Eula was confused.

Originally, Eula thought that after this incident, the Lawrence family would become more and more notorious, and even become the object of everyone's spit.

Unexpectedly, Barbatos, the god of wind, stood up at this time to correct the name of their Lawrence family.

As for Schubert or something, die and die!

Moreover, doesn't Barbatos also say that Schubert was actually controlled by the Abyss Apostles?

So this time, it doesn't seem that the Lawrence family died unjustly!

It is conceivable that with the name of Barbatos, the god of wind, the Lawrence family's plight in Mondstadt will be greatly alleviated.

That's a big surprise, right?

Although many people have died in the Lawrence family, the Lawrence family has also been reborn!


Deathly silence!

Everyone was silent!

Over the years, they have all become accustomed to hostility towards the Lawrence family, including Eula, who was not without a shortage of protests when Eula entered the Knights of Favonius.

But now it's different, Eula actually saved Mondstadt, is this what the evil Lawrence family should do?

If the person who said this was not Barbatos, I am afraid that countless people would question that this is fake news!

But at this time, what can they say?

Naturally, I believe in Lord Barbatos!

Even if they feel like they've been fed a mouthful of!

However, the people of Mondstadt seem to have the same faith in Barbatos, the god of wind, as they do in the people of Liyue, in Morax, the god of the rock.

May the wind god bless you and the spread of faith in the Church of Zephyr, not for nothing.

I don't know who took the lead, and 330 began to applaud Eula, and with such a lead, the other people of Mondstadt, no matter how unhappy they were, applauded Eula at this time.

At this time, many people in Mondstadt were surprised to find that if the identity of the Lawrence family was aside, Eula was still very beautiful and in good shape.

Moreover, the Lawrence family has also suffered heavy losses, does it mean that the current Eula is likely to become the helmsman of the Lawrence family.

If that's the case, it's not impossible for the Lawrence family's son-in-law!!

Everyone hates the Lawrence family, but everyone wants to be Lawrence's son-in-law.

Being watched by so many people, Eula's heart is also up and down, and she finds that these people seem to look at her differently than before, and they seem to recognize herself a lot.

It looks like that's really nice!

Perhaps, the death of those clansmen is also worth it!

Shaking her head, Eula glared at Mu Yang beside her again, this guy must have known what was going to happen here, and even all this was planned by Mu Yang and the wind god Barbatos.

This guy definitely wants to move himself, and then let himself cry, hum, this hatred, I wrote it down!

"Also, I want to thank this traveler from another world!" Immediately after, Barbatos pointed to Ying not far away, "Thanks to these honorary knights, if it weren't for her help, I wouldn't have been able to solve the poison on Dvalin!"

Compared with Eula, people's recognition of Ying is obviously much easier.

Honorary Knight?

Although I don't know when there will be such a knight in Mondstadt.

But the other party saved the dragon of the east wind, and it really deserves their respect!

"Ying, isn't it a pity that you said, I knew we could talk about more pay!" Paimon whispered to Ying, who was beside him.

()~, Ying glanced at Paimon, who was greedy for money, a little speechless.

Mora or something, Ying is not lacking for the time being, at least she can barely afford to raise Paimon.

But my brother's information is crucial to Ying.

The other party is the wind god Barbatos, and I think there should be a special news channel.

Seeing that it was almost over, Wendy continued: "I hope you can remember that today, the Abyss Cult has always wanted to destroy the Teyvat Continent, and there are no eggs under the nest.

This is not the end, just the beginning!

May the winds of freedom always shelter you!"

After saying that, Wendy controlled Dvalin and drifted away.

His words made the hearts of many Mondstadt people feel tight, and this was the end, but the beginning.

That's not good news for them.

But the threat of the Abyss Order was something they had to face.

At this time, many people had the idea of joining the Knights of Favonius.

Now that the main force of the Knights of Favonius is on an expedition, and the Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt are expanding, if you want to improve yourself, the Knights of Favonius is indeed the best way to go!

However, at this time, they can indeed rest and relax.

Many people have decided not to get drunk and not return!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Under the big tree where the wind rises, Wendy and Muyang silently wait for Ying and Paimon to arrive.

"I didn't expect this wine, you have it!

This is Lord Diluc's treasured wine, I wanted to steal this wine, but I was caught by Lord Diluc, it is said that if this wine is bought outside, it will cost at least five million mora!" Drinking the wine that Muyang poured for herself, Wendy chattered.

Mu Yang nibbled on a chicken leg and chuckled, "Who asked us to go to him last time, he only cared about you, but not me?"

I took a lot of famous wines with me, and he should have known that I made it, but he didn't ask me for money.

Of course, I don't lack this money myself!(CACD)"

"How can this be? He won't give me any of these wines!" Wendy was also dissatisfied in an instant, and he could only drink dandelion wine, but Muyang directly took the famous wine, in the end, Muyang is the god of wind, or is he the god of wind!

"Who made you, the god of wind, seem to be unreliable?" Mu Yang said, spreading his hands, "However, Mondstadt's affairs are almost over, and I should almost leave." "

"Are you leaving?" Wendy was stunned, then nodded slightly and said, "Indeed, you have your own affairs to deal with.

The power has been given to us, and then it is up to us to deal with the monsters and the abyss.

I just don't know if the people of the Abyss Order will launch an attack on Mondstadt after discovering that I can't fall into the abyss. "

Restraining the power of the Abyss, it is definitely impossible for the Abyss Order to ignore it, otherwise, it would be impossible for Wendy to use Ying as a cover.

You know, if Wendy solves Dvalin's problem on her own, there will definitely be a lot of points you can get.

But Wendy still used Ying Lai as a cover, and until Diluc, Jean, and now Eula had not fully grown up, Mondstadt could not withstand the invasion of the Abyss Order.

Even if Liyue would come over to help.

The power of the abyss is beyond imagination, just look at those golden king beasts that gnaw at the world barrier at the borders of the world.

"Then get stronger as soon as possible!

And you're not Barbatos, the wind god, but Wendy, the bard!" Mu Yang chuckled: "Now my strength is not strong enough, I still need to get at least two god hearts before I can unite myself and the barriers of the world."

At that time, it will be much more difficult for the Abyss to invade the Teyvat continent.

The problem of the leylines will also be solved. "

"Then you have to work hard!" Wendy said with a solemn expression, "The previous Heavenly Principles made us feel great pressure, although we know that he is guarding the Teyvat Continent in his own way, but there are some ways that we don't really recognize.

But your words will definitely become a good reason!"

"Uh-huh!" Mu Yang raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything more.

Since he has become a heavenly principle, it is also his responsibility to suppress those abyssal strong enemies!

Then, he looked into the distance again, where Ying and Paimon were heading towards him.

"Ying, look, Sweet Flower Stuffed Chicken!" Paimon came to the side of the two of them, and when he saw the Sweet Flower Stuffed Chicken in Muyang's hand, the corners of his mouth were also drooling.

Seeing Paimon like this, Mu Yang directly ripped off a chicken wing and threw it to Paimon, saying, "What a greedy little guy, this chicken wing is for you." "

Paimon quickly took the chicken wings and took a bite of it, saying, "I'm not greedy, I'm just a little hungry."

We've just had a big war before!"

()~ Seeing this, Ying cast another death stare at Paimon: "It's me who is fighting, you didn't do anything." "

"What's the matter, I've been cheering for you all along!" Paimon's mouth was full of oil, "However, Muyang, your sweet and sweet stuffed chicken is delicious, it's even better than what we ate at the Deer Hunter Restaurant." "

"It's a gift from an angel!

Don't look at it as a tavern, but the food inside is quite delicious!Even the best in Mondstadt is not an exaggeration!" Mu Yang chuckled.

At this time, Ying didn't pay attention to the question of where the sweet and sweet stuffed chicken was delicious, she just looked at Wendy beside Muyang and said, "Do I call you Wendy or Barbatos, the god of wind?"

"It's okay to call me Wendy, I'm just a mediocre bard!" Wendy chuckled as she took a sip of her wine.

"Did you notice me before because I had the ability to help you solve Dvalin's problems, or because I was special and you knew me?"

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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