster, and it was precisely because of the large number of Liyue ancestors who united to hold these Golden King Beasts back for the immortals, and finally won the victory. "

Muyang: "With the current situation in Mondstadt, it seems that it is almost time for me to make a move!"

The arrival of the Golden King Beast made the residents of Mondstadt, who had been able to unite to fight against the monsters, feel a trace of despair.

They were not wrong to believe in 20 Barbatos, but now Barbatos was being held back by Anemoterror.

And a monster like the Golden King Beast gives them too much deterrence, is this really something that humans can fight against?

Moreover, after one Golden King Beast drilled out of the spatial wormhole, two more Golden King Beasts drilled out of the spatial wormhole.

Even at this time, when Qin looked at these golden king beasts, he was unprecedentedly dignified.

Such a monster, even if it is tricky enough to deal with one, now there are three directly, fortunately this time, there is Mr. Muyang, otherwise it will be troublesome.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out from Mondstadt and appeared directly in the path of the three Golden King Beasts, and at the same time, a huge wind ball appeared in his hand, and the incomparably terrifying wind elemental power was constantly purified and compressed in his hand, emitting a buzzing and piercing roar.

"This wind elemental power, didn't I teach you that!?" Wendy's eyelids jumped when he saw the wind element that was constantly compressed, and he taught Mu Yang the use of the wind element, which was definitely the use of four or two thousand catties.

What about Muyang?

This guy is so violent!

This kind of use reminded Wendy of Decarapian, who also used the wind elemental power in the first place!!

"Spiral shuriken!" With Mu Yang's loud shout, the wind ball in his hand was directly thrown by him, and the golden king beast led by him was in the middle.

The moment this wind ball touched the Golden King Beast, it rapidly expanded and became larger, turning into a huge wind field with a radius of hundreds of meters, enveloping the three Golden King Beasts in it.

A cry of pain rang out from the mouth of the Golden King Beast, and the Wind Elemental was like a sharp blade, constantly cutting through the Golden King Beast's body, crushing and tearing their bodies to pieces.

This scene made everyone swallow a mouthful of saliva, who is the god of wind?

The false Anemo God, who is only submissive in the face of the Stormterror, has not defeated the Stormterror for so long.

The real wind god easily rubbed out a wind ball, and in an instant, he wiped out the three golden king beasts.

And after eliminating the three golden king beasts, Mu Yang did not have the slightest joy, but instead looked at the location of the empty sky.

The two stared at each other from a distance of several kilometers.

But whether it's for Muyang or the sky, the distance of these few kilometers is just a matter of an instant.

Sora never imagined that such a person would emerge from Mondstadt.

Moreover, this trick even gave him a sense of déjà vu!

I've never seen such a person on the Teyvat continent before, when did he appear?

And, through the traces of the opponent's shot,

You don't have to think about it to know that the strength of the other party is very likely to be at the level of the Seven Gods!

Otherwise, it would not be possible to deal with the Golden King Beast so easily.

Now there is such a powerful being in Mondstadt that it is almost impossible to destroy Mondstadt!

It's not yet time for him to actually make a move!

Moreover, if a great war breaks out in Mundne, there is no guarantee that Morax from Liyue will not come.

This time, his plan fell short.

Sora looked at Wendy again, Wendy was still weak at this time, and even this weakness was even worse than before, at first glance, it looked like the abyss pollution was intensifying, and even when he made a move, there was still an abyss aura on his body.

At the time of Barbatos' move, their plan to pollute Barbatos through the Statue of the Seven Heavens was also accelerating.

As far as Barbatos is now, even if the Seven Gods make a move, it is almost impossible to purify the current Barbatos, the strategic goal, which is also half completed.

Over time, Barbatos will eventually become a puppet of their abyss!

Sora knew that the war between himself and Tianli was never a battle that could be ended in two battles, and this was just the beginning.

Now that he has achieved the advantage, it seems that there is no need to continue this battle. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Let's go!" Sora glanced at Mu Yang deeply, and then glanced at Wendy, who "just happened" to send Ying onto Dvalin's back, and said in a deep voice to the abyss mage beside him.

Seems to be the only thing to worry about is his stupid sister.

Their physique is special, and it is not difficult for Ying to help Dvalin solve the poison on his body, but the abyss pollution on Barbatos's body, even Ying can't help anything.

I hope she doesn't come nonsense!

A spatial passage opened behind the empty space, and he drilled directly into it.

"Great, the monsters have been destroyed, brothers, let's rush!

"Long live Lord Barbatos, and Mondstadt forever!"


Seeing that the Golden King Beast had been easily slain, the men of Mondstadt relented even more with even greater fervor as if they had been beaten with blood, and fought against the monsters.

"Then it's almost time for me to do something!" Wendy smiled at the corner of her mouth.

This big drama has come to an end, and it's time for me to make a move!

As Wendy played the harp in his hand, the surrounding wind elements were mobilized, and the monsters that were far away from the crowd were wrapped in the wind one after another, and then "like a spring breeze", they were quietly wiped out.

But this scene was broadcast live by Muyang.

[Ganyu: "It is worthy of Lord Barbatos, even if a thousand years have passed, Weili is still terrifying. "

Keqing: "Is this a god? Wind God is like this, so how terrifying is the power of the emperor?"

Zhongli: "Among the seven gods, the wind god seems to be out of tune, but his divine power is indeed beyond doubt. "

Ningguang: "But who was Mu Yang looking at before? Could it be that he is a high-level member of the Abyss Order?"

Mu Yang: "Well, it's indeed the top of the Abyss Order, and fortunately, the other party didn't dare to make a direct move, otherwise Mondstadt would indeed be in huge trouble this time."

The strength of the other party is very strong!"

Keqing: "Do you even feel tricky? Don't you kill the other party as soon as you make a move? Just like you said before that the Golden King Beast was very tricky, but what happened? With one move, you killed three of them in seconds." "

Muyang: "..."]

It seems that he has indeed foreshadowed the strength of the Golden King Beast before, so is this pretending?757

But it's a spike or something, and now he really can't do it!!

However, he also discovered that the empty side does not seem to be as powerful as he imagined.

He remembered that when he used to read novels, he was boasting that Sora and Ying's heyday strength was above the Seven Gods, and he could even suppress Morax's fight.

But now it doesn't seem to be that powerful!

However, in the abyss, there is not only such a strong person as Kong, there are not a few strong people in it!

Moreover, even if the strong don't make a move, just the pollution of the abyss is enough to give Teyvat a headache.

Of course, for the current Muyang, isn't this sending experience?

On the other side, Ying managed to fly onto Dvalin's back.

Well, she'd been sitting and trying it before, but every time it fell short.

Now it's finally a success!

"Phew, it's finally a success, let's help Dvalin purify it as soon as possible, and when it's over, we can go to the celebration party!" Paimon said happily as he let go of his small hand gripping Ying's hair.

()~ Ying launched a death stare at Paimon, how can this guy grab his own hair!

Fortunately, my hair is strong enough, if I get caught bald, it will be troublesome!

However, now is not the time to settle accounts with Paimon, so she quickly arrives at the location of the Stinger and slashes it down with her bladeless sword.

With a ding, a huge gap was missing from the stinger, revealing the wound inside, and Ying reached out and pressed her right hand against Dvalin's wound.

She didn't know how she could help Dvalin detoxify, and she used her elemental powers.

She was pleasantly surprised to find that the hideous and terrifying wound that exuded a rich poisonous gas had gradually disappeared under the influence of her own elemental power!

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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